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Mayflash adapter issue (solved)

ted dorosheff

Smash Apprentice
Mar 21, 2015
Last week i got my mayflash adapter in the mail, i plugged it into my computer, let windows install the drivers automatically (no disc yet), and started up dolphin to find that the main sticks were misaligned after configuring the inputs. The main stick was very badly misaligned, and read constantly -40 to -50 on the X axis (so it was constantly pulling down). I thought my only solution was to adjust the dead zone so that it would encompass the area the stick was being pulled to, but that was not desirable.

I then tried installing the drivers that came with the disc, but to no avail.

The solution for me was when i reset the controller settings to default on the controller configuration screen in dolphin (click the "default" button, which is under the "reset" box). This changed my input to the mouse and keyboard, i changed it back to "DInput/0/USB GamePad", and saw that my stick inputs were also reset. This time i carefully configured the inputs for the main stick by placing the controller on my desk and mapping the controls that way (instead of one hand on my mouse, the other hand holding the controller and trying to do main stick inputs haphazardly).

So far i've gotten the controller to be calibrated correctly on two different computers (laptop and desktop, both win7 64-bit). If you are having issues similar to mine, i would suggest just playing with the main stick inputs until dolphin reads the correct alignment. If you notice that the stick is misaligned in a certain direction, reset and try configuring that direction first.

Now my issue is the fact that the maximum 'down' input on the main stick is less than that of the two horizontal's and the up input. Its not too critical of a problem though, it just means that in order for me to be able to have a normal 'down' input, my other dimensions are exaggerated. So i can shffl, but also when i wavedash/ waveland, I travel horizontally much further than normal. I have my radius configured to 91 and this seems to emulate the wii/gamecube feel most accurately.
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