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Need Voiceovers for Brawl Machinima (no previous experiance needed)


Smash Apprentice
Jul 29, 2010
Okay, first off I wasn't sure where to put this topic, but this seemed to be the right place.

Second: YOU DO NOT NEED EXPERIANCE IN VOICE ACTING AT ALL! Sure, I'd be delighted to get someone with experiance. But if you're good at changing your voice anyway that'd be great.


Starlight: Born from two stars clashing together. The delightfully mischevious enchantress(over peach) joins the brawl. She wants to have an exciting brawl tournament, weather the brawlers want to or not! Especially since she announces that she has the power to destroy the fourth wall! (and yes, I do mean the literal fourth wall between the players and the characters XP)

Voice: Despite her age, she sounds very childlike and innocent. Alice from Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of a new world is a good example of this tone.

Fire Sonic: The dangerously god mod powered version of sonic from alvin earthworms famous flash series joins the brawl. This time as a villain! He was drawn out from sonic's being during a match between Sonic and Starla in the prologue. (which I'll be posting soon)

Voice: I know you guys'll kill me for it, but the new sonic voice from Sonic Collors would fit fire sonic perfectly.

Naruto Uzumaki: Starla wants to raise hell on the brawlers, and what better way to do that then to brainwash everyones favorite bonehead?

Voice IDK really: If you can manage to sound anywhere close to either of his voice actors then go ahead and try :D

Cloud Strife: Once again Starla manages to ring up an overpowered hero and use him to her evil ends! Can anyone stop the madness?

Voice: Uhhhh Pick your favorite Cloud voice actor, lol I dunno.

Ridly: One of the top five cardnals in the space pirates is under Starla's control.
Voice: Ehhhh....mostly creepy dinosaur shrieks or sci fi lizard monster...type stuff lol

Heroes: What tournament wouldn't be good without it's heroes?

Link: You know him, you love him, and you can't talk when you play as him! Princess zelda's knight in shining armor will be paired up against Cloud strife in Starlas devious tournament.

Voice: uh, I guess make him sound like Ike does in one of his brawl taunts...but in english XD

Samus: The solo bounty hunter with plenty of weapons to spare. I'm pretty sure her matchup is obvious even without a full explanation of the plot >_>

Voice: Considering the only time she talks is in Metroid Other M....well...yeah...sorry guys :p

Zelda: The queen of Hyrule who always knows what's up. She'll be keeping an eye on everyone and helping out with their matches.

Voice: I SERIOUSLY hate how people sometimes give zelda an overly english accent. >_> But yeah, basically whatever says "refined queen of hyrule" will work lol

Mario: Another obvious matchup in the tournament. Our favorite plummer will be facing off against my fire sonic 2.0. Can an old friend bring the blue blur back to his senses?

Voice: uh, well I'm sure we all know what mario sounds like....

Ganondorf: Yes yes, I know what your saying. WTF GANONDORF A GOOD GUY?? But whateves. lol he's not heavilly plot related. But I figure he might make a good matchup for naruto.

Voice; Eh, I'd like him to have a voice similar to his Ocorina of Time voice.


Full scripts will be given to each actor on a per episode bases. A month and a half leway time to record the lines will be given per episode.

A three month break will be taken inbetween episodes to give the voice actors time to recharge and/or perfect their voices.

All lines must be saved in mp3 or wav format, each line must be saved as an individual sound file

For example, If a line of quotes says "Hey....what's up?" the sound file will have a brief pause between hey and whats up.

If the line of quotes says "Hey" and then "What's up" the two phrases should be saved as a seperate sound file.

Voice actors should provide the files through mediafire and send them to me on any of my online names. Make sure to let me know who you are and stuff so I'm not all "WTF"(in a non rude way) on you lol My following online accounts are all set to send emails to my adress. Which I check daily. So yeah, anyway....

Youtube Account: zfan122
Diviant Art Account: NaruZeldaMaster
KittyKorp Meow Mix: NaruZeldaMaster
Smashboards: *sideglance*....do I really need to list this one lol

A possibly 20 minute or longer promotional prologue episode will be made shortly.


Smash Rookie
Aug 4, 2010
Newbury Park, California
Hello. I'm a little interested, do you have any other voice actors or am I wasting my time?
(I can't voice act for ALL of the characters, lol!)

Another question, your plotline/blurb is unclear. Can you rephrase it, please? I'm a little confused as to what exactly is going on.
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