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Meet & Greet Analysis


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
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Meet & Greet Analysis

So, tons of people join this site daily. An important part of feeling involved in the community is making a introductory thread, and having people respond to that thread, hopefully making new friendships and learning about each other. Why though, do some people have more replies then others in their threads? What makes people want to click on that reply button and happily greet them? Let's find out!

I have looked at the introductory topics for the six days, and have taken account of the following:

-Title of Thread
-Grammar used (Rated by Low, Medium, High, High being the best)
-Overall atmosphere
-Time posted
-Number of Unique User Replies

Hopefully, you'll see what makes a good intro thread, and get bombarded with tons of info at the same time! I do not mean to some how insult people by doing this, as people always make mistakes etc. If you are on this thread and wish to be off, I will happily comply and change that. I will use three threads from each day, if possible.

-Monday, April 20th, 2009-

Topic Title: a lil far from a newcomer
Grammar: Low
Overall Atmosphere: Dull
Time Posted: 7:03 AM, EST
Replies: 0
Views: 31

Topic Title: new guy looking for opponents
Grammar: Low
Overall Atmosphere: Happy
Time Posted: 12:36 AM, EST
Replies: 2
Views: 46

Topic Title: heey people im new
Grammar: Low
Overall Atmosphere: Friendly
Time Posted: 3:23 PM, EST
Replies: 2
Views: 34

Write Up:

The three samples were all pretty low quality when it came to grammar. The guy with a dull atmosphere got no replies, while the other two with generally happy atmospheres got two. You can't base it all off that, but lets continue. Early times in the morning are generally slow for SWF. The guy that posted at 7 in the morning got no replies, compared to the ones who posted late at night and in the afternoon. Activity is pretty good around those times. The guy with the lowest views had no replies.

-Tuesday, April 21st, 2009-

Topic Title: Way Overdue
Grammar: Medium
Overall Atmosphere: Cool
Time Posted: 1:35 AM, EST
Replies: 0
Views: 34

Topic Title: Aether baby,aether....
Grammar: Low
Overall Atmosphere: Corny
Time Posted: 6:34 PM, EST
Replies: 2
Views: 18

Topic Title: y0 ppl
Grammar: Low
Overall Atmosphere: Unappealing
Time Posted: 7:45 PM, EST
Replies: 1
Views: 14

Write Up:

The guy who had good grammar didn't get any posts at all, compared to the other two. The atmosphere seemed pretty cool, like someone you might want to hang out with. However, it was posted at 1:35 in the morning, which is about medium activity, with people getting off around that time. The other two had pretty wierd posts, one having a corny saying and the other seriously seeming as though they never have heard of grammar. They somehow managed to get replies though. It is interesting to note that the guy with the most views had no repliess, suggesting people didn't really like his style of posting...or something.

-Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009-

Topic Title: Yo yo yo
Grammar: Medium
Overall Atmosphere: Boring
Time Posted: 12:23 AM, EST
Replies: 0
Views: 16

Topic Title: Hi everyone =]
Grammar: Medium
Overall Atmosphere: Happy
Time Posted: 4:50 PM, EST
Replies: 3
Views: 39

Topic Title: new
Grammar: Low
Overall Atmosphere: Demanding
Time Posted: 4:58 PM
Replies: 0
Views: 10

Write Up:

The two with bad atmospheres got no replies at all, despite posting it at pretty good times. The person who had a happy topic, good grammar, and posted in the afternoon got 3 replies. The views don't really say anything this time around, except that the people with lower views had 0 replies. Hmm.

-Thursday, April 23rd, 2009-

Topic Title: I may be new, but I'm coming for YOU lol jk! I am Heartz, the Femme Fatale Brawler
Grammar: Medium
Overall Atmosphere: Mocking
Time Posted: 7:52 AM, EST
Replies: 0
Views: 27

Topic Title: Hi I'm New Here!!!!
Grammar: Medium
Overall Atmosphere: Nice
Time Posted: 7:03 PM, EST
Replies: 3
Views: 38

Topic Title: Hello, need NYC Smashers to train with
Grammar: Medium
Overall Atmosphere: Cool
Time Posted: 6:42 PM, EST
Replies: 1
Views: 43

Write Up:

I love these examples, because they really show what to do, as well as what not to do. The person who mocked Heartz, a pretty well known member of these forums (
) got no replies while having a pretty high view number, and to top it all off they posted in the wee-hours of the morning, which aren't very active. The next person had a pretty nice atmosphere to them, and seemed pretty confident saying they knew about forums etc, so you can imply that they won't be trouble-makers. They got 3 replies, and posted in the late afternoon, a bonus. The last guy had an advertisement in his title, attracting people from NYC. It worked too, which is pretty cool.

-Friday, April 24rd, 2009-

Topic Title: Hey Guys
Grammar: Medium
Overall Atmosphere: Trying to be Impressive
Time Posted: 9:39 PM, EST
Replies: 2
Views: 32

Topic Title: Brazilian Smasher!
Grammar: Low
Overall Atmosphere: Nice
Time Posted: 11:21 PM, EST
Replies: 2
Views: 38

Write Up:

The guy who posted in the afternoon and had a cocky kind of vibe to him got replies challenging him to Brawl. That's the kind of respons you'll get when you do that, or none at all. The Brazilian guy seemed friendly, regardless of his understandable grammar. He posted in the middle of the day, which is good. Exotic countries usually make people curious, but if you lie, I can't gaurantee you responses!

-Saturday, April 25th, 2009-

Topic Title: A new challenger aproaches!
Grammar: Medium
Overall Atmosphere: Nice
Time Posted: 9:17 PM, EST
Replies: 1
Views: 18

Topic Title: I am the Lord of the Morning....
Grammar: Medium
Overall Atmosphere: Cool
Time Posted: 9:46 PM, EST
Replies: 4
Views: 134

Topic Title: Ey. New guy here.
Grammar: Medium
Overall Atmosphere: Meh
Time Posted: 4:05 PM, EST
Replies: 0
Views: 19

Write Up:

Interesting day. The first guy used a very, very, very, overused title, which probably doesn't bring in tons of people, or views. He still managed to get one reply though. The second one is interesting, because LordoftheMorning bumped his own thread from 2008. He got 4 responses, all except one (maybe two) thinking he was new to the site, he even got the guy that greeted him in 2008 to reply again, answering his sarcastic question he provided with the bump. He also had a whopping 134 views, the most so far. The third guy introduced himself pretty blandly, nothing much to comment on etc.


What Can We Conclude?

There are a number of things you can do to improve your welcome wagon!

-Post on times when people are most on!

-Be aware the DAY you post it on! People are on at different times on the weekend!

-Grammar CAN help!

-Have an interesting title! Pro tip: Never use "New to these forums, but not Smash!!!" or "A Challenger Approaches!!!" They HAVE been used before, at least 553465246 times each.

-Post interesting information! Saying, "hey, sup" doesn't allow the person to comment on anything, except to say the same thing back.

-Bumping your own thread from 1987 seems to work! I'm not saying to do it though!

-Don't be cocky.

-Be nice, and try to seem friendly!

-The people who comment on your thread and don't offer FCs really mean it when they greet you, since they don't get any reward for posting. Not even a +1 post! Be respectful to them and ask questions if you have any.

-Don't impersonate people, it might be funny if they know you, but it may seem stalker-esque/dumb if they don't.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Very good post, NDDD. This should be moved into the new users section and sicked. Great tips and and interesting read.

And guys, please use good grammar when posting an introduction thread. I find what I'm typing to be a lot easier on the eyes than, "OMGZ l0l doodz doo u liek mudkipusz!?!/!?!?1?"

On an interesting note, I never had an introductory thread.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2008
Las Vegas, Nevada
NAKEDeDeDe said:
Topic Title: I am the Lord of the Morning....
Grammar: Medium
Overall Atmosphere: Cool
Time Posted: 9:46 PM, EST
Replies: 4
Views: 134

LOL! I don't understand how they thought I was new with a +1,000 post count >_>

So why did I get so many views, do you think? My amazing title?


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
Lol LoTM, I think it was more of less the fact that it was so funny.
Although my thread has the most views. ;)

(and posts in M&G.)


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
Heh, thanks finalark. :)

I don't know why it got so many views though. Maybe because people knew that you joined in 2008 and they were confused seeing your thread/a possible impersonator? Whatever the case, I found that thread pretty funny.

People also seem to post in intro threads that seem as though the person is female.
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