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Music Selections: behind the music 2


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
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It's been a while since my last one on here, thats mainly because i've been in bad situations and things, well, yeah. Alrighty, taken from a favourite of mine, here are the music selections for today ^^

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmmN-13uDS0 (Crysta, the town of crystal blue)

The town of Crysta, from the SNES game terranigma. This music is a soft, calming tune that plays in the village you start in, Crysta. It's a scenic little village, however there is no way out: it is surrounded by thick trees no one can get through. However, after Ark finds himself up to mishceif, opening a door the elder told him no one should (and by throwing pots at the door too!), he broke his way through, going down in to the dark, where he found a mysterious being, Yomi, who happened to have a great sense of humour. Elle, one of the most beautiful girls of the village, and also someone who is hinted to love Ark, comes down, and, after exclaiming at the curious being, turns to stone. But it is not just her, everyone in the village turns to ston (with the exception of the elder, actually, who tells Ark he's a fool for opening the box, the elder feared of this, etc etc.). He also tells Ark that the gate to the world is now open. Ark must then explore the world he lives in, known as the underworld, with ice and Magma (interesting) and such. He is sent to the 5 towers, which restore the world (yes, the one we live in). So going through each he revives Eurasia, S. America, Africa, N. America, Australia, and in another little shrine he also revives Polynesia. In doing so, tower by tower, he revives more and more of his village friends in doing so. After restoring all villagers, the Elder approaches him and tells him to meet the elder at a giant hole E of the village. It's here that the elder explains that he has revived the continents of the barren wasteland, but now must revive life as well. So it is Ark's great Journey that takes him to the Overworld:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBH0o...eature=related (Further in to the great world)

So he trvels through the barren wasteland of the amazon, and finds the evergreen, but it is nowhere near green. It is red, and instead of pools of water there are pools of lava through the once beatiful spot. The last plant, sick and dying, is the tree of Ra. Ark must crawl under him into the root system, and find out what is causing the death of the plants. The souls of those once living have been corrupted in to terrible creatures which now attack Ark, but he makes his way through to the deep undercaverns, where he is told by a few remaining plants that recovery is taking place, but he must aid it, for all plant life started from the 1 tree, and revivng the tree will revive plants. he finds the poisonous beast of the lair which he defeats, and in doing so, restores the tree of ra to it's former glory, and the rest of the plants. The evergreen is now green again, beautiful and thriving, and Ark is thanked and given plenty for the help.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gyu_...eature=related (Forest/Mountain: Climb to revive humanity!)

So Ark does the same with the birds, animals, and finally, humans, in which he collapses, unconscious. What will happen to Ark, now that he has fulfilled his duty? Does he survive, or does he die?

Well, I guess you're just gonna have to play the game to find out, for there's an awesome tune at the end of the game, but to hear it i'd be giving away the ending.

Till next time!
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