Smash Ace
Hello, I'm Versatile. I use Ike and would like to fight really good Snakes. Yes, I know wifi doesn't bring out Snake's full fierceness, but it's the best I can do for now(will be attending tourneys when summer hits)>
Good snakes please give me a shout. I know of a few good ones, but I would like to play even more since besides maybe MK he's probably the most popular competitive character, and it's a match that Ike can struggle with bad if he's not smart...and even then it's a beeach.
So yo get at me guys. I'm a NJ cat, so someone fairly close to eliminate lag would be cool, but I've had good conn with the people from the midwest too
My aim is VersatileRTC so please holla at me or give me your AIM. My friend code is on the left
Thanks in advance, you top tier scumbags
lmao jk
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Good snakes please give me a shout. I know of a few good ones, but I would like to play even more since besides maybe MK he's probably the most popular competitive character, and it's a match that Ike can struggle with bad if he's not smart...and even then it's a beeach.
So yo get at me guys. I'm a NJ cat, so someone fairly close to eliminate lag would be cool, but I've had good conn with the people from the midwest too
My aim is VersatileRTC so please holla at me or give me your AIM. My friend code is on the left
Thanks in advance, you top tier scumbags
lmao jk
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