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Need help desperately with Texture Hacking..

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Smash Rookie
Feb 17, 2012
So I've been up and working on figuring out how to texture hack and get it all working for like, 6+ hours now. I followed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSLIAanosqA that video to a freaking T, and texture hacking still won't work for me. I've looked all over the internet, all kinds of different videos, did it that way, and it still doesnt work. I have the RSBE01.gct file (Actually, when I generated the code with Cheat Code Manager or whatever the guy used in the video, it showed up in my SD card as (E0000000 80008000.gct or something), I'm setting the character codes up right (ex. FitLucario00.pcs) and all that, I have the private>wii>app>RSBE>pf>Fighter>Characters folders set up. I open it through the newest GeckoOS, I have Homebrew. I deleted all my custom stages, I even deleted all custom names and pictures too just to see if it would work. I'm on the 4.3u version of the wii. What am I doing wrong here? Any help would be more than freaking appreciated.


Smash Rookie
Feb 17, 2012
Just saw in the rules not to post for help here. Sorry guys. Disregard this here, will be posting it in FAQ.
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