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New Character Idea: Big Falcon!

Bob Lablaw

Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2006
So here's my idea.

I want to see a new version of Ganon first off. Completely original, but I want them to keep the falcon clone version of Ganon and simply make him Big Captain Falcon.
A version of Falcon that has presumably been working out like a mad man and pumping crazy amounts of roids for a few years and is now friggin huge. The only difference between Big Falcon and Ganon as he is now in melee should be the punch.

I'm thinking this new character should have his own version of the Falcon Punch that takes around 45 seconds to a minute to charge and if it's ever done in a match it's a guaranteed win. He punches so hard that everything is simply obliterated and the only thing left is Falcon.

And on top of that I'd like to see the over 50 retired version of Falcon. At this point in his life I'm thinking that Falcon has become a hopeless alchoholic.

His entire move set is a mixture of old Falcon moves done half ***** (like falcon kicking but tripping in the middle of it or charging a falcon punch but giving up halfway through because it's too much work) and horribly hurtful insults stemming from his own inner self loathing from becoming such a fat mean alchoholic. (oh yeah I forgot to mention that this version of Falcon has become fat and very out of shape).
Whenever he runs for any long lengths of time he should have to stop for a few moments to catch his breath.

In order to make this character halfway decent I think he should finally start using that gun on his belt. Despite being a drunk his years of service as an intergalactic police force/F-zero driver (or whatever it is that he did, I never did find out what that was exactly) have made him into a fantastic shot. So he's great with a gun whenever his drunk *** isn't getting distracted shooting at passing birds, ships and a constantly booing crowd who hates what Falcon has now become.

They remember the old days, the good days. When Falcon was a glorious combatant. A real crowd pleaser with his flashy combos, mighty falcon punches and give em hell attitude.

Now that I think about it I would hate this character. I think I just wanted more Falcon, but one is enough. Having more would only devalue the one we have, make him less special. And I don't think I could stand to see my captain let himself go like that.

The Timeless Captain Falcon for Brawl! May he never Change!


Nov 5, 2006
Bottom of the tier list.
Captain Falcon on roids is sending the wrong message to children....

... Hey EpF changed his avatar!!! I'll never think of him the same (because he is Sora now)
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