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My real Blog.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
Link to original post: [drupal=951]My real Blog.[/drupal]

Yeah, hey guys. This is just a whole bunch of unorganized ideas that I want to type out.

Stuff that sucks:

Being 13 on the competitive smash scene
Kids that think they are the **** that really aren't
Ugly girls that think they are hot
Dirty People
My social studies teacher, here's why:

1. he's racist, he hates all the white people other than the over achieving girls
2. he hates me
3.he puts me with none of my friends. I have a lot of friends...
4. he thinks he's better than us because he's the teacher. I could out debate him any time.
5. he is a hypocrite, he made like all of the class redo any work that we did where stuff was scratched out, and he has typos all the time.

It's too cold for basketball outside
Having a bed time
Honors math at 7:15
not knowing whether or not to go out with this girl:

-We're really close friends (pro/con)
-She used to like me
-Good looking
-Nice (to her friends)
-I'm ****ed up because of the last time a liked a friend so I don't want it to happen again
-I don't want it to screw up our relationship as friends
-I know I could go out with her if I wanted to, she told me
-she's cool

I could use some advice.

I'll add to this later, advice is nice.


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
Solid, my boiii.

People need to stop with age discrimination. And for the record, middle school doesn't count for sh*t. Trust me on this. It's just useless practice, save your energy and do well in high school.

I'm with you for pretty much all of these. Your SS teacher should be fired, but a lot of teachers are like that. They teach so they can have an excuse for their superiority complex, but they actually suck too much to have a real profession, which is why most go into teaching in the first place. Just don't waste your time on people like that.

The girl... well, idk man, it depends on a lot of things. If you two are REALLY tight friends, I'd try to stay like that... I went out with a really close friend for a long time, now she refuses to speak to me and it sucks :( Realistically, things will end at this age, and then you have to deal with them throughout high school, so be wary. AND IF ITS THE GIRL'S FIRST RELATIONSHIP, DON'T BE AN A$$. You should never be one anyways, but really, don't screw people over. Maybe try going out for a while in a not-so-serious fashion, like a trial period. Depending on how that goes, think about if you both want it to be more serious and long term and all. The less serious and shorter the relationship, the easier it is to return to being good friends and the lower the chance of seriously screwing up. Good luck though, don't take it too seriously >_> Looking back, things will probably seem a lot less important than they seemed at the time.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Go for it.

^what mithx said

I'm currently dating the girl who used to be my best (lol and only... NO JOKE... ONLY...) friend in the entire school.

I asked her out, and she said yes.

Bit of advice:

Go for it, because you never know if you'll lose the chance, and you never know the answer until it's given.

If she rejects you, it's easier said then done... but don't dwell on it. Act like you normally act, and try not to change at all.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Your social studies teacher sounds like a don. He should teach in my school.
I'll trade him for a white elitist teacher any day.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 3, 2008
I don't know about the girl but I also really hate dirty people. I don't even know whether you meant people with dirty minds or just people who are filthy.

Disgusting sticky hands are the worst.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
Solid, my boiii.

People need to stop with age discrimination. And for the record, middle school doesn't count for sh*t. Trust me on this. It's just useless practice, save your energy and do well in high school.

I'm with you for pretty much all of these. Your SS teacher should be fired, but a lot of teachers are like that. They teach so they can have an excuse for their superiority complex, but they actually suck too much to have a real profession, which is why most go into teaching in the first place. Just don't waste your time on people like that.

The girl... well, idk man, it depends on a lot of things. If you two are REALLY tight friends, I'd try to stay like that... I went out with a really close friend for a long time, now she refuses to speak to me and it sucks :( Realistically, things will end at this age, and then you have to deal with them throughout high school, so be wary. AND IF ITS THE GIRL'S FIRST RELATIONSHIP, DON'T BE AN A$$. You should never be one anyways, but really, don't screw people over. Maybe try going out for a while in a not-so-serious fashion, like a trial period. Depending on how that goes, think about if you both want it to be more serious and long term and all. The less serious and shorter the relationship, the easier it is to return to being good friends and the lower the chance of seriously screwing up. Good luck though, don't take it too seriously >_> Looking back, things will probably seem a lot less important than they seemed at the time.
I'm a total *** most of the time, not to my friends tho.

Now It seems like I'm not going to go out with her, I hav to fix something wit another friend that's a girl that I screwed up earlier this year.

Here's the scoop:

I ask her out (we're pretty close)
She wants to be friends
We barely talk now

We text and "figure things out" or so I think.

She won't text me back and I have to ask her something else.



~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Haha, I'm nearly 20 now and the story with the little girl you like ... it's sooooooo~ cute lol XD
Yeah, when I look back at these times ... a lot of things changed. I'd say you should try to get her. I mean you're a young bloke, shes young...so what? Go for it mah boi.

Although it's kinda hard for me to imagine what "going out" means for a 13 year old dude lulz

yeah good luck either way.

Edit: Kay, I just read your story. Sucks kinde, eh? Just give it more time, she'll get her act together sooner or later (thinking back about the same happened to me and a female friend of mine when we were ~14yo. Now we're just buddies again). If she's really that upset...you can't call her a "friend" anyways, can you?


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
Haha, I'm nearly 20 now and the story with the little girl you like ... it's sooooooo~ cute lol XD
Yeah, when I look back at these times ... a lot of things changed. I'd say you should try to get her. I mean you're a young bloke, shes young...so what? Go for it mah boi.

Although it's kinda hard for me to imagine what "going out" means for a 13 year old dude lulz

yeah good luck either way.

Edit: Kay, I just read your story. Sucks kinde, eh? Just give it more time, she'll get her act together sooner or later (thinking back about the same happened to me and a female friend of mine when we were ~14yo. Now we're just buddies again). If she's really that upset...you can't call her a "friend" anyways, can you?
She's not upset idk whats up. I think she doesn't hav her phone tho... I was tlking to my other friend and he said he tried to text her to and she didn't reply to him either. idk.

I don't like her Gheb. stfu.

Did you just say bloke? LMFAOMFPMUMT

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
yeah I said bloke lmao. Not a typical american word then?

You don't like her? What's the big deal then :confused:


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
Two words: sh*t happens.

It kinda sucks, but the truth is that these things heal with some time. She probably was busy so she couldn't answer, it happens, don't freak out too much about it. Girls are like this though, and I've found that the best option is to just leave them alone so they can sort things out themselves.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
Tru dat...

The thing that sucks the most is the girl that was my friend that rejected me would be like my perfect girlfriend in my eyes..... At my school at least. <3 you Jessica Alba.
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