Smash Journeyman
hello, i see a decent amount of people posted in my assist trophy thread so i wrote up some of my ideas (and some my friends have been asking for) on pokeballs. i have a list of 70, thats right 70! pokemon i would love to see in it. i doubt there will be that many and i know a few are confirmed or no gonna happen (e.g. blaziken as torchic is already one) but it is what i would love to see. enjoy reading! sorry its so long, but there are 4 generations of pokemon involved now.
Articuno - blizzard: a small tornado of ice appears in the centre of the screen and batters the enemies
Zapdos - thunder wave: several thunderbolts swirl across screen, reducing the speed of anyone it hits
moltres - heat wave: fire is spread over the level burning the foes
Mewtwo - psywave: small circular waves pulsate around mewtwo and hurt the enemy
Mew - metronome: summons a random (legendary?) pokemon (not including itself) which attacks for it
Raikou - shockwave: looks like samus' final smash but electrical, less powerful and a smaller spread.
Entei - fire spin: same distance/spread as raikou's shockwave but rings of fire shot instead
Suicune - Aurora beam: same as entei/raikou's attacks but shoots a multicoloured jet
Lugia - Aeroblast: very similar melee's but shoots the aeroblast at a random part of the level
Ho-oh - Sacred fire: fire rains down on the enemies quickly and powerfully
Celebi - safeguard: creates an impenetrable barrier. if a foe is inside/touches the barrier, it gets blasted quite far
regirock - rock throw: rocks are hurled across the level
regice - icy wind: a gust of hail blows horizontally from regice
registeel - metal claw: leaps upwards slicing the foes above
Lati-s - sandstorm: both latias and latios appear onscreen (one in ball calls for other) fly in circle and cause a sandstorm
Kyogre - water pulse: rings of water appear in random areas on screen, hurting the foe and causing their directional pad to be reversed
Groudon - Eruption: fire spurts from groudon and hits the foe.
Rayquaza - outrage: darts across the screen 3 times dealing alot of damage
Jirachi - Doom desire: seems to do nothing at first, jirachi teleports off screen, but then a few second later returns with a bright ray aaround it, throwing back enemies
Deoxys - Hyper beam: need i explain???
Rotom - ominous wind: wind blows rotom about as he discharges his electricity
Uxie - extrasensory: surrounds itself with a yellow, glowing ball and flies upwards, the ball growing slightly
Azelf - extrasensory: same as uxie but a blue ball and flies left
mesprit - extrasensory: same as uxie but a pink ball and flies right
Dialga - Roar of time: the screen vibrates as dialga roars and a tiny ring is shot into the centre of the stage, which then grows and pushes foes toward the edges of the stage. it then implodes pulling things back toward the centre.
palkia - spacial rend: the screen vibrates as palkia flies and a small ring is shot into the centre of the stage, dragging things closer. it then explodes and pushes things away from the centre.
Regigas - Superpower: walks slowly, waving its arms
Butterfree - spleep powder: flies above and uses sleep powder
pidgeotto - aerial ace: flies diagnally downard fast, cutting the foe
dugtrio - earthquake: causes and earthquake and leaves the opponent in a pit like the pitfall trap item.
poliwrath - corkscrew punch: spins arm vigerously and hits opponent hard
Alakazam - future sight: like jirachi's it does nothing at first, but alakazam teleports into the BG and soon raises his spoon, then BLAM!!! struck by futuresight
Gengar - shadow ball: similar to mewtwo's from melee. black balls are thrown with a large spread
kingler - bubblebeam: blasts bubbles from left to right side of screen
Electrode - if you dont know this, go stand in the corner
tauros - stomp: stampedes from one side of the course to the other 3x
Dragonite - your ideas go here!!!
Totodile - water gun: a feeble jet hits the foe
quilava - ember: small embers spread around quilava
meganium - razorleaf: like chikorita's in melee but more leaves for a shorter time (a flurry of leaves appear aroud meganium and 2 at a time launch forwards?)
flaaffy - charge/discharge: charges power and emits it. short range
unown - what they did in smash bros melee
forretress - spikes: scatters spikes which player can then throw. the spikes hurt people they hit when forretress fires them.
Donphan - rollout: rolls back and forth across the stage, slowly at first, then builds up speed and power.
houndoom - fireblast: a blast of fire hits the opponent
Hitmontop - triple kick: spins around and hurts anyone it touches
tyranitar - rock throw: rocks appear before it and it throws them at opponents
treeko - energy ball: shoots a leaf/vine surrounded ball of energy
marshtomp - muddy water: like water gun but more powerful/spread and muddy
Blaziken - Flare blitz: powers up while fire surrounds it the fires it away (v. good spread)
ludicolo - rain dance: dances... water spills from its leaf-head... the goldeen of brawl.
shiftry - razor wind: waves its arms at both left and right sides and causes foes to be tripped up
Loudred - Hyper voice: loudly screeches and causes inverted control (up=down, left=right and vice-versa)
cacnea - pin missile: floats like melee's staryu, aims and fires, then shoots pins at a VERY high speed
snorunt - powder snow: snow surrounds snorunt as it charges and leaps at opponents. causes foes to be frozen
aggron - Iron head: charges full speed knocking into anything in its path
salamence - dragonbreath: breathes a purple mist which slowly rises upwards inflicting large amounts of damage to anyone who it touches.
Chimchar - flame wheel: spins across the stage in a wheel of fire
grotle - giga drain: all enemies have a green circle appear behind them. their health gets reduced by up to 15 each, and the one who summoned grotle regains health of up to 45 (depending on how much was taken from others)
Empoleon - hydro pump: full power blast of water aimed either vertical, diaganol or horizontal.
Bidoof - amnesia: the second goldeen of brawl, bidoof has a '?' appear above its head. it then stands and looks troubled. yes, you can kick this one away.
buizel - swift: stars are fired from buizel, flying in random directions (v. hard to avoid)
skuntank - smokescreen: covers the stage in smoke so you cant see where you are.
croagunk - sludge bomb: shoots a 'nasty/filthy' looking ball across the stage
electivire - giga impact: charges at foe and uses a very powerful tackle
rhyperior - fissure: ground is shot into the air and targets are hit by rock/sand/etc.
hippopotas - sand tomb: traps the user in the ground (like pit fall item) then rampages over them
meowth - payday: coins are thrown at foes and can be picked up and thrown around
lucario - aura sphere: lucario is in centre, aura sphere charges over lucario, filling nearly full stage and implodes sucking foes toward centre of level
Readers choice;
there is one spot left on my list, just reply here or pm me (if you pm, i will be quicker with my reading of your idea)
i will read most all submissions until i see one that i like. feel free to suggest any pokemon with any move (even if i have used it alread)
i will also post a list of confirmed/reported (thanks to darkpaladin of chaos for the list which i will work on)
regigigas *
Dugtrio ~
cubone ~
Rayquaza - SE BOSS
Dialga (e)
Palkia (e)
* = reportedly
(e) = highly expected
~=seems like they are in but are BGcharacters/hazards
Articuno - blizzard: a small tornado of ice appears in the centre of the screen and batters the enemies
Zapdos - thunder wave: several thunderbolts swirl across screen, reducing the speed of anyone it hits
moltres - heat wave: fire is spread over the level burning the foes
Mewtwo - psywave: small circular waves pulsate around mewtwo and hurt the enemy
Mew - metronome: summons a random (legendary?) pokemon (not including itself) which attacks for it
Raikou - shockwave: looks like samus' final smash but electrical, less powerful and a smaller spread.
Entei - fire spin: same distance/spread as raikou's shockwave but rings of fire shot instead
Suicune - Aurora beam: same as entei/raikou's attacks but shoots a multicoloured jet
Lugia - Aeroblast: very similar melee's but shoots the aeroblast at a random part of the level
Ho-oh - Sacred fire: fire rains down on the enemies quickly and powerfully
Celebi - safeguard: creates an impenetrable barrier. if a foe is inside/touches the barrier, it gets blasted quite far
regirock - rock throw: rocks are hurled across the level
regice - icy wind: a gust of hail blows horizontally from regice
registeel - metal claw: leaps upwards slicing the foes above
Lati-s - sandstorm: both latias and latios appear onscreen (one in ball calls for other) fly in circle and cause a sandstorm
Kyogre - water pulse: rings of water appear in random areas on screen, hurting the foe and causing their directional pad to be reversed
Groudon - Eruption: fire spurts from groudon and hits the foe.
Rayquaza - outrage: darts across the screen 3 times dealing alot of damage
Jirachi - Doom desire: seems to do nothing at first, jirachi teleports off screen, but then a few second later returns with a bright ray aaround it, throwing back enemies
Deoxys - Hyper beam: need i explain???
Rotom - ominous wind: wind blows rotom about as he discharges his electricity
Uxie - extrasensory: surrounds itself with a yellow, glowing ball and flies upwards, the ball growing slightly
Azelf - extrasensory: same as uxie but a blue ball and flies left
mesprit - extrasensory: same as uxie but a pink ball and flies right
Dialga - Roar of time: the screen vibrates as dialga roars and a tiny ring is shot into the centre of the stage, which then grows and pushes foes toward the edges of the stage. it then implodes pulling things back toward the centre.
palkia - spacial rend: the screen vibrates as palkia flies and a small ring is shot into the centre of the stage, dragging things closer. it then explodes and pushes things away from the centre.
Regigas - Superpower: walks slowly, waving its arms
Butterfree - spleep powder: flies above and uses sleep powder
pidgeotto - aerial ace: flies diagnally downard fast, cutting the foe
dugtrio - earthquake: causes and earthquake and leaves the opponent in a pit like the pitfall trap item.
poliwrath - corkscrew punch: spins arm vigerously and hits opponent hard
Alakazam - future sight: like jirachi's it does nothing at first, but alakazam teleports into the BG and soon raises his spoon, then BLAM!!! struck by futuresight
Gengar - shadow ball: similar to mewtwo's from melee. black balls are thrown with a large spread
kingler - bubblebeam: blasts bubbles from left to right side of screen
Electrode - if you dont know this, go stand in the corner
tauros - stomp: stampedes from one side of the course to the other 3x
Dragonite - your ideas go here!!!
Totodile - water gun: a feeble jet hits the foe
quilava - ember: small embers spread around quilava
meganium - razorleaf: like chikorita's in melee but more leaves for a shorter time (a flurry of leaves appear aroud meganium and 2 at a time launch forwards?)
flaaffy - charge/discharge: charges power and emits it. short range
unown - what they did in smash bros melee
forretress - spikes: scatters spikes which player can then throw. the spikes hurt people they hit when forretress fires them.
Donphan - rollout: rolls back and forth across the stage, slowly at first, then builds up speed and power.
houndoom - fireblast: a blast of fire hits the opponent
Hitmontop - triple kick: spins around and hurts anyone it touches
tyranitar - rock throw: rocks appear before it and it throws them at opponents
treeko - energy ball: shoots a leaf/vine surrounded ball of energy
marshtomp - muddy water: like water gun but more powerful/spread and muddy
Blaziken - Flare blitz: powers up while fire surrounds it the fires it away (v. good spread)
ludicolo - rain dance: dances... water spills from its leaf-head... the goldeen of brawl.
shiftry - razor wind: waves its arms at both left and right sides and causes foes to be tripped up
Loudred - Hyper voice: loudly screeches and causes inverted control (up=down, left=right and vice-versa)
cacnea - pin missile: floats like melee's staryu, aims and fires, then shoots pins at a VERY high speed
snorunt - powder snow: snow surrounds snorunt as it charges and leaps at opponents. causes foes to be frozen
aggron - Iron head: charges full speed knocking into anything in its path
salamence - dragonbreath: breathes a purple mist which slowly rises upwards inflicting large amounts of damage to anyone who it touches.
Chimchar - flame wheel: spins across the stage in a wheel of fire
grotle - giga drain: all enemies have a green circle appear behind them. their health gets reduced by up to 15 each, and the one who summoned grotle regains health of up to 45 (depending on how much was taken from others)
Empoleon - hydro pump: full power blast of water aimed either vertical, diaganol or horizontal.
Bidoof - amnesia: the second goldeen of brawl, bidoof has a '?' appear above its head. it then stands and looks troubled. yes, you can kick this one away.
buizel - swift: stars are fired from buizel, flying in random directions (v. hard to avoid)
skuntank - smokescreen: covers the stage in smoke so you cant see where you are.
croagunk - sludge bomb: shoots a 'nasty/filthy' looking ball across the stage
electivire - giga impact: charges at foe and uses a very powerful tackle
rhyperior - fissure: ground is shot into the air and targets are hit by rock/sand/etc.
hippopotas - sand tomb: traps the user in the ground (like pit fall item) then rampages over them
meowth - payday: coins are thrown at foes and can be picked up and thrown around
lucario - aura sphere: lucario is in centre, aura sphere charges over lucario, filling nearly full stage and implodes sucking foes toward centre of level
Readers choice;
there is one spot left on my list, just reply here or pm me (if you pm, i will be quicker with my reading of your idea)
i will read most all submissions until i see one that i like. feel free to suggest any pokemon with any move (even if i have used it alread)
i will also post a list of confirmed/reported (thanks to darkpaladin of chaos for the list which i will work on)
regigigas *
Dugtrio ~
cubone ~
Rayquaza - SE BOSS
Dialga (e)
Palkia (e)
* = reportedly
(e) = highly expected
~=seems like they are in but are BGcharacters/hazards