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Mew2King's Post

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Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
I didn't know which forum this type of thread belonged so I posted it here. Every post that appeared in searched content since about May 10th of 2008, for some reason the searched content skipped 4 years so there's only stuff from 2008, 2012, and 2013

edit: this also excludes stuff from threads that have been locked and threads in private forums

how big is this? someone sponsor my ticket and ill go x.x
are there vids for these tournaments?
chibo really wants to do it
how big is this?
Take the A, C, E, to 34th? And LIRR straight from there?

Let's say I've never done this before.... can you have some noob-proof specific instructions on how to get there, as well as a number to call. I may consider it if the instructions are really good. Unless someone wants to pick me up from port authority and carpool here?
hmmm interesting. I might come if I can find out how from philadelphia or port authority

what's the expected turnout?
I need a really good Brawl teammate.
64 and project M teams please!!
Me, Velocity, Xzax, and evan will be here tomorrow. leaving my house at 9 am. We'll get there 11-12 probably , wait for us plz
BTW SENSEI, Vidjo and Mark both live in north north ohio and will pay gas if you pick them up

so yo upretty much can already possibly have a full carpool just from me/vidjo/mark/you alone.
I'd like to go!!!

at least on the way back!!
The pot bonus of 250 only happens with enough preregistrants right? like 32 or more? What number are we at now?
OKAY guys I just talked with the host of the event in a series of private messages just now and last night.

There is now a GUARANTEED $150 POT BONUS (300 total) for each game!
this will become 250 for each/either game if 32 or more entrants come

Also I will be attending.
This is where we use facebook advertisement and facebook groups in order to get more people

Is there a Utah/Vegas/etc west coast group for melee and brawl?
No it's pretty much guaranteed that I will come now.
I also just arranged a midwest carpool to be going, ... in a van
(I gotta fly alone myself though cuz of college class that ends on late friday)
seems lots of people want project M, i think it should be a side tourney for singles/teams

at Winterbrawl, Project M had more entrants than Brawl and Melee did
put "guaranteed 300+ pot bonus for smash" in the thread too imo
what's the attendance lookin like at this? might bring a carpool down 50 50
lord hdl is really, really good lol

link just sucks
would someone sponsor my ticket here o.o

this is just before Evo so that would be really cool XD
I just got my greyhound ticket to Pittsburg

I arrive to Pittsburg greyhound station at 12:30 AM. Slightly sooner than the last time.

I hope we're still carpooling to SWEET!

i need some teammates too probably

edit - save me a shirt
good **** Forte
inuis not even that bad you make fun of him too much
i want forte vids
you're better at attacking, and you're smart i could probably learn things
even though NJ isn't as good as MD/VA, it's not that much different besides the top players, consistency matters, and at crit hit 3 he lost to me and lord knight which are NJ people >____>
no one is going to go to this, they are going to go to the ECRC event, holding this is pointless


sheik should count as low tier by herself at least, cuz by herself she IS low tier (mid tier) without zeldas help
u need to make this on Sunday
we were going to play it out, but they said they would give me 1st since i was most likely going to win (since i beat azen and chillin the last 3 times we played, and just beat neo), since it goes toward ECRC points, otherwise i would have just said no. I still think I should have played it out though now, I kind of wanted to play Azen. idk if it was a good choice or not. I was on fire in singles that day, so I kind of regret it now.
If you guys want to go to a melee/brawl tourney at RJ's instead this same day, go here! - https://www.facebook.com/events/328330623939588/?fref=ts

I'll play lots of friendlies w/ you guys there
who really good wants to team in melee? duno if ill have a teammate or not yet
Does anyone know how reliable this is (the pot bonus)? I'm about to fly down if this is really guaranteed

How many are preregged so far?
i am the best ddd by far, (definitely on east coast, the only other high ranking DDD I heard of is Aero) i win tourneys with him all the time, and when dsf was over i won like 90% of my matches vs his snake with him (he doesn't motor slide enough), (i won about 80% with MK) i beat azen the last 4 sets (close sets though) using ddd/mk, and for the past few months ive won everything solely using ddd/mk, i can't believe there is any argument over this at all, tourney results speak for themselves

edit - oh yeah the only vids are online is some extremely super old match right when the game came out, and my first set (of the 4 sets we ever played) vs azens lucario and i wasn't even playing that good in it. Azen got better too, but the point is that you guys don't have any idea what you are talking about or hardly anything that I do. If you don't bair camp vs lucario his moves go through yours, my other C3 set with Azen was much more interesting cuz both of us were doing a lot more different things, but sadly that one wasn't recorded. I also usually win with MK in the tourney but it goes back and forth I barely have an advantage it's always last stock games so far.

Swallowcide NEVER works vs anyone that's decent, the best way to win with DDD is to camp with bairs and be smart with grabs (and for now, most ppl don't realize how gay brawl dodges are yet so in the future im probably doing them less). When you are coming down from the air after bair camping, you can either grab or, what I usually do, is reverse swallow because people run into it. I know a lot more about small things than shown on old youtube videos, and I learn stuff randomly all the time. Maybe people shouldn't just assume things and let tourney results and playing people in person speak for themselves. The only people that think I'm overrated (and like half the ppl think I'm overrated) is people that don't know me, and base things on dumb reasons.

on my brawl game that i've had since the US release my total combined play time is about 120 hours. Brawl is not fun alone, I never play alone, I play at tourneys, learn from tourneys, and improve from experience.

I seriously can't believe the stupid things I'm reading, it just shows smashboards ignorance and how little you guys really know about anything. EVERYTHING you guys are concluding is from one old ugly set vs Azen, if you knew ANYTHING you wouldn't say the stuff you do like how I'm boring and all i do is CG and swallowcide (wow @ swallowcide). I learn games fast because that's all I spent my early childhood years on, that's why I'm good at them, and that's why I can learn them fast.

THIS is why you guys don't see me post on the forums much, a lot of the stuff said is ********, so I usually don't even bother unless I'm really bored like I am right now.

also money isn't how good you are, I've only won about 3000 on brawl because I only win like 200ish a tourney (I think I've been to about 14 tourneys by now or so, or something like that) cuz of where I live, but up to this point I've been the most consistent of the top players (I personally think Azen is the best at the game though, but some think I'm better; I'm talking about people that actually have a valid opinion of it that know us both).
No, when I said I won a little over half the games with MK I meant VS AZEN. the 2nd set was DDD twice and MK and it was close but I won it, and the 3rd set was mostly MK at Montage. In the several sets I've played with Azen, I barely won more than half against him in the MK vs Lucario matchup, and same with DDD. So far, between using about half MK and half DDD over the last 2 months, I've managed to win everything. I'm sorry that I *gasp* use 2 characters now instead of 1. This clearly detracts any skill I had with that character. The fact that, so far, I've won everything over the past several months, may or may not change, but facts are facts and that is what happened and that should count for something (for a lot).

Up until 2 months ago (beisdes the first 3 or so weeks when the game came out when it was half marth half ddd) I have ONLY used DDD in tourney over a LOT of tourneys. You don't know anything, maybe you should stop talking and you'll sound smarter instead of making self-believing factual conclusions based off knowing nothing. You can believe anything you want, but everything I have said are FACTS that have happened. I'm tired of people acting like they know what they are talking about and trying to argue things when they are clearly wrong.
what you do is you fair them off the stage, then either nair them, go under them and uair them then reverse up B, or wait for air dodge and dair them. Those are the common best things. If they double jump just reverse shuttle loop or wait for air dodge.
being the hardest match of a tourney in one person's opinoin when the game JUST came out and you don't even get top 5 doesn't mean much, eggm. Sorry. We were all a lot closer to the same level back then, but all the players who keep going to tourneys got better.
just so you guys know, im staying in florida an extra week in Orlando (my dad lives there) so if there's any tourneys nearby there the week after fast1 ill probably attend
is Shiz going to this?
does shiz have a teammate or does he wanna team with me, I am going
Falcon does have the advantage vs Marth unless the falcon is stupid and goes to the ledge vs marth. On stage, Falcon has the advantage.

edit - what is all this stuff people are saying i said, when did i ever say i **** jigglypuff cuz i definitely don't

also after throwing falcon off, either dash off fair, or counter

do one of those 2 things, 50% of the time each, and that will kill them every other time
it was chus idea, i would have played it out if he didnt ask but im friends with him so i just did it
sheik is the best, then fox then marth then falco then peach/falcon then ICs/Jiggs then Doc then like.... idk ganon/dk or something. The top 3 or 4 are their own tier, next 4 is another tier, and so on, imo.
i am one of those 0.1% yay
Ether, Dmbrandon, and Ninja Edd:
ONE OF YOU THREE have MY SILVER CONTROLLER. I've checked inuis house now a LOT and it's 100% not here, one of you three definitely have it. I need it BACK. It's my ONLY MELEE CONTROLLER. Please give it to me before FAST1 (in little under 2 weeks), I'm leaving Montage otherwise
ummm GW is actually a really good character just cuz he didn't rank high in this tourney doesn't make him bad and doesn't mean it's a big deal for doing good with him. I still think he's top tier, top of high tier at worst, and velocity also thinks he's top tier.

that's the part i personally find boring, i prefer doing long death combos or more exciting things
nothing was recorded, but i won both matches altho it was both by 1 stock. first game was like 1 stock 20% or something i think (or close to that) the other match was like 1 stock 130 or so. Every time he grabbed me he let me go and comboed it to fair, i think he only messed up once the entire set on that. Neo also said he was playing good against me, and I also think Neo is the best Marth player, but MK does have a small advantage vs Marth in the matchup.
sheik vs ganon is a terrible **** match >_>
mango fox ditto tourney set, only fox dittos, any stages allowed
okay so if we fight in tourney we are both only allowed to use fox

alright cool

edit - you better not back out of this or im going to make fun of you forever
i cant beat jigglypuff she's a glitch that infects my system
so ummm where did you get these pictures from
what do you mean go for neglected ones ='(
LOLLLLLLLL ur gay LOL u can't make such a name

edit - it's 6 AM
impossible, jigglypuff is a glitch that infects my system
chu are we teaming, cuz im probably going i guess
marth up B counters most rapid A moves period
do you realize what you're saying

Chu dat HIMSELF admitted it's broken, as well as Azn_Lep, two top IC players. They both admit it being super broken, and they both told me themselves after they learned how to do it that it should be banned. THEY TOLD ME THIS IN PERSON. I THINK THAT KIND OF MATTERS A LOT.

I don't care what coincidences in the past you use to argue it's not broken, the FACT is it's super broken, even the majority of players who use it admit that.
wow @ your sig you're such a f ag, jman's snake tries all 4 of snakes fastest ground moves and it still misses
man why does your part of the name get to be chu, and my part of the name have to be 2 ****s =(
i can't fight jigglypuff
Taki really wants to come, he doesn't mind sitting on the floor, and he asked a while back. He would be able to come with Vidjo.
yay i won!
im the best snake in NJ and i suck with snake, d@mn take that tristate
IF ANYBODY going to Georgia has a good controller I can borrow/have/use/buy for this tourney, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I need a good Fox controller with good left/right sensitivity on the joystick. Thanks.
Someone has my silver gamecube controller and took it by accident, if somebody has it please tell me
has anyone found my silver controller though?
well there was originally a small fox sticker someone made for me and put it on the front, but that sticker fell off and the only thing left is like small black indents around where fox's ears are, right above the pause button in the middle of the controller. If you notice any black spots on it at all or something like that (kind of hard to notice) then that's my controller. Sensitivity is average but decent and I was really used to it.
Actually, Eggz gave me his 2nd controller he had with him, which was more sensitive than mine so i tried it out. I could play fox better slightly better with it cuz it was so sensitive, although later i found out that the C stick doesn't work that great (makes me uair sometimes instead of bair/fair), but the control stick was good. I used this the first night of georgia, just before morning. Right before I went to bed at 7 AM, I gave Eggz my controller and said to put it in his bag which he said his did. The next night after I won singles, I asked for it back but Eggz didn't have it. That's all I know, idk what happened but I would really like it back.

edit - cash money what i told you is all i remember, there's small little marks above the pause button on the left and right sides because of the fox sticker that fell off. I wish I still had that sticker ;_;
i hate that phrase proof or it never happened, almost everything i ever did ever can't be "proven"

you talk too much **** cash mooney, it's just as annoying as when inui hypes up new jersey so much. Just stop. And yes that did happen whether he was playing good or not on the last game. Who cares I've gotten 4 stocked before by Mow in a fox ditto back at GS2, stuff happens big deal he just wants to see the video.

edit - http://youtube.com/watch?v=dFyZvEP1HiE

edit 2 - cash mooney you need to make your new smashboards name "3 nails" from now on, no johns
wtf have 64 pay out top 3, otherwise there's no point in entering as ill just lose to sensei or vex
snake just has to F tilt MK 5 times and then up tilt and MK dies

if you think MK will block then just grab and throw

MK dies from up tilt at 85% without DI (actually it's high 84% so I just say 85 to be reliable), a bit more with DI (maybe 10% more, as an educated guess)

MKs worst matchup is snake, if you think there's a worse matchup please tell me

all MK can do vs snake safely is down tilt and space fairs which do very little damage. By being in the air, F Tilt usually only hits once unless it's at low %, and then the first weak hit of the knee usually hits them away. Otherwise everything MK can do involves blocking and hoping snake stupidly attacks his shield instead of grab attack and throw which does like 12/13%. Although MKs F tilt has slightly more range than Snakes, if they trade hits (Which happens a lot when me and vidjo played), then snake gets almost no stun while MK gets a lot of stun, then MK eats another 20 damage from another F Tilt (3 hit combo). MK cant spam tornado cuz snake can block it and then dash attack (or grenade)

snake definitely has the advantage vs MK
yes because that's worth it, walking to to people with MK to F Tilt, doing like 3 damage or something with the first hit, taking more than that from snakes F tilt, only to DI away and hope he doesnt get you again. You probably have time to walk forward a bit before F Tilting again (I'm not sure though, this is an edcuated guess). Even so, that's not enough to justify that MK beats Snake cuz in my experience it's definitely the other way around.
yo have 64 teams
where do you live? if you live in MD/VA you should practice against MK/Marth/GW, if you live in NJ practice against DDD/MK, if you live in northeast practice against Snake, and if you live in west practice against Wario
i got 370 combined, ive made about 1900 off brawl from 9 tourneys, winning everything at most events, mean average being about 200 cuz a lot of the beginning events i went to (like chu biweeklies) had very, very small payouts
wobbling is broken, even chu and azn_lep admit it, they have told me IN PERSON THEMSELVES that they just use it to win and they think it's broken

I think that says a lot.
1% worse wtf are you joking, me and velocity have done well at so many OOS tourneys already (we would have beat PC/Cort our first set 3-1 but he SDed at 0%, 30%, and 90% in the same game, then we fought them again and won 3-0 then lost 3-1) and won every single NJ tourney ever, ***** Azen+chu but lost to azen+chillin. Just because of 1 close set where my MK played bad (and DDD sucks in teams btw) you think it's 1%; do you know how little a percent is you're crazy.
lol he just said not to bring me up in arguments and you immediately brought me up
lol that's not the point though, and the funniness of it still remains valid
Yo guys, if any of you have a GOOD, SENSITIVE MELEE CONTROLLER THAT I CAN PLAY FOX GOOD WITH (especially sensitive left/right), can I please borrow it for Georgia? If so, please give it to DJ Nintendo or RENO since we are all riding together in Eggm's van on the way to georgia. The more people that do this the better. I'll appreciate it, thanks.

(Chu lost my pound3 controller by accident at his last or 2nd last biweekly about 2 months ago, this is why I need to ask this).
ill do crews if you really want me to, but ill have no part in **** talk or drama over this
I'm sorry dm but, corneria is rather gay

this is coming from someone who plays DDD and MK, two characters that are dominant on that stage

playing those characters, or fox, is NOT balanced on corneria

inui plays 2 chars that can be chain grabbed, if he has to fight on a walk off stage or especially a wall stage where the stage does not change then he is going to lose and be way more disadvantaged than he should be. I understand counterpicks are one thing but when it's this extreme I would just ban it if I was the tourney host.

Having corneria for teams is fine because there's almost no time to do that camping stuff or wall infinites stuff. Teams should have a lot more stages available, however for singles, no way should gay stages be allowed. All those stages inui named I would also agree should be banned, but no more than that. The other stages change like delphino and fire emblem and stuff, and if you just stay away for a little bit you will be fine from the gayness just don't be an idiot it's really easy to get around, I prefer metaknight to DDD there usually anyway.
you will eventually have to approach and you're in a serious disadvantage if you don't, how could you possibly say that spammer unless you wanna get their damage up in projectiles the whole time somehow.
i doubt the top texas players are as good as me, inui, especially the ones at showdown where sonic the hedgehog won without smash balls >_>

i learn games fast
Azen has more skill than me overall, he just doesn't use top characters often, Cort's just as good as me, and PCs probably close too I haven't played him in a while.

also inui just because a place is big doesn't mean it's good. EC is dominant for a reason, we have many good players, while other areas the good players are far rarer and the noobs are way more common.
wow @ losing to mathos's jiggs on mute city
snake does counter metaknight

it goes like this

Snake > MK > DDD > Snake

at least on neutrals -.-
Azen doesn't have trouble with DDD at all wtf he's amazing vs DDD he just limits himself to worse chars, skillwise he's clearly superior.

in fact, one of the reasons I used all metaknight in teams was because Azen ***** my DDD so hard. DDD just does good in singles because of the chain grab.
im sorry inui but from what i played and saw from the last tourney in scranton, dm was doing a lot better than you vs me/velocity and vs that rob/zss

skillwise dm is better but he sucks HORRIBLY vs Snake, but he's harder than forte is when im dedede (forte is better overall though because he always ranks super high in tourneys and beats top players with often with no inconsistencies, only losing to me azen and chillin ever I think), i have no idea how he is at the other matchups, but if you're just talking actual skill then he does better, he just needs to step up his snake game --- A LOT ---, DI better, and stop SDing. He sucks pee pee vs snake, he randomly doesn't DI DEDEDE FORWARD SMASHES >__> and he SDs a lot.

inui, you should use a better character

also, sheik is extremely good in brawl i think, compared to what people rate her. I beat Azens wolf with sheik because i'm used to melee sheik and mostly because of how gay her forward tilt is, you can capture some characters for a really long time with it, and end with up tilt. This also regenerates your other moves for each F Tilt you do. Zelda's up smash kills even heavy chars like wolf at about 110%, so fairing them away around 100 and then up smashing with zelda seems to do very good.

you guys love debating, but how about just playing instead of exact analysis

but wait, what am i saying? i rarely ever play ever unless someone comes over. Guess I contradicted myself, as I am debating right now because I'm bored. I play mostly only when people come over cuz primarily all you have to do is play smart and learn things over time, and I'm a gay tier ***** I abuse gay characters to win and I'm good/getting better with the ones I use over time because I like to win. I don't ***** snake because I'm not very skilled with him compared to the likes of Cort/PC, despite my opinion of him being the best character, he's not my personal best, so I figure I should concentrate on MK and DDD since I'm really top with those characters.

in other news: http://youtube.com/watch?v=tIRCzbBB99E

I've seen that like 20 times and it does not get old
as much as those stages that are allowed on are good dedede and MK stages, and going against it will be bad for me, I must agree with inui that they are G A Y stages for the most part.

they promote just camping and DDD infiniting the entire game, there is minimal skill comparatively to neutral stages.
ninja-something was the best player that i fought at montage, nj you talk too much ****, and ny you talk too much ****. Everyone should just act like CT and have fun when they play and not be so arrogant when you have no reason to be. NJ stop using me in arguments for how good the state of NJ is cuz that has nothing to do with the state I'm just one person and just 2 days ago I got my combined play time to 100 hours I haven't even beaten most event mode matches and I don't care like I used to (melee was a good game but now it's over so smash is boring now I'd rather spend time watching anime, sleeping, or playing snes ROMs) so I'd prefer being left out of all discussion about smash arguments if you guys could.

Snake is the best character not MK. I am better with DDD and MK but I still feel the overall character of Snake is better than MK. I have a more valid opinion because I've traveled a lot more to play good players so I have more experience to make opinions, while you guys have hardly traveled so you just base off the state and NJ is highly based off metaknights rather than snakes. NJ does not have a single good Snake player. I would prefer if you guys stop hyping each other up it gets annoying I just read like 10 pages of that in a row I'm so tired of reading page after page of arrogance.
im not the best player in the world wtf Azen is. I was the best Melee player but not in Brawl, I only really use limited *** DDD and broken *** metaknight who I just picked up, most characters I don't even know their movesets yet because they all suck and there's no motivation to get good with boring crappy characters and Snake is too slow for me and I suck at sliding so I don't use him. Azen is definitely the best player because he uses countless characters at a really high level. I have no idea how good NY is and I don't care cuz Brawl sucks *** and isn't worth caring about like that, but I'll probably go there if I get a ride or something.

Easy why are you saying I'm not respectful to people, I DON'T EVEN TALK, I am not a social person, there is nothing to talk about, so I say nothing.
i force myself to enjoy brawl because if i don't i have nothing else to do, it doesn't mean i think the game is good. I try hard to convince myself that it is a good game and I would like to be the best at it because I probably have the ability to, but the game still pales in comparison to melee. I would not like to play a part in any drama between NJ and NY, if Melee was still the dominant game then I might care, but as of now my sparkle of love for smash has diminished. I play and think about the game a lot only because I have nothing else to do. That is how I feel on the issue right now. Playing Azen makes Brawl seem amazingly fun though. Also the only reason I criticize brawl is because it is much less fun / combo-oriented / good than Melee.
that's why they call him king

i like how the characters ive used in tourney the most since brawl came out was

King DeDeDe
Prince Marth
Meta Knight

all part of the royal family
wait i dont want videos of myself because of 2 things: i dont like being judged and i dont like people see how i play, so please no vids
how do you do that, tell me immediately
oh nvm that stuff

so why does sometimes mk die and sometimes both, is there a way to do it reliably?
w/e i dont care anymore
you can't base how good characters are just off how many people play them, just because a character is more popular than another doesn't mean he's a better character. Also, some people copy off other people's styles or slowly learn and build up from other people, advancing the metagame of certain characters more than others. After Snake and MK, it feels to me like it's close between DK/DDD/Falco/GW. Rob is good but doesn't kill well, Fox is good but not as good as the others, and even though no one really uses toon link yet he still seems like a good character regardless based off his stats.

Anyway, when people are camping the ledge vs falco (falco on the edge), and all they are expecting is for you to forward B back on, using Falco's shine here is good cuz it hits them on the ground and easily gives you time to get back on the stage as well as do a bit of damage to them (and undo a bit of attack power deterioration).

Also, I like to CG into running up smashes, and then turn around and double jump Bair them if I think they will double jump. I played velocity yesterday, i CGed him to 30% (I think only 20 or so is possible vs GW tho at most but I got 30 I didn't really test it much) then did running up smash, turned around and double jump baired him 3 times, then predicted where he would go and dair spiked him (that part doesn't work unless I know where he will go though). If you think they are going to air dodge toward the stage you can either grab them or down smash (as down smash lasts for a few frames). Other smash moves might work too, haven't tried it. Landing lag from air dodges in this game is only 2 frames (in melee it was 10 frames, but landing lag from no aerial attack was 4 frames, to give you some comparison differences).

Another thing, if you know they are going to air dodge, it makes a Dair spike really easy to get off.

Falco's main problem is killing people, but the best way to do that is to make your kill moves strong by spamming other moves like asers. Also Falco's rapid A has immense priority and range in front of it, and if you keep spamming A and they get out of range, it automatically starts another rapid A. I also sometimes do jab -> grab for people that are expecting rapid A, it throws them off sometimes and gets me low % CGs sometimes.
i don't only use DDD although I use mostly him I used MK in 2 matches just so I could practice him

MK is a better character than DDD is, and I find myself doing better with MK a lot of the time because of this factor

but Snake is still the best character, just not my best
i suck at sliding compared to cort and pc, and the style you have to play them to win is too boring and slow. I know what I'm supposed to do it's just not fun.

Metaknight is like a mix of Marth and Fox from melee, he's fast and small and has a lot of good range sword moves, and he can combo and has options for many situations, making me like him a lot.

DDD I'm really good with because of experience and stuff I already know, but the character seems more limited than Snake and MK feel because of options
WOW @ dms logic

dm you beat my marth once but vidjos MK ***** my marth so obviously I either just suck with marth compared to my other characters or just suck with marth now period, which it doesnt matter anymore cuz I dropped him and only used DDD in tourneys. Despite losing with Marth and having more hours into marth compared to my other characters, I beat him more than half in MK dittos, more than half with DDD, and about half with snake, depending on how good each of us are playing. That right there says something about tiers, and what the future will bring.

you have the worst logic ever, your only good accomplishment EVER is beating me once and that REALLY got to your head, but you lose to TONS of people that I've never lost to while i lost to very few people and have CONSTANTLY beat good people. Your logic is like Husband trying to say he's better than vidjo despite losing to infinitely more people than vidjo does.

also the only time you played my DDD was in a money match vs your fox and toon link where i 3 stocked you both times, and despite it being a 5 dollar money match you claim to sandbag in it which is pretty disrespectful

you're so arrogant and you use the worst logic ever

you lost to yes and atomsk's snakes, cort would **** YOU.

You judge people ALMOST SOLELY off how they did against YOU even off minimal matches.

also I would like to say, my matches with cort in grand finals went to 10 games, and i won on most neutrals, if that counts for anything. I also beat PC 6-1 last time, beat chillin Marth vs ZSS, ***** chillin in DDD dittos, beat Forte 3-1 and 3-0 (who is a lot better with MK than you are because he does good vs many other people, constantly), beat Azen's wolf, and velocity and vidjo every time we've played. Why don't you try proving yourself by winning often vs other people instead of constantly using awful logic on the boards. So far you've done NOTHING except beat me once using metaknight, which is on par with snake for being the best character in the game.
ive beaten pc and cort too >___> cort won the finals cuz of norfair and electroplankton twice, and i won the first set. I beat PC by a lot when we played last time. Never played bum. DM uses awful logic and judges people right away, and has only went out of state once and he did bad when he did that; the only good accomplishment he has is beating velocity the first two times they played and me a month ago back when I used marth who I quit. He loses to A LOT of people I would consider bad. The one time DM did go to NY he got *****, but I've constantly went out of state many times and have a good record vs other area's top players, which are BETTER than our top players. dm thinks highly of everyone who beats him, which is a LOT of people. I judge people by tourney record and consistency and how good people are overall, which is a far better way to do it on a national scale.
wait what that's what happened? How does METAKNIGHT get wall infinited by DDD? Who was he using? And what does any of this have to do with Jman? Also, I wouldn't say his judgement goes by a lot because he judges people solely off how good they do against him. If they do good against him he calls them really good, if they don't do good against him he doesn't think they are that good. That logic is really bad, just like the Husband/Vidjo example I've given, because it only takes account a small amount of information especially when it's based off right after the game came out, and I don't like that awful logic.
If anyone brought wiis to this tourney and was there the 2nd day, for brawl, let me know

I saved one of my matches on your wii, DDD vs MK, if you have it please post here or PM me, thx
cowtipper what you said made no sense

the best thing to gimp snakes recovery is a SPIKE, and the best characters with spikes are like Snake (fair) DK Falco Wolf Diddy
marths chain grab is really broken, and should be banned

at least in melee the chain grab allowed him to **** top tiers, making the matchup close to even, but doing it to lucas and ness is just stupid
if you do better vs more people, more often, then you are probably better

vidjo has never beaten husband, but vidjo does better vs far more people than husband does, and ranks higher in tourney, making vidjo better

i don't wish to take much part of this but that statement you gave was not a good argument
just so this is clear im not entering crews
so guys I have a question

I love video games more than anything else, but I haven't learned anything about graphics design or programming or anything yet really; but I can't see myself in the future doing anything besides video games, whether it be playing them or making them.

While video game testing might be really easy for me, I know it doesn't make much so that's like a last resort thing I would consider.

I really just wanna know what you guys recommend me do, because I don't know what I should do in my future, and I'm already 19 so I need to decide fast. Is there anything anyone recommends to help, like a website or something I can get a head start in having some understanding of what to do before college (which I need to start when summer ends). Anything that could help, I feel like I've just been wasting time but I don't want to waste time.. I can't be wasting time anymore.
wow ive won 700 off 6 brawl tourneys combined and at 2 tourneys corts already richer than me. but good job though cort, can't wait to see you **** at big national tourneys.

this means i have to travel then, cuz NJ/PA/chubiweeklies never pay out anything

LMFAO @ MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF SNAKE, and the one non-snake is metaknight

in the top 9 at last MD/VA tourney was 4 snakes and 4 MKs and 2 robs LOL
do you guys realize what you're saying, standing CG luigi is so ****ing hard I can't do it well and I'm good with DDD and good at CGing, it's never going to be used in tourneys to help make you win, it's always better to just back throw for the 16 damage.

maybe if the infinite it easy, say.... DDD dittos at the edge, or DDD vs Bowser/DK on the stage. Those are easy. Standing CG vs luigi and samus and stuff is very hard and not practical at all, it's like saying oh Fox (ssbm) hit me once ill be infinited to death ... how many top players do you see spamming that stuff. It's too hard for the reward that you get to be worth it in important tourney matches.

edit - DDDs back throw has very little knockback, it just does damage. If you die from that move you most likely would have died from half the charaters in the game back throws at that position. His throw is designed for damage not knockback.
spammer i didnt miss your sarcasm but other people on the boards HAVE brought this up in a serious manner before, and that reminded me of it so i wanted to say it

even with the chain grab DDD is still a level below snake and MK, banning the CG would just make him pointless to use compared to MK and snake
if the next tourney has both melee and brawl ill try to come too
the thing is vidjo said he wasn't going to go to bed and he would play smash with me all night since i was leaving the next day, but then he went to bed anyway.
Inui do you realize I didn't make nearly as much as I should have in Melee, yet you're HIGHLY against me getting money in the only talent that I have. Things like large entrancee fees helps me out a LOT.

Although I must say, it would be much better to hold these on separate days, like a Friday or Sunday.

Velocity please try to make this on Sunday (or Friday), that would benefit us all more.
i left vidjos house
at 9 AM
i didnt sleep at all that night
he was supposed to play smash with me
but he went to bed at 3:30
i woke him up at 3:50
to play smash
he said wake him up at 5 am
i tried but at 4:30 i fell asleep by accident
woke back up at 6:30
waited half hour
tried to wake him up
but didnt work
and i was scared to make him all mad cuz he was tired but
ughhhh anyway

at 9
we left the house
to the bus station
THE bus WAS 90 minutes late
and i arrived slightly over 2 hours later
to my next destination
Mows dad drove me
to a mall
in pittsburg
i stayed there
for hour and a half
at 8 pm
yes it was that long

time just went by
and then they said
i needed ID
but i didnt have id
i was like please let me on anyway and they talked to some other black guy
and whatever happened they let me on the bus
bus ride was like 35 min
(they wouldnt accept the cash)
and then i got to another place and waited like an hour
to go on a 6 hour bus ride to philly

to have my mom pick me up back here
and that took forever
and i got no sleep and it was super unconfortable
and everything was delayed a LOT
by just pure bad luck
and i almost couldnt get on the bus cuz of lack of ID
and now im back home
even tho i didnt sleep for over 40 hours im not tired strangely
but i have college in 13 hours
and that was today >_>
oh ya
and vidjos car broke so like
i missed the tourney this weekend too
cuz of that
i've made about 11,000 combined >_>

i got screwed
Sheik is the best in Melee, Snake Metaknight and... dare i say squirtle are the best in brawl.

squirtle is invincible during his shell move, and if he down throws MK at 120% from the center of FD, MK will die with good DI >_>. His smashes are strong and his aerials are good, it's only charizard and especially ivysaur which weigh him down. He also has slight fire resistance I think.

melee tier list


brawl tier list

Snake/MK (I think Snake is better overall but it depends the matchup and stuff also)

even if it's not exact, at least my opinion of the characters sort of resemble this right now
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