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Meta Knight's Revenge.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 16, 2010
A land near the shining sea
Im not that good at this, but enjoy! (Or not.)

Setting: Aboard the Battleship Halberd.
Time: 2:53 AM

The gigantic Battleship Halberd hurried to evade it pursuers. The ship had taken quite a beating; some of its decks were on fire. Meta Knight stared out at the carnage from the bridge. He was sad that his fellow Meta Knights were dying, almost enough to show his emotions.
Not like anyone would see, what with that mask covering his whole face... er... body. He messed around his sword, Galaxia. The sword had gotten him through countless perils. he would not sacrifice the sword for anything.

A explosion rocked the bridge. He shouted the the Green colored Meta Knight seated at one of the control stations.

"Knight! Condition of the ship!" "Not so good, sir. Were going down."

-------------------------------------------------Part 2------------------------------------------------------------

Meta Knight banged his fist onto the main control panel in anger. He loved his ship, much like Galaxia. He could NOT believe this was happening. Without a ship, his crew were sitting ducks...

"Knights!" he shouted. "Alert the crew that were will be making a evacuation take-off in a few minutes. Tell them to pack lightly, unless they would prefer to walk."

A dark Knight with red eyes said silently "Message sent." "Good" Meta Knight said. "Come." He walked out the bridge door, and out to a platform. Entering another door, he passed through many hallways before arriving on the deck, the Bridge Officers following close behind.

"Is everyone ready for take-off?" he asked. "Yes" a Knight answered. "Alright then."

"Everyone!" he shouted. "Now is the time to prove your wings! We shall take flight, the way your pre-descendants did! Swords and wings ready! Take flight!" Meta Knight suddenly flew up in a loop, and started to fly. The other Knights followed, wings in the air. Even though the Halberd had very powerful engines, the Knights were much faster. There pursuer, which had a symbol of a fox on one on its wing fell behind, and out of sight. A massive explosion behind Meta Knight shook him. He was sad to lose his ship.

He would get revenge. Meta Knight's Revenge.

*Meta Knight's Revenge music plays* :p

----------------------------------------------Part 3---------------------------------------------------------------

Meta Knight flew high in the sky. The wind was brisk and calming. However, he knew that they were still being chased by the ship that had shot down the Battleship Halberd. Remembering the ship reminded him that he must get revenge; some Knights did not make it off the ship.

Suddenly, the pursuer appeared right behind them. Meta Knight to this day does not know how the ship gained so much ground. "Scatter!" he yelled to the other Knights. "Evade and land!" The ship wasted no time and started shooting with the cannons of its front. A shot hit him directly, and Meta Knight was sent flying away. Very far away.

The next thing he remembered was waking up to a blond female in a pink dress and a crown, and a man with a large mustache, a red cap with "M" on the front, and blue overalls.

Guess who. >_>

-----------------------------------------Part 4--------------------------------------------------------------------

"Sir?" the man asked in a Italian voice. The man was a little fat, as if he ate only pasta. The woman was feeding Meta Knight soup. He felt a small breeze on his face, and realized his mask was off. While he hated people seeing his face, he liked the air on his face.

"Are you OK?" The woman asked. "You were lying right in a tree, knocked out. What happened?" Meta Knight tried to get up, but he was much to weak. "I am fine, thank you. Were am I?"

"The Mushroom Kingdom. I am Peach, the ruler. The man in front of you is Mario, my husband. Now, you must rest. You are very weak. We will care for you for the next few days, until you are better."

Over the next few days, Meta Knight's condition improved. Finally, Meta Knight was ready to leave. "Where will you go?" Mario asked. Meta Knight explained his story to them, and how he was going to get revenge.

"Oh my. What a hard quest. I must help you... Here, take the Grand Star. It will help you defeat your foes." Peach handed the small knight a very large star shaped object that radiated with power.

"Thank you. I must go now." He picked up speed and took off. Toward his destiny.

-------------------------------------------Part 5------------------------------------------------------------------

Meta Knight pick up speed. He had to find his other Knights to stand a chance against the enemy. While normaly, flying would help him find the Knights, he was flying over a thick jungle, So he coulden't see any Knights on the ground. Then, he saw the gigantic ship of his enemy.

"Now my revenge shall start..." he thought. He was behind it, so the cannons were not a threat. The radar the ship overwhemingly possibly had would detect him, though, so he flew down into the jungle. It had cleared a little, so flying was possible. The jungle would mask him from radar. After getting directly under it, he cut a hole in the ship using his sword, and climbed in.

He appeared to be in a cargo area, devoid of life. He made his way through many hallways, and finally found life. He could not beleve who it was. It was one of his Knights. "Knight!, come here!" He said. The knight quickly ran over. "Why are you where, Knight? This is much to dangerous for you. He found himself being very hypocritical, as this was very foolish for him to do to.

"Nevermind that." the knight said. "We must find out who is behind this, and destroy him." The pair continued down the halls, and found a fairly fancy door. "Let us go."

--------------------------------------------Part 6-----------------------------------------------------------------

Meta Knight entered the door. What he found was surprising. He found another of his kind seated at the controls. "Knight! What is the meaning of this?" He yelled. "Oh please." the captain said. "Calm yourself. I am simply going along with my plan. What is my plan? Good luck finding out. Guards. Destroy them." Two robots appeared out of nowhere. The robots quickly grabbed them and carried them out to the exterior of the ship.
They threw them off.

The knights were in free fall, unable to do anything. About 50 yards above the ground, he realized he had wings, and used them. He landed safely in the jungle. The ship's pace doubled. "How will he catch them now?" the knight asked. "I think I know." Meta Knight said. He pulled out the Grand Star, and said "Grand Star. Teleport us to that ship, please." Instantly, they were on the bridge again. This time, Meta Knight delivered two quick but insanely powerful sword slashes to the two robots.

"Now that that is done, shall we fight, one on one?" Meta Knight questioned to the enemy Knight. "Of course. However, I require a sword." Meta Knight looked at his ally and said "Give him your sword." The ally Knight threw the sword to the enemy.

"On Guard!" Meta Knight yelled, and the battle started.

More later. Sorry if Part 6 was confusing, what with 3 Meta Knights and all.

-----------------------------------------Part 7--------------------------------------------------------------------

Galaxia instantly clashed with the other Knight's sword. Meta Knight, knowing that this Knight was probably no push-over, quickly tried to disarm him using a age old maneuver. However, the Knight knew of Meta Knight's intentions, and withdrew the sword for a mere second, and Meta Knight was left open. The enemy did a quick jab, but Meta Knight evaded.

"Your not as weak as you look." The Knight exclaimed. "You have pushed me this far. Now you will pay for that." The Knight pulled out what appeared to be a glowing orb that flashed all the colors of the rainbow.

"This is the Smash Ball. It gives me ultimate power. You have forced me to use it." The Knight broke the ball with a slash, and he began to glow like the Smash Ball. "Know my power!" he yelled, and covered Meta Knight with his cape.

In a instant, Meta Knight felt a VERY painful slash hit him, and he was sent flying across the room. He couldn't get up. He was to injured. "Now you see how powerful I am. Surrender now, and I will spare you.

"No..." Meta Knight managed. Suddenly, a yellow glow emitted from Meta Knight. The Grand Star rose above him, and created a blinding yellow light. Meta Knight gain strength like never before. He felt powerful. Very powerful. He got up, and charged at his enemy. He struck the foe with his sword, and the Knight was sent flying, very, very far way, like what the enemy Knight had done to him.

The Smash Ball was sitting on the floor. He picked it up. The ball was still glowing. He put it in his cape, and left.

-----------------------------------------Part 8--------------------------------------------------------------------

Now that he had gotten his revenge, he didn't know what to do. The Halberd was destroyed, so waging war was out of the question. In fact, Meta Knight had nothing to do. Wait, that Knight he had dueled against said he was "going along with the plan." What did that mean? Meta Knight intended to find out.

Returning to the now grounded ship, Meta Knight found instructions on how to make a portal ( Portals to other worlds were common in this time period. ) and a container for the Smash Ball, most likely. Meta Knight still didn't know the Knights intentions, but he was not a ally. He must be stopped. There was also a map to... oh no. Smash Mountain. A journey there would be deadly and long. If he wished to go there, he would need a ally.

He knew just the knight, too.

-----------------------------------------------------Part 9--------------------------------------------------------

"Knight, wait up!" Meta Knight said. "I require your assistance. I need help to arrive at Mount Smash." The knight looked very suprised. "Mount SMASH!? Are you crazy? We will all be killed!" "Do not speak to me in that manner. I am Meta Knight, leader of the Meta Knights, and you. Now then, I command you to come."

"Fine." he growled. "My name is Void Knight." Meta Knight's cape transformed into wings. "Let us go." Meta Knight began his flight, and quest for revenge, for Mount Smash.

----------------------------------------------------Part 10-------------------------------------------------------

Meta Knight walked along a dirt path, covering himself with his cape. A thunderstorm had forced the knights out of the air and onto the ground. Void Knight made no complaints, Meta Knight had made clear is strict code of ethics. One of his ethics was no complaining. Meta Knight had never complained once in his life. It angered him that other people, who had much less important duties, complained about everyday things.

"Calm yourself. Focus on the task at hand." The rain was coming down hard now, and sight distance was minimal. Lightning was falling all over the place. It was a miserable day. It was early moring, but Meta Knight was tierd. He wanted to rest, and forget all his worries. Forget his quest to save the world. Lie down, and rest forever. However, the whole world was unknowingly depending on him and Void Knight.

A explosion behind him knocked him off his feet. He almost passed out, but he willed himself to stay awake and keep going. "Get up, Knight." Void Knight rose, and they continued they're walk.

--------------------------------------------------Part 11---------------------------------------------------------

After walking for several more miles, the Knights came across and large castle. "The draw bridge is down. Lets see if we can spend the night here." Meta Knight walked in, still cloaked by his cape, with Void Knight closely following. The castle was quite run down, Meta Knight had to admit. It still shielded them from the rain, for the most part.

They reached the a large tower in the middle of the castle. They had not met any sign of life, so Meta Knight assumed that this tower would be lifeless to. He climbed the latter, and was suprised to see a man with blue hair and a blue cape. He had white skin color, and looked very suprised to see us.

"What is your reason for being here?" The man said, looking as if the knights were hostile. Void Knight came forward and explained there tale. "Interesting. My name is Marth. I am sorry for my hostile attitude. I rarely see anybody here." Marth gave them food, and place to sleep. Meta Knight woke up and 6:00 AM, like always. He did this, no matter what. He admired the sunrise.

At 8:00 AM, the knights thanked Marth and started to leave. "Wait!" Marth yelled. "I want you to have this." This item summons a warrior to assist you in battle. Maybe you will find it useful." Thank you, sir." Meta Knight said. He put it in his cape, and began his flight again.

---------------------------------------------------Part 12--------------------------------------------------------

Unlike the day before, this day was bright and happy. Sice the lightning was gone, flying was a option, so the knights gained much ground. Meta Knight and Void Knight had stopped for a bit of food and a break when a a large lizard like thing came out of nowhere.

"Giga Bowser!" Meta Knight cried. The beast was well known throughout the world as a age old monster that almost destroyed the world a thousand years ago. The tale also said that a brave swordsman rose from the destruction and sealed away the monster. Each meta Knight dreamed to be like this swordsman. If he could kill the monster, he would prove he was the best swordsman in the galaxy.

"Afraid?" a voice said. The knight he had battled on the ship was riding the monster "This is where you meet your end, 'Meta Knight'. You to, 'Void Knight'. Giga Bowser! Burn them to ashes!" Giga Bowser spewed out flaming breath. Meta Knight and Void Knight both jumped out of the way. Meta Knight, angered, ran over to Giga Bowser and slashed Galaxia into its leg. The beast howled with paon and rage, and fell to its knees. "Get up and fight!" The enemy said. The thing got up and tried to body slam Meta Knight.

"So, what is your name, knight?" Meta Knight asked to the enemy, all the while avoiding flame breath. "Galaxy Knight." He replied. "Since your going to die, you might as well as know my name so you can tell all your ghost friends who killed you." The monster was so busy attacking and Galaxy Knight so busy chatting like he were talkling to a olf friend, he hardly noticed Void Knight breaking the Smash Ball. Out of nowhere, Void Knight covered the enemy duo with his cape. An instant later, a slash on intense power hit Giga Bowser and Galaxy Knight, and the pair collapsed in pain.

Giga Bowser began to glow light, and melted. The goo evaporated into the sky. All that was left was Galaxy Knight. He got up, grunting, and said "You shall see soon that what you are dealing with is much more powerful that you. He took flight, and was soon out of sight.

------------------------------------------Part 13----------------------------------------------

*If you want the full effect of this chapter, go on to the internet and play Bramble Blast. Thats what I did when making this. :p *

Meta Knight stood, sword still at the ready, shaking. He couldn't take it anymore.
He collapsed.
Meta Knight saw the world in flashes. Spinning.
He hated it all.
He wanted to get away from it it.
No more.
No more War.
No more Pain.
No more Meta Knight.

If he... ended it all, he would not have to deal with this anymore. Yes, no more War, Pain. No more Meta Knight.

Meta Knight got up and picked up his sword. He took off his mask, and held the sword to a part on his body below his face.

"What the heck are you doing?" Void Knight yelled.
"Ending it." Meta Knight replied, half crazy.
"You cannot be serious, are you?"
"Quite. Don't interfere."
"Keep your mouth shut Knight."
Void Knight grabbed Galaxia and stored it in his cape. He slapped Meta Knight.
"Are you insane? Calm yourself, Meta Knight."

Meta Knight, in a flash of sanity, broke down crying.

"I am sorry, Knight."

Lol, I managed to turn this adventure into suicide in one chapter. If you hate this chapter, this is going to be the only one like this for a long time.

-------------------------------------------Part 14---------------------------------------------

Meta Knight got up. He almost killed himself. He didn't trust himself anymore. "Keep Galaxia, Knight. Keep it far away from me."
Later that night, they made camp. Meta Knight felt much better after lying down and resting. As Void Knight had promised, he refused to let Meta Knight even look at his sword. While he missed his sword, it was for the best.

That night, Meta Knight had a dream.

"Please don't kill them! Please!" Meta Knight said.
The dark figure at the edge of the cliff laughed.
He pushed two unseen people of the edge.

Meta Knight woke up.

-------------------------------------------Part 15---------------------------------------------

"Thats it." Meta Knight thought. "I refuse to sulk around and do nothing. I must save the world." In the morning, Meta Knight asked Void Knight for Galaxia back.

"I have the sanity to now wield that sword. Please return it to me." "Alright, but if I see you doing anything unethical with that sword, and taking it again." Meta Knight placed Galaxia in its sheath. "It is time to go, knight."

They walked a few more miles before seeing a round, pink puffball like thing sitting under the shade of a tree.

--------------------------------------------Part 16--------------------------------------------

The pair walked up the to pink thing. Meta Knight stepped forward and asked the thing where they were and what it was.

"Hiii! My name is Kirby. This is Dreamland. Home of Kirbys and Waddle Dees. You guys look a lot like us. Are you related to the Kirbys?"

"No. I am Meta Knight, leader of the Meta Knights. This is Void Knight. We are traveling to Mount Smash. We were wondering if you could provide us with some food and water. That is all we ask for."

"Sure. Come with me." Kirby led the duo to a small house. "This is my house. Take whatever you take from my refrigerator. The faucet obviously provides water. Fell free to sleep if you wish.

After eating some rice and drinking a glass of water, Meta Knight thanked Kirby and left. On his way out of Dreamland, he found a large yellow star shaped object. "What is this? Perhaps he should ask Kirby." Meta Knight knocke don Kirby's door, and Kirby came to the door. He showed him the object and Kirby almost fainted.

"That is a very powerful Warp Star! It allows easy transport. However, you will need significant energy to use it. You should keep it for your quest. Good luck!"

-------------------------------------------Part 16---------------------------------------------

Meta Knight flew above a large ocean. The body of water was filled with life, and was dotted with islands. Some of the islands had large amounts of plant life and were quite large. Others were very small and held nothing other then sand. Finally, he found what he was looking for. A dolphin shaped island with a large volcano being the eye.

They landed in what appeared to be a plaza, with a statue of a strange creature, and a market run by creatures that look similar to the one on the statue. It also had a large tower in front of the volcano opening. The opening let out hot water, not lava. The city had a Italian style of building, which was beautiful. Meta Knight read a sign, which said "Welcome to Delfino Island!".

"Yes, this is the place. We need a key deep in the volcano to unlock the door to Mount Smash." Meta Knight explained to Void Knight. They reached the opening of the volcano, which was gated off. "I hope they don't mind." Meta Knight slashed down the gating, and entered the mountain.

---------------------------------------------------Part 17--------------------------------------------------------

Meta Knight found a linear stone path, with lava on either side. The Knights made there way across the path. He found a anciant ladder leaving farther up into the mountain. He got off the ladder at the top to find that there was a door-like thing leading out to the mountain cliff, with wooken planks leading to it. The left the mountain, and found a path. It most likely lead to the top of the mountain. No one had been up here in hundreds of years.

Meta Knight got to the top of the mountain to find the thing he wanted; a "Shine Sprite".

"Now, lets go." Meta Knight said to Void Knight. The two took flight.


I guess I should explain the how long this thing will be.
You see, these 17 Parts make up one chapter. There will be 2 chapters in each volume. There will be 5 volumes. As you can, see, this thing is going to be long.

--------------------------------------CHAPTER 2---------------------------------------------

Meta Knight could see the very top of Mount Smash in the distance. That didn't mean much, though. The mountain was immeasurably tall. He was hundreds of miles away. They landed on a cliff to find a village. A pretty, female Kirby greeted them. "Hello, welcome to Kirby Village!" "Um, ma'am, are we in Dreamland?" Meta Knight asked.

She was very attractive, very nice, and...
Meta Knight steeled himself. He would never allow himself to fall in love. He had more important duties. "No, sir. This is a Kirby colony. What brings you here?" Meta Knight explained the story to her.

"Well, a massive storm is coming, so your not going to be traveling for anytime soon. Maybe you can stay here?"

Already, it was starting to rain hard. "Yes ma'ma. Thank you." Everyone walked into her house.

--------------------------------------------Part 19--------------------------------------------

"Ma'ma, what is your name?"
"Kirbeth." (Pronounced Kur-beth, obviously.) "Thank you for allowing us into your home, Kirbeth" Meta Knight bowed. Void Knight did the same. "Where will we sleep, ma'am?" Here, you can sleep on the guest beds right in here.

Kirbeth lead them to a nice room with a bunk bed, and a door leading to a bathroom. "Feel free to eat and drink at your leisure. I assume you don't drink alcohol?" "No ma'am. " Meta Knight replied. "Alright then, good. Make yourself at home." Kirbeth left the room.

Meta Knight didn't have a lot to unpack. The Grand Star, the Smash Ball, the Warp Star, and the Shine Sprite. Void Knight had nothing. Alright, Knight, , I am going to set down some rules. You are to treat her with the utmost respect. Understood?"

"Yes, sir." Void Knight replied.

-----------------------------------------Part 20----------------------------------------------

Meta Knight rested on the bed. The flying he had done to get here had been long and hard. Its still rained hard outside, and it would do this for days. More or less, he was trapped, and he needed to get going now. But flying while there was a raging thunderstorm in the sky was not a option.

Meta Knight got up to get a book from the huge book self in the corner. He found a book titled "Legends of the Two Swords." The book was gigantic; the size of two "Harry Potter"s. Meta Knight heaved up the book. While Meta Knight had strength to spare, the book was a little heavy. Then again, the book was the size of Meta Knight.

He sat down and began reading. The book told of a Knight just like him and a man named "The Hero of Time" saving the world from a beast called Ganon. Afterwords, the Knight was given a reward from the Hero of Time; the "Ocarina of Time". It allowed the Knight to travel back and forwards in time. No one was quite sure what happened to the Knight, or the Ocarina. To this day, the Ocarina has never been found.

It was nighttime when Meta Knight had finished the book. Tired, he put the book back and slept.

---------------------------------------Part 21------------------------------------------------

Meta Knight stirred awake. A earthquake shook the house. Void Knight was already up, panicking. "Void Knight, calm down! Pack up our things and lets leave!" Meta Knight's voice shook due to the ground shaking. Meta Knight grabbed Galaxia and ran out of the house.

Meta Knight saw what he feared. Giant Donkey Kong. DK was slapping the ground, causing shock waves to shake everything in a good distance. Meta Knight and Void Knight combined would not be able to defeat the thing.

"You will not have to to." a voice echoed in his thoughts. Suddenly, a large, black orb that radiated power came flying through the air and hit DK, full force. DK became enveloped in shadows and disintegrated. Meta Knight looked to see a strange, purple-gray creature standing there. It had no fur, even though it look quite like a cat.

The creature came walking towards the Knight duo.

--------------------------------------------------Part 22---------------------------------------------------------

The closer the creature got, the harder Meta Knight gripped Galaxia. The creature got within a body length of them, and he could see the thing was floating off the ground. Meta Knight felt something entering his mind. He heard a voice. Well, he didn't exactly hear, more like felt it in his brain. He glanced over to Void Knight to see if he was causing it. Void Knight simply shook his head.

Meta Knight thought "Who are you?" The creature spoke through verbal communication this time. "I am Mewtwo. I have sensed you are on a important quest. I sense that you will save the world in you accomplish this task. I wish to help you.

"First, what are you?" Void Knight inquired. "I am a Pokemon. I have traveled from afar to help you. May I assist you?" Meta Knight thought it over. Mewtwo had taken out Giant DK with one move. His power would be helpful.

"OK, Mewtwo, you may join us. But please communicate through verbal means, please. "Very well, Meta Knight. Ah, I need to warn you of one more thing. We need a mystical item called the "Ocarina of Time".

------------------------------------------Part 23---------------------------------------------

Meta Knight's face grew into a unseen frown. ?How exactly do we get the Ocarina? It is nowhere to be found. Mewtwo made the slightest a smiles. "The Ocarina of Time is stored in the most important of places: Final Destination. However, unlike the Final Destination you know of, there are many Final Destinations , like islands. We will need to travel from island to island to get where we need to go. I can teleport us to random spot in this chain, but my power is not strong enough to get us close to the Ocarina. The specific Final Destination where it is being held is the one you know of. It is inside that red core in the middle of the arena."

Meta Knight nodded. "Very well, Mewtwo, take us there." Mewtwo began glowing with dark energy, and the trio was enveloped in darkness. Suddenly, they appeared on a tilted, broken if half Final Destination. In fact, many of the others around the island were tilted or broken if half.

While the islands were close to each other, it was much to far to jump, so Meta Knight and Void Knight were forced to fly, maneuvering through the broken islands. Mewtwo simply teleported from island to island, keeping up.

They came across a man in heavy armor and with red hair. The trio stopped to see what the man was doing. Meta Knight saw that he had a golden triangle imprinted on his hand. "What is your business here?" The man growled in a low, deep voice. "We are here to retrieve to Ocarina of Time." Mewtwo said.

"Im sorry, you may not take the Ocarina." the man said. "Sir, we NEED the Ocarina to save the world. Please, let u-"

"NO!" The man yelled, almost sounding wild.
"Will I have to take it from you?" Meta Knight dared, holding out his sword in a fighting stance.
The man's eyes glowed red. "I don't think so. You will fear Ganon, the ultimate evil!" The man transformed in a glow a light. Meta Knight had to look up to see the boar-like creature's head.

"RUN!!" Meta Knight screamed. Meta Knight grabbed onto Mewtwo, and took flight. Despite Meta Knight being quite small and Mewtwo weighing more then twice Meta Knight, Meta Knight had no trouble flying with him. Ganon jumped from island to island, destroying anything he touched.

After a hour of running, and with Ganon still right behind them, Meta Knight realized that there was no running. "We need to kill it! Mewtwo, is that possible?" 'Yes, Ganon is mortal. Don't expect it to go down without a fight, however.

Void Knight yelled over to them. "Are you sure we take take this thing on?"

"Almost positive." Mewtwo replied.

----------------------------------------Part 24-----------------------------------------------

Meta Knight stopped, and turned around, flapping his wings to stay afloat. "I see you have finally decided to give up. Do not worry, there will only be momentary pain." Ganon snarled.

I want to fight you. If I beat you, you give us the Ocarina of Time. If you defeat us, well, were going to be dead.. Ganon thought this over. "Very well, I shall fight you." Ganon glowed light, and they were transported to the Final Destination arena.

"Do you wish do do anything before you die?" Ganon laughed. "Yes, I do. Mewtwo, give your Shadow Power to my sword." Mewtwo placed both hands on the sword, and Galaxia became shrouded in darkness. Meta Knight pulled out the Grand Star, and touched it with Galaxia. Meta Knight sparkled. Finally, he took out the Smash Ball, and destroyed it. He glowed colors of the rainbow.

"Behold..." Meta Knight whispered. He covered Ganon with his cape, the cape growing very large to cover the beast. Calling on the dark magic of the Shadow Power, the wish-granting powers of the Grand Star, and the ultimate power within the Smash Ball, Meta Knight swung his sword and the surely fatal blow connected.

--------------------------------------------------Part 25---------------------------------------------------------

Meta Knight withdrew his cape. He saw Ganon explode. The smoke cleared to reveal...

The non-monster form of Ganon, Ganondorf, completely unharmed.

Ganondorf laughed. "You think that can destroy me? Now the, we will fight!" He charged. Meta Knight expected a sword swing, and moved back to evade. That was not what Ganondorf was doing, however. He raised his hand and it also glowed that dark aura. Ganondorf grabbed Meta Knight with the hand, and choked him with darkness. Ganondorf held Meta Knight up to his head. He saw that Ganondorf's free hand charged with a darkness.

The hand moved around in strange paths. Ganondorf's hand became fully cloaked with darkness, and he yelled. Ganondorf punched him, hard, covering Meta Knight in dark aura. Meta Knight finally knew what Ganondorf had done: Warlock Punch. Meta Knight was sent to the other side of Final Destination. He couldn't get up. Every part of his body burned from the dark flames and the punch.

Ganondorf walked to the weak Meta Knight. He pulled out a sword, which gave off dark aura.
He raised his sword, preparing to deal a final blow.

Down came the blade.

Meta Knight heard a clang. He looked up, wondering why he was not dead. Meta Knight was at a loss for words as he saw Void Knight, protecting Meta Knight by countering Ganondorf's sword with his own. Mewtwo held a hand to his head, and made the sword fly around using hsi psychic powers.

Mewtwo threw the sword to the other side of Final Destination. Mewtwo walked over to Meta Knight. He layed a hand on Meta Knight. Meta Knight suddenly gained strength. He got up and picked up Galaxia. Mewtwo had used Recover on Meta Knight. Ganondorf had, by then, had retrived his sword. He laughed again.

"This will be a much fairer fight, yes?" Ganondorf said with a evil smile.

He raised his sword.

------------------------------------------Part 26---------------------------------------------

Mewtwo blocked another hit from Ganondorf's sword using a dark barrier. Void Knight came up from behind and landed a sword slash on Ganondorf's leg. He acted like he was in no pain at all.

Ganondorf swatted Void Knight away as if he as light as paper. He Warlock Punched the barrier. The shield broke, and some of the punch connected with Mewtwo. The legendary Pokemon was sent flying, landing right next to Meta Knight.

"He is much to strong to beat. We must do something... I know. Fly down to the core and destroy it." He told Meta Knight weakly. Ganondorf was so busy dealing with Void Knight he didn't notice Meta Knight leave the stage and fly down to the bottom to find the red, diamond-shaped core.

Meta Knight swung his sword. The core began giving off a light, and became blue. Meta Knight, not wanting to stick around, flew back to Mewtwo. "The core will now self-destruct. We have a minute. Gather up Void Knight so I can protect us from the detonation.

He yelled over to Void Knight. "Get over here, Knight!" "Wait a second!" Void Knight responded, skillfully blocking each of Ganondorf's attacks. A suspenseful 50 seconds went by, Void Knight blocking each attack and getting in some of his own. With 10 seconds remaining, Meta Knight watched, knowing there was no way he could convince Void Knight to withdraw.

Mewtwo put up a dark force field. "Oh great God Arceus, assist us, please." The barrier noticeably got darker.

3 Seconds remaining. Void Knight covered himself with his cape.
2 seconds remaining. Void Knight disappeared.
1 second remaining. Void Knight appeared in the protective ball.
0 seconds remaining.

All Meta Knight saw was white.

-------------------------------------------Part 27--------------------------------------------

Final Destination shook. The entire group inside the force field fell to the ground. The explosion of the core was blinding. Meta Knight had no choice but to close his eyes, or go blind. After a minute, the shaking stopped. The veil of darkness that protected them was fading.

"Mewtwo, how..." "Protect." Mewtwo answered. Meta Knight was impressed at the Pokemon's abilities. Even though almost nothing could break through Protect in the Pokemon world, they were not there, so Mewtwo's power was nerfed quite a bit. Surviving a blast of that magnitude with Protect proved that Mewtwo lived up to his name of one of the most cunning, intelligent, and destructive Pokemon ever.

They were standing on a small piece of what had been Final Destination. The fabled Ocarina of Time floated in the air, unharmed. The area was devoid of Ganondorf. Meta Knight jumped off the ground and retrieved the mystical item. It radiated oldness and a feeling he somehow knew was Time.

"Mewtwo, you never explained what we are going to use the Ocarina for." Meta Knight said, now realizing that he didn't even know why they needed this. "We require the Ocarina of Time because Kyogre, the legendary Pokemon that causes rain, has gone rampant. I have been sent by Arceus to calm the Pokemon and set the world back to normal. We may not enter Mount Smash until we have Arceus's blessing. To get that blessing, we must calm Kyogre.


Smash Ace
Jun 29, 2009
Pit: One of the greatest Heroes of our time
You know, you just have to give people a little time. Don't give up on it yet.

Keep posting, some one will notice and maybe even post. I bet people have been reading, but don't post anything. Don't be discouraged just because people haven't posted anything yet.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
I posted plenty of stories back in the day that got 0 views. Original stories with original characters and thematic depth and stuff. I kept writing, I didn't ragequit.

Quick hits:

Your "parts" are too short. You "parts" are basically paragraphs. In fiction, segmental breakdown tends to be in "chapters", which are considerably more lengthy pieces with a distinct purpose to the overall story, be it for character development or story points or what have you. If you could fit a "part" into a facebook status update, it's too short.

Before you sit down to write a "part" think about the overall story and what this portion of the story is supposed to accomplish, and don't stop writing until you pull that off.

I see that you actually have chapter breaks. ...well, stop with the "part" stuff, then. Think about what you're going to write for as long as it takes, and then update with full chapters, not parts. It's jarring to see a few sentences meant to represent a significant piece of the story, and they come across as banal because of that.

Once you stop with the "parts", stop adding comments after every "part". Imagine if you were watching a movie, and every ten seconds it stopped, cut to the writer in his office, and he winked at you going "EH? EH? WHADDAYA THINK ABOUT THAT HUH?" It would be obnoxious, wouldn't it? Take you out of the story? Well..... I'm sure you can see what I'm getting at here.

Put your dotted line at the end of a chapter and then put your comments in.
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