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my first tournament with kirby, plz critique


Smash Journeyman
Apr 9, 2007
Frisco, Tx
im a wolf main, as of lately people have been counter picking against my wolf. characters that chain-grab. such as falco. i wanna see how what yall think of my kirby. plz keep in mind that this was my first time using kirby in a tournament setting.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXnHHXetYhI <<< pretty sick yoshi. IMO probably one of the best yoshis out there

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfsSJvaeCq8 <<<falco

both of these were the losers finals


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
I'll do my best to give decent advice:

So far watching the beginning of the yoshi match: too many fsmashes (though they did hit) it's one of your best ko moves, and I don't know the details, but I've heard about this "staling" business so try not to use it too much
You airdodged all his eggs, couldn't you have just walked/rolled closer a few times?

After watching the rest of the match: still too many fsmashes, you should have tried approaching with a couple aerial hammers to mix it up a bit. Your aerial skills were pretty good.
Your shield got way too low at some points, I would have rolldodged some of those eggs, though I'm not experienced fighting Yoshi.
hmm...that's about all. You did pretty good at not getting punished. Maybe try some final cutters, I think if you time it right (which would be difficult) you can hit the flying egg with the tip of the blade on your way down, and hopefully yoshi would be in the middle of shooting another egg and your cutter would hit him. This is just theory though x_x

Vs. Falco: good job crouching the lasers until he got bored at the beginning XD
Try fthrow uair fthrow uair on him, and maybe an fsmash or ftilt at the end, search "gonzo combo" on youtube if you haven't seen it yet.
hmm..don't you hate how incredibly easy it is to powershield final cutter? : ( ... and you also have to hate how you have 2 different "rolls" onto the stage when you're hanging and you press L, Falco killed you because you did the slow one, lame...
-Need more "Hi!" spam when you send falco into the background, please.
-Awesome job turning into a rock between the 2 battlefield platforms, people usually think that you're going to land on one when you do that...and the price Falco paid for his foolishness was death xD
Though you rolled right into his fsmash afterwards...oh well, it happens.
Good job the rest of the fight!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 9, 2007
Frisco, Tx
thanks for your advice. after that match i thought to myself "i did way to many fsmash" ill definitely work on that. im inexperienced fighting a yoshi with a kirby as well. i was trying to edge-guard but as you can see i got no where near the edge. next time ill limit the air dodge as u said. im always so scared of using final cutter cause its somewhat predictable. but i know i have to implement it in my kirby game. i tried doing that gonzo combo, but it fair came out instead of uair. then after that i totally forgot about it. Major fail XD?

i appreciate your advice. ty!


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
dunno about you, but I use the c-stick for the uair after the fthrow. It's one of the things that I consistently use c-stick for.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
Ok use less fsmash, and don't stone so much. You always seem to use it whenever your opponent knocks you into the air to get back to the ground. This gets predictable and your opponents will probably punish you for it. (falco player didn't seem to learn though)

You should use utilt a lot more. And... try and predict your opponents more. Oh and its probably generally a better option just to spit rather than copy when you inhale. Do pummels whenever you get grabs off. A lot of times when you got jab combos off it probably would have gotten you more damage if you just grabbed. Downthrow is generally your best bet for racking up damage. Also remember that upthrow kills at like 120% on the top platform of battlefield. Great killing option.

You could probably work on your spacing with the aerial hammer a bit. Realize that while doing the aerial hammer you can di forward or backward however you want. Try to aim your secondhit of the hammer at where your opponent is going to be rather than where he is.

And yeah less fsmash lol... =S

Good stuff though making it to the grand finals.

Tomato Kirby

Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
I want to add:
1. U-tilt Yoshi's eggs (I think it out-prioritizes the projectile).
2. Learn how to scam a KO off of recovering space animals. Try b-air, d-tilt, f-smash, d-smash, not d-air.
3. Recovering from the ledge was...really lacking and really punishable. Try jumping to d-air, since he was charging smashes.
4. Needs more d-taunting

I have never seen someone get hit by so many Stones.
Good job fighting the Yoshi; I barely see Yoshi vs. Kirby fights.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2008
With Falco or any heavy/fast fall character, why not go Fthrow-->Uair-->Fthrow-->Uair-->Fsmash instead of Fthrow-->Fair?
It does like 30% more damage and they can't escape ._.
Way too many Fsmash and try to approach more with Bair over Fair.
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