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Nerves problem while playing


Smash Cadet
Oct 23, 2014
South Yorkshire
I was wondering if anyone else had or still has this problem. Basically I play fine when I'm against bots or my friends, but since I have started using pm netplay whenever I play against a randomer online, even in friendlies, I get somewhat nervous and it leads to me playing not as good as I would normally. Will it get better with time? It might seem like a John but it isn't


Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2014
Trashville, Colorado
It's pretty natural to get nervous playing seriously against someone. I used to have the same problem in Starcraft 2, and I found a couple ways of dealing with it.
1. The ranking points they employ on netplay are imaginary, they don't really mean anything. I like to think of them as free money. A currency I can use to play better and better players and learn more from them. Kind of like a money match, but instead of money it's points.
2. I played SC2 ranked A LOT. Just over and over to help get over my fears of it (this may or may not work, but it helped me quite a bit.)
3. Most Netplay players are super nice (unlike SC2 players..), and are willing to give lotsa tips if you want them. After a ranked, try asking the other player what you could do better. Learning more will help you to be a better player which will improve your confidence.

Sorry if it's worded strange, I just woke up and am having trouble putting my thoughts into understandable sentences.


Dec 2, 2001
dallas area
I was wondering if anyone else had or still has this problem. Basically I play fine when I'm against bots or my friends, but since I have started using pm netplay whenever I play against a randomer online, even in friendlies, I get somewhat nervous and it leads to me playing not as good as I would normally. Will it get better with time? It might seem like a John but it isn't
It gets better the more you play.
pretty much this. you'll just need to grind it out. if you get nervous in friendlies, just play a lot of those. once you're good, move into "seriouslies" (or if that's just a ridiculous concept, skip this step), then go into small money matches here and there, all the while keep up doing tourney sets. you're going to lose money, but that's part of dealing with the nerves.

the more you perceive to be on the line, the more likely you are to get tourney nerves, regardless of the setting, and that's what you just need to get accustomed to.


Smash Cadet
Oct 23, 2014
South Yorkshire
pretty much this. you'll just need to grind it out. if you get nervous in friendlies, just play a lot of those. once you're good, move into "seriouslies" (or if that's just a ridiculous concept, skip this step), then go into small money matches here and there, all the while keep up doing tourney sets. you're going to lose money, but that's part of dealing with the nerves.

the more you perceive to be on the line, the more likely you are to get tourney nerves, regardless of the setting, and that's what you just need to get accustomed to.


Smash Cadet
Oct 23, 2014
South Yorkshire
It's pretty natural to get nervous playing seriously against someone. I used to have the same problem in Starcraft 2, and I found a couple ways of dealing with it.
1. The ranking points they employ on netplay are imaginary, they don't really mean anything. I like to think of them as free money. A currency I can use to play better and better players and learn more from them. Kind of like a money match, but instead of money it's points.
2. I played SC2 ranked A LOT. Just over and over to help get over my fears of it (this may or may not work, but it helped me quite a bit.)
3. Most Netplay players are super nice (unlike SC2 players..), and are willing to give lotsa tips if you want them. After a ranked, try asking the other player what you could do better. Learning more will help you to be a better player which will improve your confidence.

Sorry if it's worded strange, I just woke up and am having trouble putting my thoughts into understandable sentences.
It was worded fine, thanks for the help


*~About That BASS.~*
Jul 28, 2014
Richmond, VA
I was wondering if anyone else had or still has this problem. Basically I play fine when I'm against bots or my friends, but since I have started using pm netplay whenever I play against a randomer online, even in friendlies, I get somewhat nervous and it leads to me playing not as good as I would normally. Will it get better with time? It might seem like a John but it isn't
Haven't read any of the posts because I've had this problem for years upon years and know the solution so trust me when I say this:

Keep fighting more/random people. the nerves are from the idea subconciously of the audience of both the opponent and the people around you, as well as the pressure of the Win vs the Loss. You could be like me; practice religiously and hone my AT and Tech Skill day in and day out and beat my friends on a regular basis, but the second you fight ANYONE who's your level or higher that you could possibly, and sometimes definitely beat, you suddenly make mistakes that get to you for how it NEVER happens otherwise, so why them? why that major of a mistake? Nerves.

Trust me. Fight more people you rarely/never fight and compete when you have the chance more often, social anxiety or scene recognition isn't as important as knowing that "no matter who, what, when, where, I'm on point; the only reason I lose today is because my opponent made better -whatever inserted here- but Not because of me." Best of Luck, Good Luck, and Believe me when I say this helps: You're not awful, You're scared. (in the least insulting way)

EDIT: This applies to Online opponents as well, audience or not, the same exact thought process happens.
Last edited:


Smash Cadet
Oct 23, 2014
South Yorkshire
Haven't read any of the posts because I've had this problem for years upon years and know the solution so trust me when I say this:

Keep fighting more/random people. the nerves are from the idea subconciously of the audience of both the opponent and the people around you, as well as the pressure of the Win vs the Loss. You could be like me; practice religiously and hone my AT and Tech Skill day in and day out and beat my friends on a regular basis, but the second you fight ANYONE who's your level or higher that you could possibly, and sometimes definitely beat, you suddenly make mistakes that get to you for how it NEVER happens otherwise, so why them? why that major of a mistake? Nerves.

Trust me. Fight more people you rarely/never fight and compete when you have the chance more often, social anxiety or scene recognition isn't as important as knowing that "no matter who, what, when, where, I'm on point; the only reason I lose today is because my opponent made better -whatever inserted here- but Not because of me." Best of Luck, Good Luck, and Believe me when I say this helps: You're not awful, You're scared. (in the least insulting way)

EDIT: This applies to Online opponents as well, audience or not, the same exact thought process happens.
thanks alot
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