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My Philosophy: Discussion on Current Events

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Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
Alright, so I'm usually thinking about stuff and the world and the "big picture" and whatnot and I thought I'd share my thoughts with you guys and we could maybe have an intelligent discussion on the subjects I'm about to address. So I came up with this thread...

WARNING: You are about to encounter the hugest wall of text I've ever typed up in a while. Popcorn and drinks are heavilly recommended. Also, this thread's main purpose isn't for debating, I'm afraid to say. This thread is more heavilly centered around intelligent discussion and your input on the subject matter. So if you just want to debate then look elsewhere.

A while back on another forum I visit, I made a thread entitled "Philosophy" and I told everyone my philosophy. See the pattern? So instead of typing it all up again or restating my philosophy I'm just going to be lazy and copy/paste it.

Uncle Kenny said:
Meh... I randomly decided to share my life's philosophy and I warn you now, it may or may not be boring. *fear*

I'm not trying to shove anything on you guys or force my way of thinking on to you or whatever so don't blame me for anything when it's YOUR choice to read this. But it isn't as bad as I'm making sound. Nothing malicious or evil, anyway.

Basically, the words "You only have one life" runs deep in my mind. I'm sure several of you have heard this phrase before but you probably still didn't think much of it. Perhaps you haven't even taken the time to think about it more deeply. Then again, maybe some of you have but if you haven't, I'll explain it now and the people who have thought about it will know where I'm coming from.

Consider the number one heavilly. That's all you have. One life. Everyone on this planet only has ONE life. That's it. Rich? One life. Poor? One life. Young or Old, you still only have ONE LIFE. One life to lose. That's it.

Everything about you instantly doesn't matter when you lose that one life. Death doesn't care if you were rich during your life. It doesn't care if you were poor. It doesn't even care if you were good or evil.

So you might be thinking now, then what's the point of it all? Why should I go to school and make the grade? Why should I bother? Why should I even care when all of it doesn't matter the second I die? There is no answer to those questions. You have to decide for yourself what the answer is. I already have an answer.

Instead of dying after having given up on my dream like so many others. Instead of working my whole life and then retiring at an old age where your freedom from work is in vain since you're too old to do anything fun. Instead of taking the pessmetic way of thinking and saying "I can't do this" or "It doesn't matter" or whatever. I pave my own path. I shape my own life.

I'm going to chase my dreams until the cold hand of death keeps me from going any further but I'm working on a clock. I know that I don't have forever on this world. I know I could die tommorrow or hell, right now as I type this. So basically my philosophy is this and simply this, "Just give it a try."

What do you have to lose? We're all heading to the same end. We're ALL going to die. Just give it a try. Chase your dreams. Achieve them. Don't give up no matter what. If you do give up on them, then you're going to die like all the others that gave up on their dreams. You're going to die working your whole life and doing absolutely everything boring in life.

We only have so much time on this planet and that time limit isn't even a gurantee. If I die right now than so be it. I can die happilly whenever because the last thought in my head will be "At least I gave it a shot." At the very least, I'm trying to achieve my dreams.

I'd rather die trying than live after giving up. And you might think, that's a selfish way of thinking, believing the only purpose for living is achieving YOUR goals. What about everyone else?

Well you're right. That would be a selfish way of thinking but I don't neccessarilly think that way. I'm just trying. I'm not saying I'm going to achieve anything and to be honest with you, if I can at least help someone else achieve their life goal than I've already achieved mine. I'll give my life in a second to save a total stranger. That's how little I fear my own death.

I guess my way of thinking runs a little bit more complicated than this and I can't really make this clear with words but when you finally realize that you only have one life to lose and that nothing in this world is absolute, you might see where I'm coming from.

Just give it a try.

And now... I'm going to eat something. For I am hungry. And I want to eat something. I think I'll have a sandwich...
You'll notice there is a lot of repetition in my words mainly because I like stressing things, especially the whole "You only have one life" concept. So that's my philosophy in full. If you want to tell me your philosophy in this thread then you are more then welcomed to do so and if you have any questions on my philosophy then feel free to ask away.

Now on to the second part of this thread. I addressed my philosophy because that's how I view my "purpose" or goal in life. You can say that's my guide to how I'm going to tackle the future. It's always good to have a philosophy so you can have a better grasp on things and give yourself goals. But this thread is going to address not only your thoughts on the future but also your thoughts on current events and past events.

I'll address the past next. I could address stuff like WWII but that's not the point I'm trying to get across. Everything in this thread is going to be directly related to how YOU feel about everything so I'm going to address my own past.

I've had a rough life. Very rough? Not by a long shot. I've been through some abusive time periods and seemingly perpetual emotional trauma but in the end I always say, "It could be worse..." and that's completely true. Now I can't brag and say my life was awesome or that I'm completely and totally blessed for what I've been through but I can't complain about it either.

My past thoughts on life... I can't really tell how they were. I used to feel sorry for myself a lot and I always thought the pressure was on me to find a solution but it's now that I realize I shouldn't feel sorry for myself at all. And it's not my fault for everything that has happened to me. And it definitely isn't my responsibility.

But that's what life is all about. Learning from your mistakes and past thought patterns. I did a lot of stupid things mainly because I wanted to gain the respect and love of my mother and nobody can blame me for trying but I eventually learned better and abandoned her because she will never truly love me or care for me as a son.

I'm now with the people that I know love and care about me. The same people I turned my back on so foolishly as a child. You see? All points of life play important roles in what you do in the long run. Maybe if you haven't payed attention to what you've been doing so far, you should start.

But the main focus of what I wanted to address here was the current. It sickens me. I'm very depressed at all the things around me. I see things... people suffering... and it hurts me to see it. I have friends that are going through hell right now. I know several of them have been *****. I know one that recently had an abortion because there was no other option available to her. And I know people that are undergoing the same suffering I used to go through but only to higher degrees. And still others even have murderers in their families.

Life is a b****. There is no denying that. It's so difficult to keep on going and keep on believing things will turn out for the better. I'll admit, I'm pretty negative and I have little to no faith in humanity. S*** happens every second, can you blame me?

But even with all the hardships, that's just how life works. It's up to us to push through those hardships and find solutions on our own.

Alright, I'm going to admit it. I don't want to type anymore out of sheer lack of will but once input has been added and a discussion gets going I'll contribute more to this. Right now just feel free to address any current events or state your philosophy or whatever and we can try and make this a serious topic to discuss.

Edit: Also, I'm not the most intelligent peson here so I aplogize if my views aren't as thought out or as intelligent as yours. I'm still only sixteen. I'm still learning.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2006
Sacramento / Berkeley
If I had this mindset at sixteen, I don't know where I would be now. For about three years I was completely unmotivated to really do anything for myself. It took me more thought and revaluation than I had even conceived before to give myself the willpower that I have now. And even after that, I lost it for a while. Over the last two years I've realized that even after your ideas have been somewhat sorted, there are so many loose ends and unanswered questions that even being in the wrong state of mind can utterly ruin years of philosophical advancement until the problem is realized and dealt with.

I work now an incredible amount not only to advance what wisdom I have but also to make sure to keep it and not become lax. And extended effort is something I have a huge problem with. I'm very carefree and I find that I'll often begin to disregard things that I've spent years doing. And before I know it I turn my back completely.

On top of all this I realize that it's just as important to hold and continue your thought as it is to revaluate, question yourself, and create new possibilities - and sometimes the best ideas to dwell on are those which you completely disagree with. Stubbornness can be both a blessing and a curse, and sometimes it's very hard to tell the two apart. One has to have an eye from more than one angle in everything, or we end up blind to incredibly many interpretations.

And even after all that it seems we never get any closer. To what? That's the question, isn't it? With the endless possible ways to live and the endless interpretations of every action, it seems completely impossible to find any truth. And after a while I began to question the value of even that. For now, I think that the only way to live is to follow your own will - there are too many possibilities to sort through to find out what is ultimately 'right' or 'wrong' - it can never be discovered. Follow your will, your heart, your spirit - that is the only way to live.

Bravo, Uncle Kenny. You have already what I've only just found. You came about it as a result of experience and preference, but for me I had the hard road, one of enough introspection, questioning, revaluating, denying and affirming to last most people a lifetime. I wonder which of us is better off?


Deleted member

Uncle Kenny said:
I'd rather die trying than live after giving up. And you might think, that's a selfish way of thinking, believing the only purpose for living is achieving YOUR goals. What about everyone else?

Well you're right. That would be a selfish way of thinking but I don't neccessarilly think that way. I'm just trying.
Selfishness itself has a wrong stigma. For all intents and purposes, let's say that there are two kinds of selfishness; greedy and innocent.

Greedy selfish is stupid, ignorant.

Innocent selfish is intelligent, it is needed to survive.

Greedy selfish is reckless. Greedy selfish says that you can do anything ignorantly because you know nothing of the repercussions, and/or just plain greedy. Greedy selfish doesn't take other people into consideration.

Innocent selfish is required. You need to eat breakfast. Innocent selfish is sustaining oneself. Innocent selfish can also include doing things for yourself that don't infract or border on greedy selfish, like taking in a movie at the local cinema. It should be noted, though, that it is not greedy selfish to buy as much popcorn as you can eat, unless it is on limited supply. Gluttony is a grey area, but that's another story.

^_^ Nice read. During my winter break last year, I wrote a lot of writing at like 4 AM about my life philosophies..it's messy and it's a block of text, but what I just wrote above this is from it. If you liked it, then I guess I'll share it, but be warned, it's long.

Anyway, your philosophy intrigues me..

because you sound like me a while ago. My outlook towards humanity has greatly diminished. Not in the sense that I hate people, but just I have a hard time placing myself as a human when I truly don't believe that I belong in the same category as some people. It is, how you say, sickening. This is why my arrogance is my downfall for normal life...I have a hard time letting it go, but really..should I? Is it really a downfall? It's strange.

At the moment, I'm a failing hedonist.

I'm failing because I can't strive for my greatest good, (pleasure) because that requires money. And jobs give money, and I greatly dislike being someone's drone.

I don't necessarily think that I will fail in the long run, but as it stands now, it's hard for me to carry out my philosophical hedonism because I can't afford to order a pizza whenever the hell I want, I gotta budget it.

Being lax and enjoying life is what I'm all about. If someone says that my day was wasted because I slept in till 4..I shake my head and ask them why they wasted their night, because I probably stayed up till 5 AM, relaxing, writing, playing, just general alone stuff. I didn't waste my time..because I enjoyed myself.

Anyway. Good stuff.

Jeremy Feifer

Jeremy Feifer
Oct 2, 2006
Alright, so I'm usually thinking about stuff and the world and the "big picture" and whatnot and I thought I'd share my thoughts with you guys and we could maybe have an intelligent discussion on the subjects I'm about to address. So I came up with this thread...

WARNING: You are about to encounter the hugest wall of text I've ever typed up in a while. Popcorn and drinks are heavilly recommended. Also, this thread's main purpose isn't for debating, I'm afraid to say. This thread is more heavilly centered around intelligent discussion and your input on the subject matter. So if you just want to debate then look elsewhere.

A while back on another forum I visit, I made a thread entitled "Philosophy" and I told everyone my philosophy. See the pattern? So instead of typing it all up again or restating my philosophy I'm just going to be lazy and copy/paste it.

You'll notice there is a lot of repetition in my words mainly because I like stressing things, especially the whole "You only have one life" concept. So that's my philosophy in full. If you want to tell me your philosophy in this thread then you are more then welcomed to do so and if you have any questions on my philosophy then feel free to ask away.

Now on to the second part of this thread. I addressed my philosophy because that's how I view my "purpose" or goal in life. You can say that's my guide to how I'm going to tackle the future. It's always good to have a philosophy so you can have a better grasp on things and give yourself goals. But this thread is going to address not only your thoughts on the future but also your thoughts on current events and past events.

I'll address the past next. I could address stuff like WWII but that's not the point I'm trying to get across. Everything in this thread is going to be directly related to how YOU feel about everything so I'm going to address my own past.

I've had a rough life. Very rough? Not by a long shot. I've been through some abusive time periods and seemingly perpetual emotional trauma but in the end I always say, "It could be worse..." and that's completely true. Now I can't brag and say my life was awesome or that I'm completely and totally blessed for what I've been through but I can't complain about it either.

My past thoughts on life... I can't really tell how they were. I used to feel sorry for myself a lot and I always thought the pressure was on me to find a solution but it's now that I realize I shouldn't feel sorry for myself at all. And it's not my fault for everything that has happened to me. And it definitely isn't my responsibility.

But that's what life is all about. Learning from your mistakes and past thought patterns. I did a lot of stupid things mainly because I wanted to gain the respect and love of my mother and nobody can blame me for trying but I eventually learned better and abandoned her because she will never truly love me or care for me as a son.

I'm now with the people that I know love and care about me. The same people I turned my back on so foolishly as a child. You see? All points of life play important roles in what you do in the long run. Maybe if you haven't payed attention to what you've been doing so far, you should start.

But the main focus of what I wanted to address here was the current. It sickens me. I'm very depressed at all the things around me. I see things... people suffering... and it hurts me to see it. I have friends that are going through hell right now. I know several of them have been *****. I know one that recently had an abortion because there was no other option available to her. And I know people that are undergoing the same suffering I used to go through but only to higher degrees. And still others even have murderers in their families.

Life is a b****. There is no denying that. It's so difficult to keep on going and keep on believing things will turn out for the better. I'll admit, I'm pretty negative and I have little to no faith in humanity. S*** happens every second, can you blame me?

But even with all the hardships, that's just how life works. It's up to us to push through those hardships and find solutions on our own.

Alright, I'm going to admit it. I don't want to type anymore out of sheer lack of will but once input has been added and a discussion gets going I'll contribute more to this. Right now just feel free to address any current events or state your philosophy or whatever and we can try and make this a serious topic to discuss.

Edit: Also, I'm not the most intelligent peson here so I aplogize if my views aren't as thought out or as intelligent as yours. I'm still only sixteen. I'm still learning.
Not to start a debate(which is weird) or anything but im curious. Have you ever tried talking to a Jehovahs Witness? I mean you say "only one life"so why not try learning about them for a just a month, whats one month? I don't mean internet research either, why not actually try going to a kingdom hall in your area and telling them how you feel about the world. You be surprised were not so different. Or we could just talk me and you... cause I use to feel just as you interms of "I see things... people suffering... and it hurts me to see it."

Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
Gah, I've been gone quite a long time. Well Jeremy, my eyes were recently opened up to Jesus so I won't promise I'm converting or anything but you have me intrigued so sure. I love sharing beliefs about the world. Also, I'd love to hear your philosophy, Delorted.
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