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My Beloved IC people


Smash Journeyman
Apr 24, 2007
ok some people are looking at my new pictures and stuff going wtf. Yes its true I also play metaknight (now) however my love for Ic is not gone just hidden. I started literally losing every single match people have come up with these disgusting ways to resist the **** and by **** I mean grabs. Its like driving me crazy people with projectiles are spacing so well that its hard to even get close let alone grab anymore. Its like I am always getting kited then at the opportune moment smashed off. This is something that really been killing me and that this. Someone anyone does a "forward a" for example I'm blocking Popo does not get hit but nana gets smashed off it even sometimes happens with a down dodge. Something that I was really thinking about is the IC what is their mix up. Seriously how do they deal with spacing what is they're approach when grabs are nullified. Another thing is that people button mash so fast so hard when I grab them that even sometimes it throws me off just by the sound because I can not even hear the tv. Then if nana dies its like game over.

Approach ??
mix up??


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2006
Niagara Canada
Hey man, sorry that you feel that way, but to be completely honest, its because your at a lower level of IC gameplay (Nothing harsh meant by that)

What your doing 'it' wrong probably is that your only grabbing, your not balancing it. Balance your De-syncs, CGs, and your Normal combat. But remember, even CGs need proper spacing and timing to grab them in the first place.

We'll talk about this more later bro, Im on my way out to work, you already have me on msn so Ill msg you when I get home and Ill change your mind

Dont turn to the darkside


Smash Journeyman
Apr 24, 2007
Thanks miller yea you know my heart at least I mean I lived on this forum I posted literally every single post here. Its like I don't know how to Wall of Pain with IC . I can't deal with blocking and Nana still goes flying. Is there some type of Mixup like how are you guys tricking people. Or do IC's just not have tricks? I have a hard time smashing people off even at high % because they still come back WTF? My best killing mechanism is to grab them and then forward smash or up smash. Another thing is the heavy hitters K.0 me so easy Ike,Dk,Lucario and Snake


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Block earlier? I dunno, I'll always love ICs, too bad they can't approach characters with good range or spamable projectiles. The fact is that ICs aren't and probably won't be top tier and will always have troubles with characters who can get around their strengths and take advantage of their weaknesses.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 24, 2007
Block earlier? I dunno, I'll always love ICs, too bad they can't approach characters with good range or spamable projectiles. The fact is that ICs aren't and probably won't be top tier and will always have troubles with characters who can get around their strengths and take advantage of their weaknesses.
Something else that has been getting to me is this. lets say you are knocked off the side of FD and you are trying to come back you know the squal is not that viable considering it will set you up for a forward smash while projectiles are being spamned at you nana is not so lucky and gets hit by one of wolfs projectiles how do I lose my up+b and my jump.
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