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MY Ideal Changes for Smash Ultimate


Smash Rookie
Dec 10, 2018
Hey everybody, I'm kinda new here, and I've been enjoying Smash Ultimate very much, but I have some gripes with the game. I'd call myself a casual-competitive player, so my opinions are more geared towards mechanical changes rather than aesthetic, but I have some of those too. I just thought I'd share and see if anybody was thinking the same things I did. I'm also gonna have some fun and propose changes for ALL of the characters (except the mii's because I don't care). This isn't supposed to be taken seriously, but certain topics are (such as multi-hits).

SO...without further ado, here we go!

Multi-hit moves have a "vortex" effect that sucks opponents into the move, with the final hit launching like normal. It's not a windbox, but multi-hit moves "drag" opponents into them. The little hits have knock-back that pulls the opponent in I guess. Multi-hit moves should be interrupted by floors, walls, stage hazards, etc. like normal.

I can't be the only one whose been playing smash, with someone like Squirtle, or Falco, or Samus/Dark Samus, and noticed that opponents will fall out of the multi-hit move, even if you landed every single hit-box prior to the final one. It's annoying as hell. Especially for me, a Falco main. I think the change I proposed isn't too much, considering it's not buffing them (damage or knock-back).


Fire Mario color returns!

Down Tilt - Launches at a 55, maybe 60 degree angle upwards, and at mid-percents, true combos into a sweet-spot forward-air. At higher percents, it no longer true combos into forward-air. (Should allow Mario flashier combos but it's not a guaranteed, early kill.) Should true combo into U-Air, N-Air, D-Air, etc. at most percents.

Up Tilt - Hitbox comes out lower to the ground. Other than that it's fine.

Up Smash - Head is no longer intangible.

Down Smash - Increased launch power. (you know you want to kill your enemies with a break-dance. And if you don't, well, you'll come around).

Forward Air - Fine the way it is. Mmmaaaaaayyybbbeeeee reduce the landing lag a little?

Down Air - See Multi-Hit section above

Down Throw - Now a combo throw from mid to high percents.

Up Throw - Only a combo throw at low percents. (Down throw just looks better I'm sorry it's so dope throwing your foe in the ground. I do however have nightmares of D-throw uptilt combos...so...up throw at low and then down throw at higher percents)

Back Throw - Mario spins for longer and faster. Why? I dunno I'm having fun here.

Up Special - You can grab the ledge sooner while rising.


Jab - Second hit can lead into an up tilt and so on.

Up Smash - Donkey Kong's hands, while rising, can catch opponents and drag them into the clap. (Think Wolf's up smash).

Neutral Special - The wind up has a hitbox. (Like Lucarios Aura Sphere).

Forward Air - Auto-cancels from short-hop height. Why? The animation clearly depicts DK doing a full roll in the air, yet he lands like he's still half-way through the spin. Smh.

Up Special - Increased recovery height but reduced hit boxes (hits less).

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Jab - When at 0.0%, shoots projectiles like Forward Smash.

Down Tilt - Spikes players BELOW the sword.

Neutral Special - Less knockback but faster firing speed. (Like the arrows in his games).

Down Special - Increased knock-back (it's a kill move now) but reduced explosion size. Comes out faster.

Forward Throw - Kills at the ledge. Why? Use your imagination, spartan...

Back Air - Way more combo-able.

Down Air - Laggier but more kill power.



Up Smash - Samus starts firing her arm cannon at waist height rather than shoulder height (to catch smaller opponents like Pichu, Kirby, or Meta-Knight). Can be ducked under.

Foward Smash - Increased knock back over-all, sweet spotted or not.

Up Air Forward Air Screw Attack - See Multi-Hit section above

Neutral Special - Increased knock back on all charge levels, but projectile travels slower.

Side Special (Missile) - Less end lag. Projectile is slower.

Side Special (Super Missile) - Projectile does more damage and knock-back. Kills at high percent, like 150%+ on Mario.

Down Tilt - Either A.) Increased knock-back (kills like Falco Down Tilt) or B.) Less knock-back, reduced end-lag, improved combo-ability (linking forward air for example off of down-tilt mid percent).

Dash Attack - Increased knock back. Should totally kill.

Back Air - Increased sweet spot and more knock back.

Neutral Air - Less knock-back but hit-box persists longer.

Up Throw - Samus shoots a missile up your buttocks. I think it should kill earlier than it currently does.

Most of the changes from Samus should apply to Dark Samus, except moves like Down tilt and Forward Air will have electric properties, so it's possible Down Tilt for Dark Samus could connect into more moves due to electric attacks having increased hit-stun.

No need to change up smash it already connects with shorter characters.


Black Yoshi recolor is back!

Back Air - Less knock-back but more combo-ability.

Neutral Air - Less knock-back.

Down Air - Less damage but spikes. Why does it launch up if he hits you downward? Oh and severely reduced shield damage.

Neutral Special - It's harder to break out of the shell at later percents but easier at lower to mid percents.


Forward Air - More combo ability.

Back Air - Increased knock-back.

Side Special - Decreased end-lag but decreased knock-back as well. It'll still hit harder than most smash attacks.

Down Special - Can deactivate rock form faster.

Up Throw - Severely increased knock-back. Kirby literally flies into the heavens and crashes down into an explosion. You got caught by this you should die at like 140.

Down Throw - Can be combo-ed after with something like Up Air or Forward Air chains.

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Foward Air - See Multi-Hit section above AND can be comboed into twice at lower percents. (I dunno it'd look flashy.)

Side Special - Simply comes out faster.

Neutral Special - Less end lag.


Neutral Air - See Multi-Hit section above.

Down Air - No longer has a landing hit-box.

Neutral Special - Less hit stun.


Forward Smash - More kill power.

Up Special - Reduced kill power.

Grab - Reduced end lag and increased range. Acts like a tether grab (it sucks onto the ledge).

Down Special - Is not intangible during start-up frames. Does way less knock-back and hit-stun. When pressed rapidly Luigi rises in the air (like he used to).

Side Special - Charges faster. Has less knock-back and reduced chance of misfire. Fully charged it hits ALMOST as hard as a misfire.

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Up Smash - Yoyo doesn't have a hitbox until swung.

Down Smash - Doesn't have a hitbox until swung.

Side Special - Less hit-stun overall.

Neutral Special - More maneuverable.

Back Air - More knock-back.

Back Throw - Less knock-back (still a kill throw).

Down Throw - Can true combo into a down-air for flashy combos.

Forward Smash - Can continuously knock-back projectiles regardless of projectile strength.


Dash Attack - Much more knock-back (he lost his Raptor Boost kill power for combos, so his Dash Attack should lose combo power for kill power).

Forward Throw - True combos into down special at low percents. Kills at ledge.

Neutral Special - Comes out faster, reversed or not.

Down Special - (Ground Only) You can jump out of Falcon Kick at any time and keep the momentum. Moving in the air reduces the momentum. You can Falcon Kick again while in the air after jumping from a Falcon Kick. Greatly reduced knock-back on hit, both on the sweet spot and sour spot. Greatly reduced end-lag when on the ground and when landing from the air. (Air Only) The tip of Captain Falcon's boot can spike. YOU CANNOT JUMP OUT OF AN AERIAL FALCON KICK.


Improved everything in regards to regular A moves, for the most part, except grounded moves. Jiggs is clearly an air fighter, and it's best moves should be in the air. HOWEVER...

Rest no longer puts a flower on your opponents head. Rest kills at around 110%. Yeah that's right I think your rest mechanic is a gimmick and should die in a fire. I'm all for you puff mains having your favorite character be a formidable opponent, I just don't think you should be formidable because you have a "I win" button.

Side Special comes out faster, does less shield damage, but sets up for combos.

Neutral Special - Improved control. Less knock-back. You can jump out of it (no more suicides off stage).

Up Special - Increased range of Sing. Reduced time players affected by Sing are asleep.


Down Tilt - Spikes players hit BELOW the hand too (so you can spike people recovering to the ledge if you time it right).

Down Smash - Reduced knock-back.

Back Air - Reduced knock-back. Combos into itself. I find the idea of Peach/Daisy slamming their tush in your face multiple times funnier than being smacked with it once and dying. They have a side special for a reason...

Down Air - Reduced knock-back. Less shield damage.

Neutral Special - Back when I had to unlock all the characters, I found myself as Falco fighting Daisy on the Brawl Mario Kart stage (I forget its name). Anyway, I was kicking her booty real good, about ready to win, and I was going in for a punish. I misinput jab instead of a smash attack, and Daisy used her counter. The fact that Peach/Daisy's counter killed me, Falco, at 110%, from mid-stage, FROM A JAB, is complete, and utter, dog doogy. No. No counter should ever kill by countering a jab. Ever. EVER. NOT EVEN GANONDORFS. EVER EVER EVER EVER.

Side Special - Increased knock-back. Increased landing lag and end-lag if it hits a shield. (Make it a more potent kill move but make it riskier).


Forward Tilt - Less knock-back but comes out faster.

Forward Air - Less knock-back. Combos into itself for longer.

Up Throw - Combos into Up special at very low percents.

Down Throw - Make it a kill throw. Bowser literally lays on you you should be ded he thecc.

Side Special - Significantly reduced knock-back on impact. Significantly reduced end-lag after impact. Eidihn I'm confused why did you make Bowser's command grab have less kill power but less end lag?

(This isn't done yet but for some reason I accidentally submitted the post before it was done oof.)

Anyway, yeah, reduce the kill power of Bowser's Side special, reduce the end-lag of it, so Bowser can do stuff like Side Special, smash his tiny victim into the ground, and then combo Down Air, or Forward Air, or B reversed Fire Breath. Maybe cross up back air. Or read the enemy's DI and go for another Side Special. Make him less "Oh you made a mistake and I'm gonna kill you at 60%" and more "I'm gonna wrestle you like a reptilian Luchadore...BUT IN THE AIR"

I will have more characters done at a later date. Soon. Probably. Unless I forget.

(I will finish at a later date
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