timid 252 sp atk 252 speed 6 hp
HP ice
Baton pass
jolteon's a staple in almost all my teams. i have different variations as will be seen later. this is the most standard one, Boltbeam coverage, sub and baton pass abuse that insane speed. Did I mention it naturally outspeeds modest scarf heatrans?
impish 252 hp 128 def 128 spdef
standard stalling umbreon/mixed wall. this thing can actually toxicstall electrivires, weaviles, and garchomps pretty effectively to my surprise despite Brick Break/Cross chop/ outrage. (that is, until Swords Dance, then its night night umbreon =( )
Gengar@Black Sludge
Shadow Ball
Focus Punch
My favorite variation of McGar. I call him my "wall breaker" cause that's EXACTLY what he does. (he also sweeps pretty effectively) Ghost-Fighting hit everything neutrally (also hurts every wall ive come accross) Special sponges like the pink fatty, snorlax, and other umbreons? i got sub punching for that. Bliss adn some variations of Snorlax literally cant even touch gengar. if they pack ice beam/crunch i have hypnosis to fall back on. sleep them, set up sub, punch away at their fat bellies. if they switch, whatver's coming in is gonna get hit HARD by focus punch or shadow ball. with max atk, this thing can 2hko any bliss while still retaining decent sp atk. the only let down is that other standard gengars outspeed it, but umbreon eats those other gengars up for breakfast lunch and dinner lawl.
Starmie@Life Orb
Timid 252 speed
Ice Beam
Grass Knot
HP Fire
I know it seems liek a weird combination of moves, but my team lack these coverages dearly. Roaring swamperts usually have their way with this team, so Grass knot is there. Metagrosses and Bronzongs seem to have their way with this team too, as well as hailstorm teams seem to **** this team so HP Fire is there. Surf for stab, ice beam for dragons cause ice beam is just always there >.> This is my cleaner, basically when everything is weakened and the battle is starting to wind down, starmie finishes everything off.
adamant 252 atk
Dragon Dance
Stone edge
Standard tauntdos. lures electric atks to heal jolt up for more subs and makes her happy. also cause its so **** bulky, i kinda use it as a phys wall when donphan fails (specifically to get rid of those pesky rats, Weavile) Waterfall for stab, taunt for annoying things, Stone Edge for other gyradoses/salamences.
Impish 252 hp 252 def 6 atk
Ice Shard
Stealth rocks
I dont really like rapid spin. imo its useless unless you have a focus sasher. the passive dmg of stealth rocks and spikes arent all that much imo except for gyrados but that big bulky bish can soak it up like a champ anyway. EQ for stab, ice shard cause i always ALWAYS ALWAYS like packing a priority move somewhere in my team. (dont you just hate getting 6-0'd by someone that set up on you and swept with 1 hp?) also i think Ice-Ground hit everything for at least neutral dmg too. This is my main phys wall btw, roar is for other gyradoses who annoy me
Possibly Replacements...
Timid 252 speed 252 sp attack 6 hp
HP Ice
Fake Tears
Still has that sweeper status with the sweeper trait and sweeper ev spread. Only difference? Well teams that abuse that pink faced annoyance and use it as their ONLY special counter will get completely oblierated by this thing. I sweep as usual with jolten, but as soon as they send bliss out, instead of running back to its pokeball to cry, it'll stand right in front of bliss and cry. the standard bliss with ice beam and/or Seismic toss can barely 3hko Jolteon even with no defensive stats. Ice beam does less dmg than seismic most of the time. With leftovers, it might even be a 4hko, leaving plenty of time to heal up with Wish. Basically it's Wish Fake Tears Wish Fake Tears Wish Fake Tears Wish Tbolt tbolt tbolt tbolt DIE PLZ. Fake tear it till its sp def is -6 then Tbolt should 2hko. With immunity to Twave, bliss cand to a thing against this except switch out, and for her team's sake it better switch out to something that can take a tbolt or hidden power ice fairly well or else jolteon's godly speed will just 2hko it on the switch.
Togekiss@Choice Scarf
Timid 252 spatk
Air Slash
Shadow Ball
Aura sphere
When all else fails, and your losing pretty badly there are usually 2 reasons why you are.
1) Extreme badluck (your opponent lands too many crits, flinch haxing, para/freezing etc.)
2) They're just plain better than you.
How does one overcome this? With good old fashion Good Luck lol. When all else fails, go for flinch haxing the entire team XD. The other moves are just there for support coverage.
Ice Beam
Stealth Rocks
Basically does what donphan does except he's not weak to weaviles nad gyradoses and is more of a mixwall.
Dragon Claw
Dragon Dance
Remember when I said I used gyrados almost like a secondary physical wall? Well I took a look at salamence's stats and lo and behold mence has better defense and smae hp/ability as Gyatados. So why not try for a bulky salamence? if i do decide to switch donphan out for swampert (which seems likely) I'll have 3 water pokemon on my team and 3 pokemon weak to grass (even though donphan was weak to grass too ;x). So i figured, why not go with a bulky salamence that does the same exact thing as gyrados? The only disappointing thing is that salamence cant learn taunt which i was really really hoping for...but *sigh* cant have it all i geuss.
Swellow@toxic orb
Jolly 252 atk 252 speed 6 hp
Brave Bird
lol this pokemon's just fun to use. Stabbed facade + guts + poison = HURT. yea it gets walled by steals and ttar and such but its still fun to use. Brave bird's recoil along with the dmg from Poison and protect has GREAT synergy with Endeavor. basically i just sweep everything and when im ready to die and i have an annoying wall in front of me, endeavor it and let the next pokemon kill it with its low hp. if my hp is in the yellow or something and i want that thing to be in the red, i can always protect for that turn and let the poison hurt me a little more to get the most out of endeavor.
Calm 252 hp 128 sp def 128 def
Calm Mind
Dark Pulse
Awsome mixed wall. No weaknesses, good defenses and decent HP. Get a few CM in and i can wall spec atks. tehy swich a phys sweeper in? WoW it. rest to get rid of status problems and for a reliable heal.
Timid 252 sp atk 252 speed 6 hp
Energy Ball
Dragon Pulse
Focus Blast
Sub up to activate both Petaya Berry AND overgrown for Energy ball to hurt rly rly bad.
Umm thats all i can think of for now. I'll add more replacement ideas later when I get home. I also realize im missing alot of EV's for alot of my pokemon. To be honest i dont know them off the top of my head lol. I'll fill them in when i get home from work. thats all for now, opinions? thoughts?
timid 252 sp atk 252 speed 6 hp
HP ice
Baton pass
jolteon's a staple in almost all my teams. i have different variations as will be seen later. this is the most standard one, Boltbeam coverage, sub and baton pass abuse that insane speed. Did I mention it naturally outspeeds modest scarf heatrans?
impish 252 hp 128 def 128 spdef
standard stalling umbreon/mixed wall. this thing can actually toxicstall electrivires, weaviles, and garchomps pretty effectively to my surprise despite Brick Break/Cross chop/ outrage. (that is, until Swords Dance, then its night night umbreon =( )
Gengar@Black Sludge
Shadow Ball
Focus Punch
My favorite variation of McGar. I call him my "wall breaker" cause that's EXACTLY what he does. (he also sweeps pretty effectively) Ghost-Fighting hit everything neutrally (also hurts every wall ive come accross) Special sponges like the pink fatty, snorlax, and other umbreons? i got sub punching for that. Bliss adn some variations of Snorlax literally cant even touch gengar. if they pack ice beam/crunch i have hypnosis to fall back on. sleep them, set up sub, punch away at their fat bellies. if they switch, whatver's coming in is gonna get hit HARD by focus punch or shadow ball. with max atk, this thing can 2hko any bliss while still retaining decent sp atk. the only let down is that other standard gengars outspeed it, but umbreon eats those other gengars up for breakfast lunch and dinner lawl.
Starmie@Life Orb
Timid 252 speed
Ice Beam
Grass Knot
HP Fire
I know it seems liek a weird combination of moves, but my team lack these coverages dearly. Roaring swamperts usually have their way with this team, so Grass knot is there. Metagrosses and Bronzongs seem to have their way with this team too, as well as hailstorm teams seem to **** this team so HP Fire is there. Surf for stab, ice beam for dragons cause ice beam is just always there >.> This is my cleaner, basically when everything is weakened and the battle is starting to wind down, starmie finishes everything off.
adamant 252 atk
Dragon Dance
Stone edge
Standard tauntdos. lures electric atks to heal jolt up for more subs and makes her happy. also cause its so **** bulky, i kinda use it as a phys wall when donphan fails (specifically to get rid of those pesky rats, Weavile) Waterfall for stab, taunt for annoying things, Stone Edge for other gyradoses/salamences.
Impish 252 hp 252 def 6 atk
Ice Shard
Stealth rocks
I dont really like rapid spin. imo its useless unless you have a focus sasher. the passive dmg of stealth rocks and spikes arent all that much imo except for gyrados but that big bulky bish can soak it up like a champ anyway. EQ for stab, ice shard cause i always ALWAYS ALWAYS like packing a priority move somewhere in my team. (dont you just hate getting 6-0'd by someone that set up on you and swept with 1 hp?) also i think Ice-Ground hit everything for at least neutral dmg too. This is my main phys wall btw, roar is for other gyradoses who annoy me
Possibly Replacements...
Timid 252 speed 252 sp attack 6 hp
HP Ice
Fake Tears
Still has that sweeper status with the sweeper trait and sweeper ev spread. Only difference? Well teams that abuse that pink faced annoyance and use it as their ONLY special counter will get completely oblierated by this thing. I sweep as usual with jolten, but as soon as they send bliss out, instead of running back to its pokeball to cry, it'll stand right in front of bliss and cry. the standard bliss with ice beam and/or Seismic toss can barely 3hko Jolteon even with no defensive stats. Ice beam does less dmg than seismic most of the time. With leftovers, it might even be a 4hko, leaving plenty of time to heal up with Wish. Basically it's Wish Fake Tears Wish Fake Tears Wish Fake Tears Wish Tbolt tbolt tbolt tbolt DIE PLZ. Fake tear it till its sp def is -6 then Tbolt should 2hko. With immunity to Twave, bliss cand to a thing against this except switch out, and for her team's sake it better switch out to something that can take a tbolt or hidden power ice fairly well or else jolteon's godly speed will just 2hko it on the switch.
Togekiss@Choice Scarf
Timid 252 spatk
Air Slash
Shadow Ball
Aura sphere
When all else fails, and your losing pretty badly there are usually 2 reasons why you are.
1) Extreme badluck (your opponent lands too many crits, flinch haxing, para/freezing etc.)
2) They're just plain better than you.
How does one overcome this? With good old fashion Good Luck lol. When all else fails, go for flinch haxing the entire team XD. The other moves are just there for support coverage.
Ice Beam
Stealth Rocks
Basically does what donphan does except he's not weak to weaviles nad gyradoses and is more of a mixwall.
Dragon Claw
Dragon Dance
Remember when I said I used gyrados almost like a secondary physical wall? Well I took a look at salamence's stats and lo and behold mence has better defense and smae hp/ability as Gyatados. So why not try for a bulky salamence? if i do decide to switch donphan out for swampert (which seems likely) I'll have 3 water pokemon on my team and 3 pokemon weak to grass (even though donphan was weak to grass too ;x). So i figured, why not go with a bulky salamence that does the same exact thing as gyrados? The only disappointing thing is that salamence cant learn taunt which i was really really hoping for...but *sigh* cant have it all i geuss.
Swellow@toxic orb
Jolly 252 atk 252 speed 6 hp
Brave Bird
lol this pokemon's just fun to use. Stabbed facade + guts + poison = HURT. yea it gets walled by steals and ttar and such but its still fun to use. Brave bird's recoil along with the dmg from Poison and protect has GREAT synergy with Endeavor. basically i just sweep everything and when im ready to die and i have an annoying wall in front of me, endeavor it and let the next pokemon kill it with its low hp. if my hp is in the yellow or something and i want that thing to be in the red, i can always protect for that turn and let the poison hurt me a little more to get the most out of endeavor.
Calm 252 hp 128 sp def 128 def
Calm Mind
Dark Pulse
Awsome mixed wall. No weaknesses, good defenses and decent HP. Get a few CM in and i can wall spec atks. tehy swich a phys sweeper in? WoW it. rest to get rid of status problems and for a reliable heal.
Timid 252 sp atk 252 speed 6 hp
Energy Ball
Dragon Pulse
Focus Blast
Sub up to activate both Petaya Berry AND overgrown for Energy ball to hurt rly rly bad.
Umm thats all i can think of for now. I'll add more replacement ideas later when I get home. I also realize im missing alot of EV's for alot of my pokemon. To be honest i dont know them off the top of my head lol. I'll fill them in when i get home from work. thats all for now, opinions? thoughts?