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My Team with a Smogon makeover


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
Believe it or not, those pricks down at smogon are useful.

Tentacruel @ Choice Scarf
Liquid Ooze
Modest(+Sp. Atk, -Atk)
IVs: 31 for Hp and Atk, 30 for everything else
EVs: 80 Hp, 176 Spd, 252 Sp. Atk
Poison Spikes
Ice Beam
Rapid Spin
Hidden Power(Fighting)/ Safeguard
My surprising starter, if I do say so myself. He has three goals, and in order of imortance, they are to eleminate the enemy(such as taking out the usual Salamence and Garchomp with Ice Beam), eliminate Stealth Rock and other kinds of Spikes by using Rapid Spin, or to lay down Poison Spikes. This can be easy if you predict the opponent to switch out. He can also become a special wall, if need be. Hidden Power(Fighting) allows for you to take out enemy Weavile, or you can use Safeguard to safely set up a sweeper. The EVs allow it to outspeed an Adamant Ninjask, since it's impossiblt to outspeed a jolly one, and OHKO Garchomps.

Gliscor @ Leftovers
Sand Veil
Adamant(+Atk, -Sp. Atk)
EVs: 252 Hp, 112 Atk, 144 Def
Aerial Ace
Rock Polish
Baton Pass
Stealth Rock/ Earthquake
The perfect Heracross counter. Without it, I would get run over by Choice Banded, Guts-boosted parasites, especially with this team using both Will-O-Wisp and Poison Spikes. He can easily switch in on any of Heracrosses attacks, and can retaliate with a OHKO Aerial Ace. Anything can use a good speed boost, so this is welcome. Stealth Rock works perfectly with the team, but it needs Earthquake for some offensive capabilities.

Skarmory @ Shed Shell
Keen Eye
Impish(+Def, - Sp. Atk)
EVs: 252 Hp, 252 Def, 4 Sp. Def
Drill Peck
He's a very good Spike-setter, as always, and his skills have improved in D/P. Roost can keep you alive beyond normal capabilities, while you use Whirlwind to mix up the opponent's team and damage with all your spikes. Drill Peck may not put the biggest Damper on most things, but it's better than nothing, and it has STAB.

Dusknoir @ Leftovers
Careful(+Sp. Def, -Sp. Atk)
EVs:252 Hp, 76 Def, 180 Sp. Def
Thunder Punch
Ice Punch
Pain Split
Stops those annoying Rapid Spinners from ruining the fun. Thunder Punch for Starmie and Ice punch for Donphan. Will-O-wisp can stop those Garchomps that try to rampage through here, and can help against any physical attacker. Also can help to damage those unaffected by Poison Spikes. Pain Split can enlong survival, and completely negates anything Blissey could throw at you.

..... and two others.
I could possibly keep Infernape, but he's so hard to set up, it may be better to use something else.
I would like them to be able to use as walls, if needed, such as Snorlax, or Swampert.
Or possibly Bulkyados.
The biggest difference noted would be my starter, which you should know I designed my last one very carefully. This one has been designed just as carefully, only its more support and less offense.
I may be wrong in doing this, so please correct/ help me.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 13, 2004
Does will-o-wisp have a secondary effect on the affected pokemon? I keep reading how it's good against sweepers. Does it lower attack also?
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