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my Wolf Mindset....help needed


Smash Cadet
Apr 29, 2008
This is basically what goes on in my head when playing as wolf...:dizzy:

=undestand the some of the sheild's potential
+things like the near EXCELLENT stun(can easily be followed with Fsmash)
+safe to fall off the stage and sheild
=dont use any laggy attacks for an approach (no smashes, Dair, many cases Nair)
+Sometimes DONT approach....use Blaster and watch them dance >=D
+Fair is usable only if its Short hop Lag-Cancelled
+after "defence breaking" opponent A-combo is good follow-up at low percentages
+Uair for high %s
=Use follow-ups after Throwing
+DThrow > Fsmash works anywhere before 40% (guess)
+BThrow > Fspecial works anywhere around 50% (or somethin)
+UThrow > ???
+FThrow > ???
+dont 4get KNEEZ
=Dont get grabbed! they are deadly in this game
+after almost every offensive action atleast side dodge(L/R < or >) (L/R down takes some 'warming up' time for me ]=)
++sometimes another evasive action is a better option than counterattacking. better to be safe than sorry
+when chain-grabbed Dspecial seems to be the only action that has a chance of getting you anywhere....spam it

is this how to effectivly use wolf?
can anyone fill in the "???"..?
anything to add?
why seriously should i cancel my Fspecial?

and to keep updated, these are the all the Adv. Techs i am aware of...

Scarring- Easy to perform, but not sure as to what stages it can be done on(the only stage my friends play on is FD...and i cant do it on that stage....is it possible?)

shorthop Lag-canceled Fair- second nature, part of my approach

insta recovery(forgot name....the other Fspecial recovery)- not hard, but dont practice...

any others? i may know other exposures since i watch alot of youtube....



Smash Cadet
Feb 19, 2004
Lancaster California
Stage Scarring can be performed on Final D if you do it at the right spot. If your a little low you will hit under the lip. Side Special then hold down and you will shoot pass the ledge without attaching. Works very well. Fair is useful for killing and I use it high up. Uair is good at low percentages to juggle with. hrmm Fthrow is bleh. Lots more **** that I dont feel like typing. =)
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