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Mind taking a look at my Sonic?


Smash Rookie
Mar 14, 2008
Your aerial rushdown is pretty fantastic. And somehow you made Sonic look fast (in addition to the fact that he's the fastest already), which is great. I'd say there was like one time where you missed a rush and two times where somehow Yoshi didn't get popped out of the arena but should have.

My one concern is that you don't mix up your moves enough to really minimize stale move negation. But that's a really small concern, I'm impressed. Let's say 9/10? Your cancel out of the spin dashes to the up aerial is always nice to look at. I could never do it as smooth as that.

Also, how was the Yoshi? Was he ******** or competitive? I don't recall seeing any egg tosses, which I think is a hallmark of a well-done Yoshi.


Smash Master
Oct 21, 2006
I'm just your problem~
That Yoshi was definitely Yoshi-savvy, he probably just wasn't well rounded.

Don't rely on spin dash/charge so much. You saw that you got punished by fsmash for it.

Nice Sonic.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 11, 2008
Woodstock, GA
uhhz, he can use spindash all he wants but not DIRECTLY (spindashing increases air speed anyhows), u using spindash/charge at a range like that telegraphs u're strategy making u're approach linear and easily stopped. I saw u're usage of air spindash to ground to air juggle now thats standard issue. use alittle more ground work and spacing, and dont use the same strat over n over sonics got alot in his mt arsenal to switch up his game.

Spin Dashie

Smash Cadet
Feb 6, 2008
Livingston, New Jersey
This has to be the best Sonic i have seen so far hands down. I liked everything your Sonic did, aerial dodges, mindgames, side-b cancel, smart use of combos, constant harassment via buzzsaw. The constant use of spin dashes harassed Yoshi, which is what you want to do as a good Sonic player. Harass your opponent not giving him a chance to breathe but at the same time, know when to leave space between you too.

You have to understand he was facing a Yoshi. Yeah, his Sonic could have done more moves than what he used in his arsenal, but I still say he held his own very well. Anything else probably would have given the Yoshi more time to think and set something up.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
doom, you used your down-b a lot... I was surprised that adhd didn't punish you more for it. He tried at least twice that I noticed to f-smash you when a shield grab would have been easier.

And I don't see why he should have spin-dashed less. If it works you should keep doing it. There was only one time when it appeared doom started to get used to it and that was later in the match.

One last thing, don't try to edge hog against people like Yoshi when they come in high on the level. It really makes no sense at all and you miss a potential aerial opportunity.

The Dinkoman

Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Your Sonic was good, but you need to stop usin' teh spin dashes I recommend in substitution a bunch of grabs or something. You also have seem to forgot down-a move in the air that can be very useful. Don't use a lot of smash attacks because if your charging up and dont let go of teh a-button fast enough he could cut right behind you and blow the livin' crap out of you.
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