Don’t tell them not to use up and down smash. Those are very tricky and useful moves given the right situation, and most of the time when you land them good it will kill a little early because people do not expect you to kill vertically with Marth (they only expect up tilt). Just don’t use them too much. The right opportunities for them don’t come often.
You guys need to learn how to DI. You also should stop spamming forward smash so much. Once that move gets blocked it is too easy for someone to wavedash out of shield and punish. You guys need to mixup your attacks more. There’s too much forward smash going on. Use down tilt more, jabs, and more dancing blade mixups. Use aerial and dash dance crossups. That is to say you should go past someone sometimes while doing an aerial and land behind them. You can also dash right past them and pivot a forward smash, grab, or dancing blade setup. Try using up tilt some more, too.
There were some nice counter attempts, but you need to confirm it more. What I mean is that you shouldn’t always use it when you think the opponent is going to attack, but sometimes when you already see them attacking. In 1:45 the Marth that was forward smashed could have used it. Forward smash gives you plenty of time to see it coming before actually hitting you, so that could have been an easy confirmed counter (especially since you know he forward threw you at the ledge and would most likely go for the forward smash). You guys need to space your aerials more, too. You put yourselves in shieldgrab range way too often. A better player would easily take advantage of that.
Other than that, nice match. Speed isn’t everything. Single well-placed moves are often times better than 20 attacks going at mach speed. Just as long as you’re going fast enough, that’s all that counts.
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