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MK Meta Games Discussion and Strategy


Smash Journeyman
Apr 1, 2008
South Dakota
1: Approach
4:Teh Mind Games
5:Sex Tornado! Do's and Don'ts
6: ??

Theres a format, tell us what you do and critique what others do, don't flame we all just want to get better

1: My favorite is the dash attack, followed by dash grab, if it's not workin i use SH fairing

2: Glide FTW, i love going under stages as well

3: Dthrow into uB or chain throws are excellent imo

4: when falling doing a down b to get to the ground changes speed, its also good for getting in a sneak hit every once and a while if u are good at directing it. when being edge guarded dropping down and immediatly doing a uB and following up with a glide attack.

5: Do's: USE IT. use it on characters that are light and travel high, knocking them out the top, using it on heavy characters to rack up some quick dmg. Don'ts: SPAMMING IT diminishing returns takes away alot of its usefulness. and it gets easier to knock u out of it.

6:The Airial Chase! When knocking an opponet off the stage but not knocking them out i love chasing them and gimping them with a well placed fair or dair, or even finishing the job and knocking them off the side with a good nair.

Ok GUys, Post and Critique, Lets make MK un beatable !


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
You have a sword use it. lol

I actually just started playing him so I'm not totally sure what to do.

I LOVE his f-tilt its like toooooooooooooooooo friggin awesome :).

I have trouble KOing sometimes his up-b doesn't KO when I think it will and I have trouble catching in any time other than when someone hits my shield.

He is kinda like too good though >_<


Smash Journeyman
Apr 1, 2008
South Dakota
chase them off the stage and fair them or save ur dsmashes to knock em out when they get over 120% or so


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
I don't find that very reliable I try it and I usually miss because its way too obvious what you want to do.

I'm experimenting though :p

Edit: His D-air isn't too bad actually to KO I used it to KO because of the trajectory it sends people. >_>


Smash Journeyman
Apr 1, 2008
South Dakota
if you watch my vids you will see me do it, so keep trying it's really reliable once you get it down


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
I don't see how its a good idea usually I see people whiffing the attack. I mean I do use it but only because sometimes I can grab the edge right after the attack.

And about vids Brawl vids are super boring >_< I watched like 3 and never watched them again :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Apr 6, 2004
Inwood, WV
Meta knights too good. 1-3 is to self explanatory, your meta knight do what you do best. 4 I can add a little, very little, technique I found and like. When getting pressured, full jump double dair from shield. Ground breaking, no, but does mix it up from just dsmash from shield. Plus it has little knock back and leaves you ready to dsmash, repeat, or other. Give it a try sometime.


Smash Rookie
Aug 20, 2007
California, SF
1) If they start to run at me, I just Drill rush them and follow that up with a quick Dsmash when they are at low percentages or an USmash.

2) Favorite Recovery is obviously shuttleloop to Dsmash, can be pretty predictable after a couple times though, so then I just Drill rush while they're trying to set up an attack to edge guard me with, other then that I just get on the stage normally and do a Dsmash before the invincibility frames disappear.

3) Fthrow and Dthrow are awesome chain grabs, but sometimes when I want to rack up some damage I just endless grab them and do Uthrow, on one dude I some how was able to get him like 5-8 times in a row, not as a chain, but just by spamming Uthrows on him. Fthrow is also good to set up for a Shuttleloop kill, when they dont suspect it though.

4)Minds games... hmm.. I like to do shield dashes through my opponent and then follow it up with a Dsmash, since the second hit is stronger. I also just roll into Dsmash, since you come out facing the opposite direction. Having them chase you to the edge and then jumping off it into a drill rush towards them works wonders, too.

5) I hardly use the tornado, so I can't say too much, other then I like to throw it out there when they least suspect it, since I hardly use it.

6)R1ngo I agree with your aerial chase of the stage, it is so hilarious when I gimp kill ppl as they try to make it back. I also just jump just to scare some opponents into DIing backwards making it too late for them to recover by the time they try to make it back. It's always fun to try and stool jump them as they are coming back too! MUAHAHA.


Smash Cadet
Sep 8, 2005
My approaching with MK advice:

Just because MK has amazing priority and speed doesn't mean you can't benefit from good spacing. Learn the range of your sword and, perhaps more importantly, the range of everybody else's swords/fists/legs/etc. Don't get any closer than you have to, and don't take any unnecessary risks.

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