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My thoughts about the new falcon


Smash Ace
Aug 9, 2007
falcon was my secondary in melee, and i always had a blast playing him, wether I won or lost.

That being said I tried him in brawl of course, with some disappointment in the beginning, but after a few matches, I think I saw awesome untapped potential...

The main thing that ex falcon mainers have to bear in mind is that falcon can no longer use his air game on the ground as efficiently as in melee. I think you have to make a conscious effort to technically seperate the two. Bair and nair are decent at most, maybe a weak knee, but they wont even pop the enemy in the air so whats the point.

So what do we want? We want to build up some damage to be able to launch the enemy high enough (but not too high) in the air so the real beatdown can begin.

Useful attacks to build up damage:

Dash attack, imo has been buffed and is a great way to do easy damage, especially with falcons speed
Jab combo
Ftilt, utilt, dtilt
sh nair or fair

Attacks to launch enemy in the dair:

Uthrow, dthrow
side b
usmash (hard to land, but efficient when hyphen smashed)

and when enemy is in the air (presumably at 40-50 %) the goal is pretty much to spam uairs and land a knee or spike with a dair

Im not a falcon pro, im just brainstorming on his new style, which I think is still in the works for most of us....and which I would personnaly very like to develop.

With his insane speed, I think falcon has so much potential its not even funny.
Its true the hitstun is aggravating in brawl, but its true for everyone, and falcons moves havent changed much, except for a slightly harder to land knee that cant really be spammed on the ground.

So the main thing im trying to say is, i think the first step into developping falcons new style is to really learn to use his ground moves to build up damage, using mainly his speed to keep up with the opponent.

Mario_ 101

Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2007
Sounds about right. I've also noticed that Falcon's f throw can be used to chainthrow till around 15-30%, though it looks like you can get out of it. His ANA is a good substitute for AUA if your opponent DI's away from you; you can just use it a few times like AUA.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 18, 2007
mute city
only thing i have to add is that when your edge guarding or just chasing in the air, if they airdodge your first attack, dont be afraid to attack again, i usually survive :)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2006
wow i think we are on to something man. Check out my thread "the new way to falcon" and everything will become clear. I have come up with basically the same thing. Go check it out and be freaked out the same way as i was when i read your thread.


Smash Ace
Aug 9, 2007
cool stuff, but the thing is falcon moves are so much harder to land in brawl......either they suck or require alot of practice

i hope its the practice
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