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Need help! Winamp xml question.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
I'm in need of help from a winamp/xml expert >_<

So, I've been messing around with my winamp skin trying to fix it to display Japanese characters correctly. The skin I'm using has a custom notifier and for some reason it's cutting off the top part of any characters in the artist info, regardless of what font size I set it to. Here is the code for the text in the notifier.

<groupdef id="notifier.text" sysregion="1" ghost="1">
<text id="plentry" x="12" y="8" default="1.0" w="100" color="notifier.dark" font="font" fontsize="14" ghost="1"/>
<text id="nexttrack" x="-116" y="8" w="102" relatw="1" align="right" default="Now Playing" color="notifier.dark" font="font" fontsize="14" ghost="1"/>
<text id="title" x="14" y="25" w="-32" relatw="1" default="Ayumi Hamasaki" color="notifier.dark" font="font" fontsize="15" ghost="1"/>
<text id="artist" x="14" y="40" w="-32" h="20" relatw="1" default="Hikari Hendri" color="notifier.dark" font="font" fontsize="17" ghost="1"/>
<text id="album" x="14" y="57" w="-32" h="12" relatw="1" default="hikari skins" color="notifier.dark" font="font" fontsize="15" ghost="1"/>

Many thanks to anyone with any suggestions.
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