Thanks, @
!, really digging it so far, i haven't tested everything comfortably because my GC controllers aren't here atm, so i'm trying what i can do with the WiiChucks, there's just the Smash 3 bomb to drop soon
so i might have installed something wrong because i did it all "surgically", but i'll point these out:
- Melee-only ganon's Ftilt always yells his unused clip you set to also play during the sideb catch animation, only issue with him
- The MagicHeavy sound is not what it should be (again), for example: Ganon's Dair or Marth's tippers don't feel the same without the actual clip they play in Melee (the "Fwhaaaam"-like sound)
- I think the grabs are still playing the Melee ledgegrab soundclip, correct me if i'm wrong, but i'll re-test with my headphones later to confirm

- Some characters (not included in the release) play the launch wooshes faintly during some of their throw animations
- Dr./Mario is perfect, but Doc's UpB doesn't have the "bump-bump-bump-SMACK" sequence on-hit, which i was expecting to be in honestly lol
- The "select" or "the typical scrolling through options or the character's faces in the CSS with your player token" sound has a little popping issue when it ends [they keep coming... amazerommu]
- Roy's tippers (AKA the sourspot) don't play the "PunchMild/Heavy" (the WHACK) sound like in Melee, only issue with him that i found, unless i used a wrong file
- YOU DID IT! Falcon now plays the KickHeavy sound when he catches you with UpB, nice, i wondered why it wasn't in previous versions
- Maybe i didn't notice it, but the fizzing that plays when you hit with heavy Fire and Electric attacks isn't playing or i just haven't realized that it's not actually included
i'll keep testing to let the feedback come in constantly, but i don't want to do it with the WiiChucks
another thing is that i honestly was thinking that Samus, Yoshi, and maybe Jiggs would come in the update, to tell the truth i'd like to help with the sound design for the non-melee chars :D
it LINKED to the BrawlVault LINK to download the LINK pack? yo dawg