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Need help beating someone's Marth ONCE AND FOR ALL.

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Blue Flash

Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2008
Kicking *** with Sheik
I have a friend that uses Marth(no, not the scrubby one). I can beat him with Pikachu and Wario, but not Yoshi. He always seems to be one step ahead of me. I think its pretty embarassing to lose to a Marth, especially in front of OTHER PEOPLE. When his friends are over, they always make comments like "Yoshi sucks" or "Why do you use the pink one?"(Yes, I use the Pink Yoshi and I'm a guy). They're very annoying. And the only thing I can think of to say back to them is "Yoshi isn't that bad" or "Tiers are for Queers". I get to practice on his little brother, who isn't nearly as good a Marth.

Everytime I try to pivot grab him, he Sidestep dodges and uses Up+B.

I can keep him at bay with Egg Toss, but that doesn't always work.

When I try to gimp the Marth off stage, he uses Up+B(as you know, it has Super Armor)

Sorry I don't have any vids, and if I need more explanation, just tell me

Oh, and we fight on Final D.


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: Yeah, as Chaco said, please use our Q&A thread if you need any quick help.

You can also do a quick search to see if Marth has been talked about on our boards at all and see if you can get any information from that.
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