learn to wavedash, especially wavedashing ackwards to bat if shes dash attacking (you bat with the cstick in this instance). I suggest shorthopped and fastfalled fairs that aren't high enough for her to claw. You can also DJC your fairs but teh danger is that she'll knock you up and you wont have a second jump to depend on which is death vs a shiek. When you grab always throw down and go into a fair and or a nuetral air. Try to pul off simple combos against her. End your kills with a bair, and since you already know how to edgegaurd then your fine. If you dont, its all about the flash. When recovering never up b if you dont have to. Always Air dodge back onto the stage.
And when shes on the edge dont get close to her. She'll claw you.
Also if she dashattacks you and you shield and she ends up behind you, go for hte DJC nair. The nair will help you a lot in this matchup, but DONT nair if your level with her in the air. She'll just kill you with a fair. Nair from below. Basically never end up above shiek or beside her in the air.