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My Zero Suit


Smash Apprentice
Feb 19, 2008
Home: New Jersey, College: USC (Los Angeles)
Hey guys...this is just another typical "rate my Zamus play"-ish thread...so please, do so. Any comments, good or bad, are always helpful.

As a side note: my opponent in these matches is Nakayorz, who is one of the best Zelda players I know...and a pretty awesome Sheik player as well.

Matches vs. Zelda:

Matches vs. Sheik:


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2007
Fairfax, VA
I only watched part of the first match, cuz I know your ZSS is fine. However, Yoshi's Island is one of my favorite stages. You can mindgame the **** out of people with your armor pieces because of all the slants on the stage. Do it more.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 4, 2007
I only watched the second video, but I agree with cake, your ZSS is good. Only suggestions I have:
Use aerials out of dsmash instead of up-b unless you have the time to set it up right and your opponent doesn't know any better. My personal favorite is F-Air (for the 39 dmg) and of course there's always B-Air for the KOs.

Space your Side-Bs a bit better, I noticed you relied a lot on the whip hitbox pushing them into the sweetspot, and it didn't work out for you a lot. I just imagine that that hitbox doesn't even exist, cuz it rarely works (DI/misses/etc.)

Other than that, you've got great aerials, good use of grabs, don't use the wrong moves, etc etc. keep it up!


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
I came in hoping this thread would involve pictures girls(preferrably Samus) in Zero suits :p

Only saw a few matches, but you're not half-bad. Can't really think of any advice that hasn't already been said, sadly =\ Nonetheless, keep up the good work, and good luck.

How did you do that slide with the armour piece at 0:05 seconds on the first vid?
I believe it is called Glidetossing, but I wouldn't know much. I throw away my armor pieces at the start of a match(my choice, and force of habit <.<)


Smash Apprentice
Feb 19, 2008
Home: New Jersey, College: USC (Los Angeles)
You can glide toss by rolling and pressing "A" or whatever button you use to attack when you have an item in your hand.
Actually i glide toss with the cstick cause it allows you to toss it more than just the direction which you're rolling...it's great for mind games and trapping cause you can glide toss towards your opponent while throwing your armor up or down...and then if you can just hit them into the falling/bouncing armor...or just wait for them to run into it themselves.

Yea, as for my own critique...

I actually try to always sweetspot my side b...i don't like to rely too much on the shorter hitbox, but sometimes it just happens...perhaps i should pay more attention to that.

i think what i particularly need to work on is my fallow up after a double or single dsmash...it's really easy to get cpus caught up in that dsmash upB chain...even at lower percentages...but applying it against a real person has shown me that, at lower percentages, it's probably better to follow up with a grab, tilt, or aerial...depending on how far you are from your opponent...

Also...i think i need to find more ways of implementing her down B...i didn't use it much against Zelda cause getting above her like that is not a good idea.

Also...i need to work on my mind games some more and not constantly dash attacking into my opponent...my matches against Ryko have proven to me that it's not such a great idea.


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
I see that Naks tried a vanish glide on you in the first Sheik video, but your tether edgeguarded him!


Mar 16, 2007
I think that you suffer from lack of confidence in your follow-ups in general, either that or too much confidence in the wrong follow-up. The former is shown by frequent hesitation when you've landed a stun move. Honestly, most of the time it doesn't even matter what you do after a stun as long as it deals damage. I like going for Usmashes. Fair and uair work well, too.

Don't get overexcited with Dsmash out of Plasma Wire, either. Go for one, and know what it looks like when you're going to hit, and if you're not going to hit, prepare to do something else, if it looks like you're going to hit, then prepare to do another one.

Don't grab too much right after shooting a paralyzer. Generally, if they've got a shield up, I prefer to dash attack, which sounds counter-intuitive, but it has less lag in case they roll, which they should be doing.

There was one particular instance, though, where I would have liked to see a through-the-stage dair, in the last minutes of the last Sheik match. You landed a dsmash through the ship, and Sheik's head was sticking up through it. That's a perfect opportunity to spike them through the stage.

You could also work on better predicting Zelda's recovery. Your opponent almost always went for the edge when recovering, and you just sat there while he did it. Zelda takes some time while teleporting, and Zamus is fast enough to hug the ledge in many cases before the former gets there.

You also should spend more of the opening moments protecting your suit pieces and less time pressing the advantage they give you. If you defend aggressively at the beginning, you'll get more out of them than if you just run around the level with a suit piece. Watch Snakeee for some really neat suit piece ideas.
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