Smash Lord
Have you ever noticed that there are so many tools for Melee modding? And that some of them are obsolete and replaced with others? Do you wish for a way to consolidate all of these many tools into.... one tool?
I gotchu, fam.
I gotchu, fam.
Foreword from the Developer
Uh.... hey guys. It's Doq. Been a while, huh? I haven't really updated this in.... two and a half years. Yeah, that's a long time, and a lot of apps in the package are old and not updated. Luckily I have regained the drive to finish the rewrite I was teasing for years. I also implemented things I've wanted to do for a long time. And it only took me ditching the entire old Toolbox code to do so~ Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the new Toolbox and that nothing breaks.
What is Melee Toolbox?
Melee Toolbox is a launcher and app consolidator for tools for modding Super Smash Bros. Melee. Melee Toolbox allows you to launch, update, and keep apps in one place. It's a lot simpler than having to manage it yourself; just let Melee Toolbox do it for you!
What is Melee Toolbox not?
Melee Toolbox itself isn't a tool. It's a collector of tools. It itself can't modify Melee files. Sorry if you're disappointed. I do have plans for some very basic functionality for that though-- or I'll save those for Melee Repo. I haven't decided yet.
Are there more things to it?
Sure! I just haven't got to it yet.
Melee Toolbox 5.0.1
released 20 November 2018
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