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Minor Ledge Discovery

Sans Glutin

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2008
I don't know if this has already been found out yet but you can do a really weird trick on the edge with Yoshi. First, grab the ledge. Then input the following commands Down (with control stick) Jump (X or Y is best) and Down B as fast as you can. The result is that Yoshi drops from the ledge and starts his Down-B attack, looking VERY much like hes about to SD. Somehow, however, he just stops and grabs the ledge. I can't find any practical applications yet besides the fact that it's flashy and looks cool. I tested it I don't think the hitbox comes out or anything. Mindgame potential maybe?

If anything, you might be able to use it as a quick way to renew your invincibility frames while edgehogging.


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: Invulnerability renewal is basically what it's for.

It's also good for edgehogging quickly on slow-recovering characters. Since Yoshi's other ledge options are so slow, this allows him to maintain edgehog status without too much risk.

Sans Glutin

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2008
That's about what I was thinking. It looks really weird but is probably one of the faster (if not the fastest) ways in the game to get more invincibility frames while on the edge.
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