Thanks everyone who made it out! We had a little smaller turn out than we were expecting but that is to be understood when having an event the same time as larger events but we persevered. One good thing about a smaller turnout is that we are able to get more matches on stream. We will be highlighting the games and uploading them to our
YouTube Channel throughout the week. Unfortunately, due to day jobs it will take us a little bit of time to get everything uploaded.
You can find the raw broadcast at
Bracket Here:
After an exciting tournament with some pretty close matches the singles bracket ended up with the below people taking home the money. RIP | Adorable Knight had a great winners side bracket run only to be knocked into Losers by Ksev after taking out his brother RIP | Shadow in Round 1 of Winners. In Losers he continued his run to only find a loss in a Best of 5 against Miloni in Losers Finals. Miloni, too, had a great run and carried himself through Winners Bracket only to face Ksev in Winners Finals knocking him to Losers where he fought back to meet Ksev again in Grand Finals. Ksev secured a clean 3-0 Victory
1st: Ksev
2nd: Miloni
3rd: RIP | Adorable Knight
Bracket Here:
Due to a smaller than average turn out we decided to run a Round Robin Best of 3 to decide the top two teams. Once decided we had the teams do a Best of 5 Grand Finals match to decide who was going to take the money home.
1st: Ksev | John Cena
2nd: Miloni | King James
A huge shout out to everyone that showed up. HotNRedy, Constable Lemon, and Merrick all did a great job on the commentators desk holding it down while I was running around and losing my voice. Stay tuned to our Facebook Page ( for the quickest updates on our tournament schedule. We are currently working with the venue and other local tournaments to schedule the next tournament but at this time do not have a set date for READY TO FIGHT! #2.