Smash Rookie
Super Smash Brothers Tournament on May 30th in Leland Iowa.
The Address:205 W. Broadway Leland, IA 50453
Everyone's invited and if enough people come, this might become a monthly event. BYOC (bring your own controller)
$5 venue fees ($3 will be taken off if you bring a full set up. Fees will not be taken off if you don't bring a whole set up. A full set up bringing a system with proper chords, fully unlocked memory card, and T.V. Bringing a set up will help make the tournament run smoothly and will be appreciated. Also, there will be tape to mark your name to make sure your set up will go back to you at the end of the tournament. To be eligible for the discount, all set ups will stay at the venue till the end of Brawl doubles. Special circumstances will be taken into account if a set up needs to be taken earlier than the designated time.)
$5 Entry fee for each game (Smash 4, Melee, and Brawl)
$10 Entry fee for teams (5 for each person.) there will be teams of each game (Smash 4, Melee, and Brawl)
It will be a double elimination bracket and payouts will be based on the number of people who show up.
If there is between 1-9 people, 60,40
If there is between 10-19 people, 60,30,10
If there is between 20-29 people, 55,25,10,10
If there is between 30+ people, 50,20,15,10,5
There will be different times for each bracket (Times have been changed, look at the bottom)
Smash 4 Singles: 10 A.M.
Melee Singles: 12 P.M. (or until Smash 4 Singles is finished)
Smash 4 teams: 2 P.M. (or until Melee singles is finished)
Melee Doubles: 4 P.M. (or until Smash 4 teams is finished)
Brawl Singles 6 P.M. (or until Melee doubles is finished)
Brawl Doubles 8.P.M. (or until Brawl Singles is finished)
Melee Singles:
Same rules for singles except Fountain of Dreams is banned and replaced with Kongo Jungle 64. Banned stages can be played if agreed on by all players.
Smash 4 Ruleset
Same as singles ruleset. 3 stocks instead of 2
Brawl Singles Ruleset:
Same ruleset as Brawl singles
You are more than welcome to show up before 10. The tournament will start at these times, but you are more than welcome to show up for friendlies before 10.
Edit: Times for the tournament have been changed
Smash 4 Singles: 10 A.M.
Brawl Doubles: 12 P.M. (or until Smash 4 Singles is finished)
Melee Singles: 2 P.M. (or until Brawl Doubles is finished)
Smash 4 Doubles: 4 P.M. (or until Melee singles is finished)
Melee Doubles: 6 P.M. (or until Smash 4 Doubles is finished)
Brawl Doubles 8.P.M. (or until Melee Doubles is finished)
All payouts will be at the end of each bracket
The Address:205 W. Broadway Leland, IA 50453
Everyone's invited and if enough people come, this might become a monthly event. BYOC (bring your own controller)
$5 venue fees ($3 will be taken off if you bring a full set up. Fees will not be taken off if you don't bring a whole set up. A full set up bringing a system with proper chords, fully unlocked memory card, and T.V. Bringing a set up will help make the tournament run smoothly and will be appreciated. Also, there will be tape to mark your name to make sure your set up will go back to you at the end of the tournament. To be eligible for the discount, all set ups will stay at the venue till the end of Brawl doubles. Special circumstances will be taken into account if a set up needs to be taken earlier than the designated time.)
$5 Entry fee for each game (Smash 4, Melee, and Brawl)
$10 Entry fee for teams (5 for each person.) there will be teams of each game (Smash 4, Melee, and Brawl)
It will be a double elimination bracket and payouts will be based on the number of people who show up.
If there is between 1-9 people, 60,40
If there is between 10-19 people, 60,30,10
If there is between 20-29 people, 55,25,10,10
If there is between 30+ people, 50,20,15,10,5
There will be different times for each bracket (Times have been changed, look at the bottom)
Smash 4 Singles: 10 A.M.
Melee Singles: 12 P.M. (or until Smash 4 Singles is finished)
Smash 4 teams: 2 P.M. (or until Melee singles is finished)
Melee Doubles: 4 P.M. (or until Smash 4 teams is finished)
Brawl Singles 6 P.M. (or until Melee doubles is finished)
Brawl Doubles 8.P.M. (or until Brawl Singles is finished)
Melee Singles:
- Game version: US Nintendo GameCube
- Game Settings: 4 Stock, 8 Minute Time Limit, No Items, Pause Disabled, 2/3 Games
- Starter stages: Yoshi’s Story, Fountain of Dreams, Final Destination, Battlefield, Dream Land.
- Counter-pick stages: Pokemon Stadium.
- Wobbling is legal. Freezing and infinite stalling are not legal.
- First stage is decided by banning from the Starter Stages in P1-P2-P2-P1 order.
- Winning player is not locked into the same character for the next match, but has to pick before loser selects character.
- Following stages decided by winner banning one stage from all stages and then loser choosing.
- Any matches that are best of five, there are no stage bans. Best of five are for finals in both brackets and grand finals.
- You may not choose a stage you have already won on unless mutually agreed to.
- Gentalman's Rule
Same rules for singles except Fountain of Dreams is banned and replaced with Kongo Jungle 64. Banned stages can be played if agreed on by all players.
Smash 4 Ruleset
- Game version: US Nintendo WiiU
- Game Settings: 2 Stock, 6 Minute Time Limit, Items Off, Equipment Off, 2/3 Games
- Amiibo’s are banned.
- Order of events: Pick characters, then stage striking, then custom move selection.
- Custom moves aren't allowed.
- Available Stages:: Battlefield, Final Destination, Smashville, Lylat Cruise, Town & City, Castle Siege, Delfino Plaza, Duck Hunt, Halberd, Wuhu Island
- All Omega stages are banned.
- First stage is decided by banning from the Starter Stages in P1(1)-P2(2)-P1(2)-P2(2)-P1(1) order.
- Winning player is not locked into the same character for the next match, but has to pick before loser selects character.
- You may not choose a stage you have already won on unless mutually agreed to.
- Maximum allowed time between games is 60 seconds. Any player violating this rule will be issued a loss.
- There will be no loading anything on to the consoles from a Nintendo portable gaming system.
- Allowed controllers: WiiU Pro Controller & GameCube Controller +Wii chuck.
- Gentalman's Rule
Same as singles ruleset. 3 stocks instead of 2
Brawl Singles Ruleset:
- 3 stock.
- 8 minutes.*
- Items are turned to off and none.
- Pause is disabled.**
- Stalling is banned. Stalling is intentionally making the game unplayable; examples include becoming invisible, continuing infinites, chain grabs, or uninterruptible moves past 300%, and reaching a position that cannot be reached by the opponent.
- Any action that can prevent the game from continuing (i.e., freezing, disappearing characters, game reset, etc.) will result in a forfeit of that match for the player that initiated the action. Players are responsible for being aware of these possibilities.
- If time runs out, the winner is determined by remaining stock, and then by ending damage percentage.
- If both stock and percentage are identical, or a game ends with both players being KO'd simultaneously, then a tiebreaker is played. A tiebreaker is a 1 stock, 3 minute match with the same characters and the same stage
- Gentalman's Rule
- Stage List: Starters: Final Destination, Battlefield, Smashville, Lylat Cruise, Yoshi's Island Counter Picks: Pokemon Stadium, Halberd, Castle Seige
- GameCube Controller or wii chuck is allowed
Same ruleset as Brawl singles
- Double Meta Knight is banned
- Team attack is on.
- Sharing stocks is allowed.
- If the clock expires and the total number of stocks of each team is equal, use the sum of the final percentage of the players on each team as the tiebreaker; whichever team has a lower sum wins. (A player who has been eliminated has 0 stocks and 0%).
- Gentalman's Rule
- Stage List: Starters: Final Destination, Battlefield, Smashville, Lylat Cruise, Yoshi's Island. Counter Picks: Pokemon Stadium, Halberd, Castle Seige
You are more than welcome to show up before 10. The tournament will start at these times, but you are more than welcome to show up for friendlies before 10.
Edit: Times for the tournament have been changed
Smash 4 Singles: 10 A.M.
Brawl Doubles: 12 P.M. (or until Smash 4 Singles is finished)
Melee Singles: 2 P.M. (or until Brawl Doubles is finished)
Smash 4 Doubles: 4 P.M. (or until Melee singles is finished)
Melee Doubles: 6 P.M. (or until Smash 4 Doubles is finished)
Brawl Doubles 8.P.M. (or until Melee Doubles is finished)
All payouts will be at the end of each bracket
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