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Meta-Knight Friendly Vids


Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2008
Meta-Knight Video

+ = Allied with Meta-Knight
- = Allied against Meta-Kght
* = All Against in round
% = Many to kill
, = Another round


Meta-Knight Move Set (helpful in my avice)

Meta-Knight vs. Bowser, Fox, Captain Falcon

Meta-Knight vs. Kirby+ KDDD, %ZSS, Metal Fox, Mario*Peach*Bowser, %Pit, Wario, Mario, Taget Test

Meta-Knight vs. Sheik, + DK + Didde Kong vs. Giant Yoshi, Pikachu, + Ike vs. Giant Lucas, Target Test

Meta-Knight vs. Pok. Trainer - Ice CLimber - Pikmin, Master Hand

Meta-Knight(CPU) vs. Ike*Pikachu*Ice Climber

Meta-Knight(Cpu) vs. Link

Meta-Knight vs. Peach

Meta-Knight vs. Pikachu

Meta-Knight vs. Captain Falcon

Meta-Knight(CPU) vs. Ike*Kirby*Captain Falcon

Meta-Knight(CPU) vs. Sonic*Snake*KDDD

Meta-Knight vs. Diddy Kong

Meta-Kngiht(T!mmy) vs. Sonic

Meta-Knight(T!mmy) vs. Pikachu(t0mmy)

Meta-Knight vs. Lucario*Wolf*R.O.B

Meta-Knight vs. Samus/ZSS*Fox*Diddy Kong

Meta-Knight vs. Snake (Thx To Aldwyn McCloud)

Meta_knight vs. Marth (Thx To Aldwyn McCloud)

Meta-Knight vs. Pit (Thx To Aldwyn McCloud)

Meta-Knight vs Pit (Thx To Aldwyn McCloud)

Meta knight vs. Peach

Meta-Knight vs. Pit (Thx To Aldwyn McCloud)

Meta-Knight vs. Pit (Thx To Aldwyn McCloud)

Meta-Knight vs. Pit (Thx To Aldwyn McCloud)

Meta-Knight vs. Pit (Thx To Aldwyn McCloud)

Meta-Knight vs. Pit (Thx To Aldwyn McCloud)

Meta-Knight vs. King DeDeDe (Thx To Gimpyfish62)

Meta-Knight vs. King DeDeDe (Thx To Gimpyfish62)

Meta-Knight vs. Mario (Thx To Gimpyfish62)

Meta-Knight vs. Toon Link (Thx To Gimpyfish62)

Meta-Knight vs. Toon Link (Thx To Gimpyfish62)

Meta-Knight vs. Pit*Jigglypuff*Toon-Link

Meta-Knight vs. King DeDeDe (Thx to HellSingULH)

Meta-Knight vs. King DeDeDe (Thx to HellSingULH)

Meta-Knight vs. Game and Watch (Thx To Gimpyfish62)

Meta-Knight vs. Pit (Thx To Gimpyfish62)

Meta-Knight vs. Snake (Thx To Gimpyfish62)

Meta-Knight vs. Snake (Thx To Gimpyfish62)

Meta-Knight vs. Pit (Thx To Gimpyfish62)

Meta-Knight vs. Kirby (Thx To Gimpyfish62)

Meta-Knight vs. King DeDeDe (Thx To Gimpyfish62)

Meta-Knight vs. King DeDeDe (Thx To Gimpyfish62)

Meta-Knight vs. Peach

Meta-Knigt vs. R.O.B (Thx To Artarian)

Meta-Knight vs. R.O.B (Thx To Artarian)

Meta-Knight vs. R.O.B (Thx To Artarian)

Meta-Knight vs. R.O.B (Thx To Artarian)

Now i know that theres many more vids but i can't find them right now. I hope you like the vids. If you have a vid of MK, please PM me too show me the link.[/COLOR]
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