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Netplay build as regular Brawl?


Smash Rookie
May 4, 2015
I followed Y-L's guide on setting up netplay, however.. I'm not sure what's going on here:

Me and my friend have the same version of brawl, and the netplay build matches respectively. The Checksum matches too.

However the information for the original brawl is incorrect. And when I mount Project M Netplay onto it, suddenly the icons show as it being recognized as brawl. Yet the original remains untouched.

Just a note, the project m version loads just fine. Plays like project M normally. Just can't do netplay.

Is there anything I can do? Thanks in advance.


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2014
Ventura, CA
It's because they share the same info or something when a save file is created. You can fix this by deleting it. Right click (for both games) open wii save folder, and delete them. Afterwards in Dolphin hit view->purge cache.
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