.i like the Lylat system tour.
Its on the great fox but it goes from one planet to the next, adn certain planets have different outside factors: some have arwings that serve like platforms, Bills level has Bill's ships flying around doing diff thigns, teh toxic level has toxic hazards adn tht boat tht shoots cannons appeasrs evey so often and in this level your flying just over the toxic, with teh bottom wings in the toxic, just differnt things in the diffferent planets...and whenever you change planets you get that hyper space thing from star fox 64 in the background, and on the way down to a planet the great fox can tilt down and when leaving it tilts up, sometimes so extreme that you have to get to the right place on the ship to avoid falling and sometimes barely noticable...wolfen's make appearances, KAT makes an appearance ont eh toxic level,,,,the possibilities truly are endless...liek on that level where your on that lava planet, that lava boss could appeaar on ont eh side of the ship and could throw his fists and fire birds at combatants, teh lava could cause for the ship to shake rarely.....on a level arwings could serve as non stationary platforms (and on other level mayeb they move)flyign above the great fox so its liek a real air battle, venom coudl see that giant rock man thing running along the great fox for a ittle while.....teh train level could see trains goign under the great fox and you could in some cases survive by lanidng on them. .....then make ur way up the guns or thrusters and back on the ship..and imagine a corneria level where at one poitn the great fox flips leaving hte comabtants on a building while the great fox circles int eh background shooting graphically beautiful lasers at small wolfens, and when it comes back you get back on and continue the tour........some levels like the snow where the first star wolf battle took place woudl have extreme laser battles between wolfens and arwings going on in the background..in sector Z could have a missle getting really close and tehn destroyed at the last second wiht a beatuifu explosion in the background, and maybe another missle could fly just over the top of the great fox.....An asteroid field could just be a pretty level wheere at one point you go into an asteriod where you cant be Ko'd, there may be some dodging asteroids...a level might change the view to that of venom in melee.....there are so many thigns that coudl happen, it may need to be seperated into two parts, but i really think this oculd be an awesome level, especially on like a 10 stocker where you get to experience all the planets......OH and each battle shoudl begin at a different planet...a random starting planet so your not missing hte same planets everythime you batte on the tour.