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MMGS Empty Eye: The Lightless Path


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2008
Somewhere in Nevada...
Link to original post: [drupal=1037]MMGS Empty Eye: The Lightless Path[/drupal]

Today's lesson is on a very specific, very niche type of MetamindgameSpam. So precise is it that to use this type effectively one must even forsake other paths of MetamindgameSpam.

This form holds a connection to Form Zero, which is you recall is the Form focusing on whether or not speaking is necessary.

Empty-Eye MetamindgameSpamming focuses on a different sense, that of sight. Simply put, an Empty Eye MetamindgameSpammer will play completely blindfolded against an opponent.

Just as limited your options actually strengthens a Metamindgamespammer, limiting yourself by one sense boosts an MMGSer's power exponentially if tapped into properly.

Imagine yourself as a non-MetamindgameSpammer. You show up at a tournament, say hi to some friends and acquaintances, do a few friendlies to warm up, get out of the pools, and then you look to your left before your next match and realize that the person you are playing against is blindfolded.


There is a famous Japanese myth of the blind swordsman. The American version is a comic book superhero called Daredevil who is also a lawyer, and played unably by Ben Affleck. But the point is, there has always been a type of power for those without sight, and incorporating it into MetamindgameSpam is a formidable task which yields formidable power to the wielder.

When one plays Smash blindfolded, one does not rely on the whispers of the wind or the tremors in the earth or the taste of bloodthirsty steel in the air (or funky chemicals in the eyes either), but on the power of MetamindgameSpam.

A master of the Empty Eye path will let their MetamindgameSpam flow into the game and back out to their mind, creating a new sense more astute and perceptive than any real sense could be. And two of them could play with the TV completely off.

I turned aside from this path shortly after discovering it, mainly because sometimes after a match I need to use the bathroom or get some water, and taking off the blindfold hurts my eyes, and then I have to put it on before the next match and that's always annoying. You look cool when you do it, though, and MMGSers following The Lightless Path are the only ones who can comment and compliment each other's blindfolds before or after a match.


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
The Forest Temple
I personally am not a follower of the Empty Eye, though I know its value as a MMGS form. I take some pleasure in observing the exploding heads of those whom I MMGS, and a blindfold does restrict these observations. However, it is an admirable form, and it transcends competition, even into the world of obscure sports, as chronicled in the documentary Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story.

I find, in my studies in MMGS, that this form has limited use. Beyond its incredibly steep learning curve, even for masters of the other forms, it loses most practicality in team battles. Only for teams so intimately familiar with the MMGS of their teammates can this be used effectively. Few teams have the time, patience, or ability to reach such a level. Thus, it is limited to singles play. Even then, it is incredibly challenging to use well. One must have complete trust in one's main, as well as one's mindgames. To have even the slightest doubt in either will bring only ruin, for only by one's faith can they come to true fruition.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Switch FC

once upon a time, there was this guy that actually tried to perform this against me in Melee. He lost. So yeah, this one takes years of practice. I'm pretty sure that no one can use this one to its fullest ability yet.


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
The Forest Temple
you know what? i just realized what the counter to this is.

If you were up against a master of this form, and they tripped, and you thought this, you would have already lost. They of course have anticipated the tripping and planned their mindgames around it.


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
The Forest Temple
now, come on. this is only knowing what IS happening.

knowing what is GOING TO HAPPEN is a completely different MMGS.
True. I wasn't trying to imply that this form included actual foresight; only that the user would expect to trip during the fight and would plan accordingly.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2008
Somewhere in Nevada...
I prefer to make my opponent focus on what's not happening, while I focus on why things had already happened.

For some reason, the answer to the latter is always either "For want of a nail" or "the butterfly flapped its wings" or "A wizard did it" or "because you touch yourself at night".
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