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NC melee power rankings ( FRAMEZ DUN CLOZ DIS BROD :]_)

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Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2006
Raleigh, NC
Power rankings have long enjoyed a seat of honor in North Carolina. In a land full of Catfish-induced screaming and cursing, nothing has incited more bad vibes than these humble lists of ten players. That being said, some people love hate and hate love and so of course we are bringing these back. This list will only cover Melee, but that’s a given: brawl power rankings are an oxymoron. You should be looking for brawl gay rankings, and I’m not talking S’n some D gay, I’m talking Munkey and Adams gay. The list is determined solely by me, because I’m smarter than all of you, but I’ve included a reasoning and description after each player to provide a foundation for scrubs’ arguments.

1. Dr Peepee (Falco)
Drpp vv v v underestimated wen frst come to sene bt now v vvv gud. Now won to4 turney nd was beet l0zr so v vv gud nubemr 1! He lazer pew pew all time and loos only 2 cheet cheat jigllypuffs.

2. l0zr (America)

L0zr my bff halo player jst mash butonz butg vv gud cuz he ply 4 amrikka. Him was de best for lon time but now prtty bad but stll 2nd best ! He lik cookout bndbuys burritos for us lots.

3. Thundachild (man this controlla!)

Tundracild aka T()c. big strng blak man vv bigbad marrrth playr. Him try 4 to ply cptaina falcon but notgud enuff lol haz 2ply gay hreo! Stll gud plcdde hayer dan l0zr at ROCKY MOUNT rtourament so nmber 3.

4. Ali (Blood Hawk)

Ali aka terorst lik 2be gay wid boys he alwys tak bout grlz but rly want b0yz vvmuch. He pwn n88b wid billbillbill combo aka dickslam2meetspin combo. Big big :]

5. Lord Karn the Magnificent (gay)

Dis guy nly put lol whte clothezz on lol knda queer but + prtty c00l. hiz mtches last 40 hourz cuz him nly play queer + no atakcs evrr. He sukz bad but beat me anywy cuz prtty gay boy so him iz 5.

6. Malkavian Deity (SHEIK)

I play sheik *****! I play with one hand while I scratch my nuts with the other! Slow your roll nigggga!!!

7. $$mike (suck)

Him prty gud pokeman pffball bt now him pplyr iz CAPTAIN! flacon! So he prtty lol suk. but gttin better (lol not!)

8. Rawfulzz1! (tech skill)

Rfullz iz giant bear fr0m Texas so vv c00l dude. He dun play smsahs much he jus drink with me every nite! Dat make him #8!


Blak as nite iz wat we cal dis bro he iz vv vdark skin. He play ise climers (LOL 2 of dem!!) so vv cheeats

10. darkhart (brawl)

Dis ***** iz de 10th melee playr n NC zo him getz by defalt he zucks

Feel free to discuss. I’ll probably update again after the Boone tourney this weekend.
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