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MK Cypher : Is there anyway around it


Smash Cadet
Mar 11, 2008
We've all (or maybe not all) had to deal with a Metaknight who spammed neutral b.

As nubby as it seems, its is a liable counter to Oli's amazing play style. It cancels most of our moves, and racks up alot of damage, and sets us up for vicious up b juggles, or aerial ownage.

What we need to know is an effective, constant and repeatable counter to this one single move.

Is there anything that Olimar has that will always counter this?

Some things that i've seen that have canceled MK's Cypher

Grabbing - Works rarely and is near impossible to do
Fat pikmin toss - takes 2 or 1 sometimes, but can't be relied upon

Are we screwed here guys? if theres no counter available, list some strategies.

And dont just post "Oh yea, i've had this happen, we really do need strategies" cause what's not on the front page of the post usually never gets read. :*(


Smash Journeyman
Mar 26, 2007
Most Reliable Options I've Found, in no particular order:
Rolling through it (forward, the direction hes coming at you from)
Spot dodging (the timing is tight, but almost guarantees you'll be able to hit him with just about any move you want due to the down time)
Jumping up and Air Dodging (first your tying to jump over it, make him commit to coming at you, if he doesn't fall behind him and BAir. When he comes up at you FF and Air Dodge DIing away from him, you'll be able to punish his falling lag)

Honestly I've given up trying to attack through it, these work consistently enough for me. Unfortunately though if hes using it to recover from a situation off the stage there isn't anything I've found yet that works. Honestly MK is one of the matchups I know best, and I would suggest to any Olimar that first simply avoid all of MKs B moves, either running away or whatever, then second learn to punish them because they all have considerable lag time After the move, more so than any of MKs other moves really. Used correctly they are powerful tools for the MK player, avoided correctly they are great openings for the Olimar player.



Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2007
Brookings, SD
True - We just got a Meta main in our group - would you be able to give some specifics on how to handle him - I won the majority of matches, but its been a struggle.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 19, 2008
The worst is then you are above them and they do it, you can try to air dodge it but most of the time it lasts longer than your air dodge and hits you anyways.


Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2007
Brookings, SD
The worst is then you are above them and they do it, you can try to air dodge it but most of the time it lasts longer than your air dodge and hits you anyways.
Especially if you lost your second jump - I was working on the SAF today to see if there was any trick, but I haven't found any yet.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2008
Delray Beach, Florida
I'd say just double-jump away and latch a couple Pikmin on him when it ends. If they're smart, they won't chase you into the air, because then they'll be vulnerable while they're landing; if they try, air-dodge past it and punish the special-fall.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 26, 2007
Wow, so I believe i misinterpreted the original point of this thread, I noticed skimming it I initially though we were talking about MK's SideB, not the mach tornado thing. If your having trouble with the drill whatever it'd be called, my post should be good =P Fortunately some of the stuff certainly carries over into the neutral B tornado as well. The only thing i would feel important to add is DI and Smash DI. I don't know why exactly, but I've never had much trouble with this move, no ones been able to keep me stuck "in" it for very long. However I have seen videos where people get torn apart by it. The only conclusion I have as to why was DI, during the majority of that move even if your caught in it you have control over where your going. Hold the control stick and cstick in directions away from where the MK would practically go. Don't get predictable, for instance if you only try and DI out of it by going behind the direction he came from, they'll pick up on that and learn to cut back to keep you in it. Don't just ride it out thinking your bound to get hit 7 times or whatever once they get the first. Just choose a side, make them guess which way your going, its not easy to do, and the less effective it becomes the less they will use it.

Other general tips quick here because I have tons to do:

MKs are light, your looking for an USmash KO even having used it once before at 100%. Obviously don't try too hard to force hitting with that move, running in getting hit 20 times prior to running in and hitting/killing MK is not worth it, simply look for the chance, maybe off an UThrow or Dthrow depending on DI tendencies, or whatever chance you may get.

They are quick, get used to the timing, focus and play on edge. If you sit back/lean back in your chair against an MK they are either so bad they aren't worth your time, or they are lulling you which is a victory for them. Always be expecting that quick running in to dash attack grab FAir whatever. Figure out what responses work best, and rely on reacting. His range isn't great, theres a big window of where you can hit them and they can't hit you, the trick is learning the quick timing of nailing MK in that range.

Cause of his speed spacing isn't as easy. He can wait outside your normal range, but still if you do a semi long move be close enough to punish you. The easiest example of this is SH latch, the range you could normally use that move is close enough for him to hurry in and catch you at a bad time. Learn a different sense of when its safe to try things like that. MK acting is not able to control a ton of the stage. MK Reacting to Olimar is able to control a lot of the stage. He'll show you just how slow Olimar is both running and move lag.

So whats all this add up to? A tricky battle where you have to usually camp since his dodges->attacks are so quick that most approaches leave little room for air. However you can't just provoke attack the normal way with SH Latch, as explained. So it requires baiting. Start to approach, but then break it off as if the spacing was bad and retreat, see if you can't get him pursuing you. A tilt at a little past the range of an FSmash for instance, the MK will be unfamiliar with the down time but see that it exists and may push to punish, however you can recover and dodge/run/attack accordingly. When recovering from being juggled, MKs love to pursue and keep momentum, learn how to break it with a long range turn grab, or when you have them committed enough you'll turn FSmash and hit, not turn FSmash thats dodged and gets you hurt. This game defines the battle between speed and range, between spacing and moving in. Olimar is not ever going to be better at moving in than MK(WAC not included) nor will he be faster, to try those typical tactics will offer tough battles on MK's terms to MK's advantage.

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