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Metaknight stage disscusion(battlefield)


Deleted member

here i will be compliling a list of the best and worst stages for metaknight.i will also be doing it based off overall input as well.i will start a stage topic and you can post why you think its good or bad. please just dont say its good or bad but offer some examples as to why such as experiences youve had while playing the stage.if youve only played it once or twice i wouldnt worry about it too much haha! so yeah im going to start basic:

note you can also disscuss good counter and ban stages as well and if you want to disscuss a previous stage its fine,just title your post with that stage name =0

also check this first post to see what stage is being disscused currently =D
Please title your posts with the stage your mentioning!!!!

stage up for disscusion: Battlefield

-Final destination


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2006
Not a bad idea. I might make one for character match-ups.

I like Final Destination. MK is generally better on platformed stages, but against most character, Meta Knight does an excellent job here. There's plenty of open, uninterrupted for MK to control.

There are two major disadvantages for MK:

1) FD is rather large, so getting kills, even off the side, can be somewhat difficult if you can't gimp recoveries.

2) Most projectile spammers can be annoying and make you play in a way you normally wouldn't like to.

Deleted member

Not a bad idea. I might make one for character match-ups.

I like Final Destination. MK is generally better on platformed stages, but against most character, Meta Knight does an excellent job here. There's plenty of open, uninterrupted for MK to control.

There are two major disadvantages for MK:

1) FD is rather large, so getting kills, even off the side, can be somewhat difficult if you can't gimp recoveries.

2) Most projectile spammers can be annoying and make you play in a way you normally wouldn't like to.
mhmm i see =)

i agree but any other pros/cons for this stage for meta?or char. matchups?

oh and i believe redmage is working on a char. list for meta but we'll see =0


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Final Destination is good for any character who has nice range and power. Meta Knight is one of those.

The stage is nice and basic. and while it isn't as big as Melee's FD, it still does its job. I can see several combos and chases from meta Knight happening here.

Ledge wise, there seems to be no problem. Like several others, Meta has more then one way of getting back on the stage. whether it's a counter attack or a mindgame. I think Meta is probably the only character that won't get affected by the awkward understage edges that makes character's like Lucario SD because they didn't aim for the ledge.

I guess any character you feel you can take on could go here. Ike and Marth may be a problem, because they can fight in this stage just as well or maybe even better then Meta Knight. spammers like Toon link could also be a problem, just like in Melee's FD. there's enough room to do a lot of stuff in this stage, so stay alert.

I guess the only con in this stage is the player not knowing what they're doing in the matchup itself.

Deleted member

Final Destination is good for any character who has nice range and power. Meta Knight is one of those.

The stage is nice and basic. and while it isn't as big as Melee's FD, it still does its job. I can see several combos and chases from meta Knight happening here.

Ledge wise, there seems to be no problem. Like several others, Meta has more then one way of getting back on the stage. whether it's a counter attack or a mindgame. I think Meta is probably the only character that won't get affected by the awkward understage edges that makes character's like Lucario SD because they didn't aim for the ledge.

I guess any character you feel you can take on could go here. Ike and Marth may be a problem, because they can fight in this stage just as well or maybe even better then Meta Knight. spammers like Toon link could also be a problem, just like in Melee's FD. there's enough room to do a lot of stuff in this stage, so stay alert.

I guess the only con in this stage is the player not knowing what they're doing in the matchup itself.
ah i agree with this especially since meta has moves that auto-sweetspot(like his up-b)

but chracters with projectiles like lucas have a good advantage here on meta especially since he doesnt have projectiles himself.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2007
Gouken's Temple
FD is very annoying when you fight characters such as Wolf, Falco, or Samus. Wolf's Blaster can knock you out of MT and its just a frustratingly impossible battle. However, It is VERY easy to Edgeguard on FD becuase of the stage's new layout. If you are not directly underneath the edge, you are gonna get caught on the slope and its GG.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
ah i agree with this especially since meta has moves that auto-sweetspot(like his up-b)

but chracters with projectiles like lucas have a good advantage here on meta especially since he doesnt have projectiles himself.
's why it's always good to play a closeup game with them, especially Zelda. Her Din's fire can curve and it has almost unknown range. I say unknown because when it explodes, it's hard to tell how wide it spreads. Her Din's fire can kill Meta knight aerial wise =_=

Deleted member

hmm this is a good start fellas!you dont have to post just once as this is a disscussion topic so have at it hahaha!

well i guess thats kinda hard right now since its fd haha but yeah a new stage will be up for discusion soon.


Smash Rookie
Mar 23, 2008
i think that it would be a decent pick against wolf, because it stops him from doing his cute "scar" move to recover, which would totally limit his recovery game.

then again, i never play with a good wolf who blasterspams, which might ruin that whole idea.

MLG Masa

Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2008

If the character does not have a projectile, I do like chosing FD so I can spike them against the stage with a dair or up-b

The best stage for MK has to be battlefield. For a lot of the same reasons as FD but you have 3 platforms which can help a great deal when facing characters with projectiles. They are also great for getting combos. If your opponent misses a tech roll or just isnt quick enough, when they land on the platforms you can take the advantage. One of the best positions as MK to be is diagonal down and away from your opponent. Hit them while being below the platform and your attacks will be safe. Also with the platforms, you can stay underneath them when your opponents are in the air and not have to worry about those characters with high prioirity dairs. This stage's KO zone is fairly close to the left and right, which makes it very easy against some characters to bring them to thier deaths with dair or fair and still be able to recover back the the stage with a glide or mach tornado.

-sorry, I said this now so I wont forget about this thread


Smash Journeyman
Mar 16, 2008
New York.
I actually think that Eldin is a great MK map because of how effective his up-b comes at not dying from a horizontal knockback perspective.

Deleted member

If the character does not have a projectile, I do like chosing FD so I can spike them against the stage with a dair or up-b

The best stage for MK has to be battlefield. For a lot of the same reasons as FD but you have 3 platforms which can help a great deal when facing characters with projectiles. They are also great for getting combos. If your opponent misses a tech roll or just isnt quick enough, when they land on the platforms you can take the advantage. One of the best positions as MK to be is diagonal down and away from your opponent. Hit them while being below the platform and your attacks will be safe. Also with the platforms, you can stay underneath them when your opponents are in the air and not have to worry about those characters with high prioirity dairs. This stage's KO zone is fairly close to the left and right, which makes it very easy against some characters to bring them to thier deaths with dair or fair and still be able to recover back the the stage with a glide or mach tornado.

-sorry, I said this now so I wont forget about this thread
no,thats really good and im glad you titled it too wich is what i wanted =D


Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004

Before I touch on Battlefield, I have a note I wanna say related to FD:
MK has a huge advantage in that his recovery cannot be gimped by the gay ledges. You can up-b directly under the gay ledge and you'll still sweet-spot, so yeah, really good.

Ok, now Battlefield. First thing I think of is how you can use MK's side-b and neutral-b and go for any height and then aim to end the move on a platform and you'll have little lag. If you're good enough, you can keep opponents on their toes even better than on FD. As mentioned earlier, the platforms give MK an edge against projectiles. The ground floor isn't really too big, so it's not too difficult to get an opponent off of the stage, then you can go edge-guard (if you're good enough, ledge spike them). With the height of the 2 side platforms, you can poke people through them w/ moves like up-tilt, u-smash, or any aerials or even up-b.

Now, some cons on Battlefield for MK. One con is the fact that MK doesn't move as fast in the air as he does on the ground, so running around from platform to platform w/ an opponent on the ground floor waiting for you could be rough (ex. Ike waiting to u-smash you). Opponents can also chase you in the air by way of the platforms, and MK dies off the top easily. On that note, the ceiling isn't very high on this level.

For strategies, you probably wanna stay on the ground floor as much as possible and use the speed he has. Recovery shouldn't be an issue at all. Use MK's special moves a little more than usual while trying to land on a platform for minimal lag and racking damage. Knock an opponent down onto a side platform and when they recover you capitalize and knock them off the level then edge-guard. Abuse platforms when facing projectiles (of course). Try to play a little like Marth from Melee when on the ground floor, just without the insane grab range.

That's all I can think of for now.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Battlefield is just as much of a basic stage as it is to FD. Like MLG Mster said, it's a great stage to take your spammers of projectiles at, because you have three platforms that seperates yourself from spammers. If they spam, just play the waiting game until they come to them. Or just wait a right moment and just kick their ***. =D

The stage itself is nicely shape, so you can bring any other character you feel you can't take on in Final Destination here. If you glide, you got more then one spot to land on. One of the platforms, on the floor, and ledge. You can poke through the platform on the underside with Meta's Uairs and Nairs. This is a nice stage for aerial combos

Pit...might give you a problem on the stage. He's one of the two projectile users that could angle their projectile (the other is possibily Young Link). Also, keep in mind that speedy characters like Sonic and Shiek can hop on platforms quickly and can attack with platforms just as good as you. Not to mention characters who can move effectivly as well.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 23, 2008
Highland Falls, NY

Like FD, Meta Knight can perform good on this stage. His hitbox is enough so that his sword can go through the platforms on the stage. MK has a lot of combo potential on this stage because of this and the platforms themselves. If you are daring, you can go under the stage, too. (Though it may be predictable.) Like the poster above me mentioned, Pit may give you trouble on this stage also.

MLG Masa

Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2008
Im in the process of getting some vids of me and mune playing again on battlefield and on laylat cruise (spelling?) to show how much taking advantage of platforms can be.
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