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Need a few people to help me with online.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 16, 2007
Atlanta, Georgia
The short version:

I need a couple of people who have had a blue connection (the best possible) online and live in or near GA (where I live) to play a couple of online matches with me.

The long version:

After playing with about 30 people online I have had the following types of connections.

0 Blue (best)
15 Green (ok)
10 Yellow (bad)
5 red (garbage)

Nintendo has stated that if you have a better connection that the person that you are playing online, your connection will be slowed down to match the person that you are playing against so both people will be playing under the same conditions.

Now, I am trying to find some one that has had a blue connection online to see if I can obtain one also.

So if you have had a blue conncetion online, live in or near Gerogia and can play 2 or 3 games with me please post.

(Also if you have comcast cable please state that you do. Some people say if you have the same isp's the lag will be less)



Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2005
P-Cola Florida
I've gotten a blue connection. It was with my roommate as we played on the same router. There was no lag what so ever, just like live. of course we also had our consoles side by side so no point really...
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