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My thoughts


Smash Rookie
Apr 4, 2015
10 years ago...that's when I first picked up Smash Bros. Me and my brother were the closest friends possible. We were almost identical despite the 7 year age difference. We were always together and we spent as much time with each other as possible, but I don't think we played a game together more than the original Smash Bros (except maybe Mario party). It was a great time.....

It's 10 years later now and I've found this wonderful community. I suppose you have to have a good heart to enjoy smash bros but seriously it amazes me how welcoming everyone is here. Just scroll down and read the replies to other threads here, everyone is so open-armed and kind. It's really something special. Like a bastion of light in the dark, vicious world that is the internet. I'm not exactly sure how much I'll be able to contribute to the community but I know my time here will be well spent, so thank you for making that happen.

On a side note, you probably know that Nintendo has posted a place where you can suggest a character that you think should become a smash fighter. I was wondering who you guys think deserves to be in the roster. Personally I think one of the most deserving would be Zero. I mean, he has a freaking green laser sword that slices through everything in his way. He's definitely more well known than some of the current roster *cough shulk cough* and it would be fitting to put him in a fighting game unlike say pacman or villager.

Thank you again, I hope you enjoyed a few of my thoughts.

Trieste SP

Smash Champion
Nov 6, 2014
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EDIT: Made by @KMZ || WolfieXVII, @ Trieste SP Trieste SP and @Cyndane
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