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Networking Research!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 10, 2007
Maryland, USA
I'm a graduate student studying Computer Networks. Recently, my adviser and I have been talking back and forth about online games. Our current plan (I think) is to get two Wiis in the lab, connect them on a LAN, and then vary the latency to see how it affects both user performance and user satisfaction.

Other people have done this with FPSes for instance, but my contention is that fighting games are a straggling genre in terms of online play due to the much higher rate of interactivity among players (than, say, in an FPS). Once we quantify what latencies are required for online play, we'll see what we can do about achieving those latencies among general end-hosts (if possible) or try to come up with new latency compensation techniques.

I just thought people might be interested in this. Unfortunately, he didn't like my other idea of a broader matchmaking service than XBox Live, that can either match on skill, network performance, trust, etc. depending on the user's preference.

Will any of this research affect you personally? Well, probably not, but I guess it might eventually (in the next version of Smash Bros perhaps if I'm completely and overwhelmingly successful?).


Smash Champion
Jul 8, 2008
this could be pretty interesting, then again, i am always for something that will make online gaming have less lag. but i agree with wat ur sayin about fighting games, they hava big disadvantage because of their fast pace, but i think the biggest problem is ppl's interent speeds, if they bothhave decent broadband then the match is usually fine...
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