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Music sounds 'corrupted' (Homebrew Wii)


Smash Rookie
Mar 26, 2015

I've usually been playing PM at tournaments due to not having enough time to practice at home. Lately though I've been setting up 3.5. I'm in Europe so I'm running it off a Brawl ISO and SD card. 3.0 worked fine, no problems. However, I've noticed this crazy distortion with every music track in 3.5 so far. Music will sound sped up, with cracks in it every other second. All other SFX(Characters, announcer, menu chimes) are unaffected and sound perfect. I've tried a few fresh installs, and just deleted the music file on the PM SD and replaced it with TK Breezys Moisture pack, hoping it would override the corrupted music entirely. No luck, the same stuff still plays. On StageManager and SongManager the songs are perfect. Anybody experience with this? Can't seem to find an answer anywhere. The tracks that play are never actually customs I install, but some default tracks from Brawl.
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