Smash Journeyman
I'm not sure exactly what am supposed to do for a topic opener, but I will try my best here.
Marijuana Legal Status
Currently Marijuana is illegal federally. The DEA puts drugs into different schedules depending on how dangerous they deem them to be, and their medical value. Currently marijuana is scheduled as a schedule 1 drug. This means it has no medical value, and is extremely dangerous according to the DEA* No State permits marijuana trafficking though 12 states permit it to be used for medical reasons. Though the government because of a 2004 supreme case can still prosecute people even where it is legal(raich vs gonzales)
Marijuana is it medically effective
Yes marijuana is a very effective medicine. Lots of research shows marijuana to be a very effective medicine. A matter of fact in 1988 I believe the DEA law judge(weird I know) was quoted with saying something to the extent of
"Marijuana is the safest theoretically active medicine known to man kind. It would be unreasonable arbitrary, and capricious for the DEA to continue to stand between those suffers and the benefit of this drug(Franscis L, Young)*******. Marijuana is very effective in treating disease that other medicines can not. For example neurological pain caused by damage to the nerves. Marijuana has been shown to relieve the symptoms better then other drugs. ** According to a study
Not only that marijuana can slow down the progression of cancer and other disease like AIDS.***
Their are numerous others disease where marijuana has been shown to relieve the symptoms of the disease.****
Numerous myths surround marijuana a lot of it is government propaganda. I'm not saying marijuana is something everyone should use, but in dire situations where it would improve the life of the person using it. People have the right to use the medicine.
1. Marijuana is not additive according to a study. No ingredient in marijuana causes addition. Yes it can become additive mentally, but anything can do so. And that is no reason to make it illegal. ******
2. Marijuana can does have a bad effect to the lungs, but it is very minimal. Their has been no cause of lung cancer contributed only to marijuana. This is because marijuana smokers tend to inhale less smoke then tobacco smokers.********
3. Marijuana is not a gateway drug. The thing about the government data is it is hard to tell which came first, and marijuana is the most popular drug in America. According to some estimates about 1/3 of the current population has tried marijuana. The thing is thing is those who try other more dangerous drugs like LCD first . Are more likely to have try marijuana first. But most marijuana users(first time drugs users) to not move on to other drugs.
4. Marijuana can cause short term memory lost and confusion, but there is no convincing evidence that heavy long-term marijuana use permanently impairs memory or other cognitive functions. However in a study patients where able to recall past thoughts, but they were unable to process new information.
5. Marijuana does not impair driving. a mater of fact some users under the influence of marijuana. Actually are more cautious of the road. And are more careful when driving.******
6. It is literally impossible to overdose on marijuana. No one has ever overdose on just taking marijuana. The amount of marijuana needed to overdose is unbelievable. I think by one estimate 150 pounds in a 15 minute period or something to that extent. *********
Marijuana is a safe and effective medicine. I not the only one who believes this. Their are countless credible groups,and research that agrees with me. In 2006 ACP the second largest physician group in the US. Suggested that the government should change marijuana schedule into a more appropriate one accounting for all of its medical value.
If your sick and marijuana is the best option available to you. Their is no reason why you should not get to use it. Patients have the right to use medical marijuana when deemed appropriate. Without having to worry about government harassment.
Marijuana Legal Status
Currently Marijuana is illegal federally. The DEA puts drugs into different schedules depending on how dangerous they deem them to be, and their medical value. Currently marijuana is scheduled as a schedule 1 drug. This means it has no medical value, and is extremely dangerous according to the DEA* No State permits marijuana trafficking though 12 states permit it to be used for medical reasons. Though the government because of a 2004 supreme case can still prosecute people even where it is legal(raich vs gonzales)
Marijuana is it medically effective
Yes marijuana is a very effective medicine. Lots of research shows marijuana to be a very effective medicine. A matter of fact in 1988 I believe the DEA law judge(weird I know) was quoted with saying something to the extent of
"Marijuana is the safest theoretically active medicine known to man kind. It would be unreasonable arbitrary, and capricious for the DEA to continue to stand between those suffers and the benefit of this drug(Franscis L, Young)*******. Marijuana is very effective in treating disease that other medicines can not. For example neurological pain caused by damage to the nerves. Marijuana has been shown to relieve the symptoms better then other drugs. ** According to a study
Not only that marijuana can slow down the progression of cancer and other disease like AIDS.***
Their are numerous others disease where marijuana has been shown to relieve the symptoms of the disease.****
Numerous myths surround marijuana a lot of it is government propaganda. I'm not saying marijuana is something everyone should use, but in dire situations where it would improve the life of the person using it. People have the right to use the medicine.
1. Marijuana is not additive according to a study. No ingredient in marijuana causes addition. Yes it can become additive mentally, but anything can do so. And that is no reason to make it illegal. ******
2. Marijuana can does have a bad effect to the lungs, but it is very minimal. Their has been no cause of lung cancer contributed only to marijuana. This is because marijuana smokers tend to inhale less smoke then tobacco smokers.********
3. Marijuana is not a gateway drug. The thing about the government data is it is hard to tell which came first, and marijuana is the most popular drug in America. According to some estimates about 1/3 of the current population has tried marijuana. The thing is thing is those who try other more dangerous drugs like LCD first . Are more likely to have try marijuana first. But most marijuana users(first time drugs users) to not move on to other drugs.
4. Marijuana can cause short term memory lost and confusion, but there is no convincing evidence that heavy long-term marijuana use permanently impairs memory or other cognitive functions. However in a study patients where able to recall past thoughts, but they were unable to process new information.
5. Marijuana does not impair driving. a mater of fact some users under the influence of marijuana. Actually are more cautious of the road. And are more careful when driving.******
6. It is literally impossible to overdose on marijuana. No one has ever overdose on just taking marijuana. The amount of marijuana needed to overdose is unbelievable. I think by one estimate 150 pounds in a 15 minute period or something to that extent. *********
Marijuana is a safe and effective medicine. I not the only one who believes this. Their are countless credible groups,and research that agrees with me. In 2006 ACP the second largest physician group in the US. Suggested that the government should change marijuana schedule into a more appropriate one accounting for all of its medical value.
If your sick and marijuana is the best option available to you. Their is no reason why you should not get to use it. Patients have the right to use medical marijuana when deemed appropriate. Without having to worry about government harassment.