alright. i've been going to tournies since the game came out and place relatively high. The ONLY characters i have trouble against are luigi, peach, and snake.
now, i come here asking for help against snake since the matchup thread no longer has snake matchup, which was extremely outdated as it is.
I WILL SAY THIS NOW: if you do NOT have any experience vs. HIGH LEVEL snakes such as ally, fatal, dsf, etc. then please don't flame at me for "Being a scrub".
Firstly, i think this matchup is snake advantage, and i'm not sure if this is me being bad or if it really is a pain in the ***.
1) i can't just pivot grab snake forever, i can barely grab him as i have noticed all good snakes TILT ME OUT OF MY GRAB. When pikmin goes happy and walks up and grabs snake, i seem to get f-tilted after the pikmin has already reached him, which leads me to think maybe if snake times right he can ALWAYS f-tilt through our grabs? (unless the grab is miraculously perfect-max range, which is doable but difficult)
2) i can no longer combo a good snake with the whole new "let's pull out a grenade when someone is comboing me and screw them over"
3) all good snakes can out camp me. and i mean, well, ****, out camp me. i am a crazy good camper and very good at baiting them into approach into a pivot grab, but good snakes just are able to out camp me
4) *******EDGE-GUARDING OLI***********
Snake, as I have recently learned, has a near perfect edge guard (situational, but most of the time appropriate) where he just sits on the ledge, and if you were far enough out that forces you to up b to the stage (if you KNOW you will be out of range for an aerial). Once he forces your up b to the stage, he just gets up normally and u-tilts me to death (depending on stage/whether or not i time my smash di, etc.) or regrabs and throws off and leads to a repeat. I have near-perfect WAC's and can wac multiple attacks within a few seconds such as against MK so i can't just WAC it, and either way this is when falling after upb so WAC is out of question
To continue with edge-guarding, i also have a lot of trouble landing when snake is on the stage and i'm coming from the edge above the stage without a double jump. i can usually WAC the utilts, etc. but the problem with this is if he doesn't utilt my only options are to nair-uptilt, hope for a LAGGY move to hit which isn't probable (like dair), or to air dodge into the ground. I switch my play style often so i use all these types when recovering, and if i try to attack the snakes gay shield absorbs EVERY hit and then he just regrabs throws off, repeat. If i air dodge into the ground, he can regrab before my utilt can come out, and ic an't just try to side dodge he can regrab in between. This is giving me a hell of a time i've tried doing all the above mentioned, and even tether-mind gamesing but it just is rediculously near-impossible.
To put it blatently, I can only recover when the snake player himself messes up, and in high level tournament play this is not very likely.
5) From the edge problems.
I have a lot of trouble recovering once i'm on the edge. I can do tether into lagless aerial, jump into wac, and i've even managed to incorporate jump up-->tether-->ISJR as tether pulls me to stage and get a lagless jump into an aerial. I can't roll on or just get straight up either, it basically seems like no matter how i recover no matter how sneaky i am the snake is ready with his tilts to knock me the hell off again. This is only a small matter, half of the time I can get back to the stage but it's just so **** hard.
6) Shield pressuring
This is one of the biggest things I have trouble with, is when the snake is dreadfully shield poking with jabs/f-tilts and doesn't give you enough time to shield grab, WAC into a dsmash, jab out of shield, up b out of shield (amazing because unpredictable because 50% of players don't use it, and most people turn tap jump off anyways), or even run away and pivot grab. Rolling is ALWAYS out of the question against snake, and power shielding into xxxxxx still doesn't really seem to work when the snake is good at keeping shield pressure maximized. Is there any other options?
These are my issues with snake, and I have watched many good players vs. snakes and I just can't seem to get past my wall in this matchup. It's so hard, and I am kindly asking anyone who has experienced this type of snake player to please assist me, i don't want to have to pick up another character just to fight a really good snake player. and please, DO NOT flame me if i said something completely in-accurate just inform me that it's just me being wrong about going about it.
now, i come here asking for help against snake since the matchup thread no longer has snake matchup, which was extremely outdated as it is.
I WILL SAY THIS NOW: if you do NOT have any experience vs. HIGH LEVEL snakes such as ally, fatal, dsf, etc. then please don't flame at me for "Being a scrub".
Firstly, i think this matchup is snake advantage, and i'm not sure if this is me being bad or if it really is a pain in the ***.
1) i can't just pivot grab snake forever, i can barely grab him as i have noticed all good snakes TILT ME OUT OF MY GRAB. When pikmin goes happy and walks up and grabs snake, i seem to get f-tilted after the pikmin has already reached him, which leads me to think maybe if snake times right he can ALWAYS f-tilt through our grabs? (unless the grab is miraculously perfect-max range, which is doable but difficult)
2) i can no longer combo a good snake with the whole new "let's pull out a grenade when someone is comboing me and screw them over"
3) all good snakes can out camp me. and i mean, well, ****, out camp me. i am a crazy good camper and very good at baiting them into approach into a pivot grab, but good snakes just are able to out camp me
4) *******EDGE-GUARDING OLI***********
Snake, as I have recently learned, has a near perfect edge guard (situational, but most of the time appropriate) where he just sits on the ledge, and if you were far enough out that forces you to up b to the stage (if you KNOW you will be out of range for an aerial). Once he forces your up b to the stage, he just gets up normally and u-tilts me to death (depending on stage/whether or not i time my smash di, etc.) or regrabs and throws off and leads to a repeat. I have near-perfect WAC's and can wac multiple attacks within a few seconds such as against MK so i can't just WAC it, and either way this is when falling after upb so WAC is out of question
To continue with edge-guarding, i also have a lot of trouble landing when snake is on the stage and i'm coming from the edge above the stage without a double jump. i can usually WAC the utilts, etc. but the problem with this is if he doesn't utilt my only options are to nair-uptilt, hope for a LAGGY move to hit which isn't probable (like dair), or to air dodge into the ground. I switch my play style often so i use all these types when recovering, and if i try to attack the snakes gay shield absorbs EVERY hit and then he just regrabs throws off, repeat. If i air dodge into the ground, he can regrab before my utilt can come out, and ic an't just try to side dodge he can regrab in between. This is giving me a hell of a time i've tried doing all the above mentioned, and even tether-mind gamesing but it just is rediculously near-impossible.
To put it blatently, I can only recover when the snake player himself messes up, and in high level tournament play this is not very likely.
5) From the edge problems.
I have a lot of trouble recovering once i'm on the edge. I can do tether into lagless aerial, jump into wac, and i've even managed to incorporate jump up-->tether-->ISJR as tether pulls me to stage and get a lagless jump into an aerial. I can't roll on or just get straight up either, it basically seems like no matter how i recover no matter how sneaky i am the snake is ready with his tilts to knock me the hell off again. This is only a small matter, half of the time I can get back to the stage but it's just so **** hard.
6) Shield pressuring
This is one of the biggest things I have trouble with, is when the snake is dreadfully shield poking with jabs/f-tilts and doesn't give you enough time to shield grab, WAC into a dsmash, jab out of shield, up b out of shield (amazing because unpredictable because 50% of players don't use it, and most people turn tap jump off anyways), or even run away and pivot grab. Rolling is ALWAYS out of the question against snake, and power shielding into xxxxxx still doesn't really seem to work when the snake is good at keeping shield pressure maximized. Is there any other options?
These are my issues with snake, and I have watched many good players vs. snakes and I just can't seem to get past my wall in this matchup. It's so hard, and I am kindly asking anyone who has experienced this type of snake player to please assist me, i don't want to have to pick up another character just to fight a really good snake player. and please, DO NOT flame me if i said something completely in-accurate just inform me that it's just me being wrong about going about it.