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Need Help! Main Switch!

Curse Hollows

Smash Rookie
Feb 2, 2015
OK so I recently got bodied by college kids at a competative tournament using my old mains Ness, Pikachu and my remaining maiin fox. After losing in the 3rd round of the tournament i stuck around playing Melee and PM friendlies and I learned alot. I came home the same night and practiced everything I learned that day and more using the help of smash boards and youtube and regained new tech. I got into a habit of practicing new styles and new Tech skill with fox before any character because hes a good workout on the fingers, although I don't really like him much as a character. Sadly, because i practice so much with fox, Ive become acustomed to some of his mechanics so I can do a few things like wave shine, shine spike, and basic Melee tech like wave shielding. This is bad cause not only do i not like fox, but his style is far beyond mine. I like his aggressive play set but because I feel like i play the complete opposite and I get carried away with his super fast movement and throw out random moves making more me and more inaccurate.
Due to this, ive been searching for a new character. I havent found one yet cause I get frustrated easy if i dont figure it out a character right away so I think i need an opinion.

What I want in a character is someone who is fast on the ground, but controllable in the air but at the same time has a low or fast short hop. I Kind of want a character with stringable combos but then again any character can reach that point with time and skill. I have a thing for projectiles. Im a young link main in melee and he somewhat fits my style almost perfectly. I dont main link or toon link cause ones not fast enough and the others projectiles I find useless. I dont like campy despite my keen to link clones, I like someone whos a little spacious but not marth and definaley not roy (In PM i regretably like Ike best out of the three) so in a sence i want someone who has hit and run tactics like pikachu and young link but can eventually kill or gimp at decent percents. Any suggestions?


Smash Ace
Sep 24, 2013
the 4th Dimension
It sounds like you need a good dose of the Falcon:4falcon:. It looks like he has everything you want, albeit at the lost of a projectile. He has the strings and combos you are looking for, and still requires a bit of thought when it comes to spacing. He can also play a semi-effective hit and run game thanks to his speed and dash dance.

My other suggestions would probably be Mario. He's still relatively fast, has a multipurpose projectile, and while he doesn't have super stellar air control, he still has the ability to string hits together with ease. Sheik is also an option, although what she lacks in air control she makes up in her fast ground speed and combos.

Curse Hollows

Smash Rookie
Feb 2, 2015
I dont like Sheik too much. She seems like a character I'd have to learn in Melee anyway. The only thing i really care for from her is her grabs but thats kinda it. Falcon on the other hand I haaave always liked, but his speed is even harder for me to control than foxes xD. Mario I'll Keep in mind. I like your judgement with his ground base movement and i think he does have an argueably good amount of aerials when up close. Ill Keep him In the bucket next to Link to try out


Smash Journeyman
Jan 31, 2014
United States of MERICA!
It sounds like you might want Lucas, he is good at keeping space, if he wants. He has some decent projectiles, good combo game, even in the air too. Also Mario could work too, as Royal said above, or even Luigi. Luigi is really good at keeping space and is good at hit and runs, and has some good fake-out wave dashes, and good projectials. But if all else fails go for Sonic. Sonic was made to be a hit and run character.

I know that was a mouth full, but just try random characters at friendlies or just going against computers, just something to see if you enjoy that character.
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Curse Hollows

Smash Rookie
Feb 2, 2015
So far I'm enjoying Mario. I feel a little basic with some of his moves though that should be normal cause hes known to be THE all round character. Lucas was one of my first mains and well I was barked at to stop using him cause of his former God Tier and one of my friends has a small thing for banning characters he thinks are cheep ._ . Although despite that Because I still love lucas and i quite him because i felt spammy I'll explore him a little more. Does anyone know a little more about Pm Mario? I mean, there isnt any hidden tech I should practice really is there? Beside the tornado recovery?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 10, 2014
Just something to add, if you are already comfortable with the Shine mechanic. There is always Falco and Wolf. Everyone (atleast me anyway) will get hype at some really good pillar combo strings from Falco. Wolf is not a commonly played character so he has that going for him to.

Also if you are looking for "stringable combos" with Mario. I would suggest Dtilt and more Dtilt, into like Uptilt to up air or fair or something. most people don't consider it a combo, but Mario does get a good amount of chain grabs with U and D throw also.

Curse Hollows

Smash Rookie
Feb 2, 2015
Yeah I noticed that if your enemy doesnt abuse his range Marios ground games have countless options . The D tilt sounds like a good strategies cause its fast and has a long range for most of his moves. I like wolf a little bit but hes very awkward and i hear he reequires a large amount of tech so i might not consider him till I feel comfortable. Falco I have mixed feelings with cause I'm so used to fox I'm afraid ill get the style confusion far too often like trying to shine spike. I like wolf and ill put him in my bucket too.
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