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Matchup help vs Zamus


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
gah, i just lost to one on GB, i beat her the first one, she 3stocked me the second one, and it came pretty close on the third one, but i need some help w/ this matchup. Analyzing how the match went, she pretty much approached w/ dash attack very little, shforwardB alot, the thing where it looks like they're going to land regularly and they forward B right before they hit the ground. If you try an aerial approach, she can just dashupsmash you, or upB you then spike you straight down and do a dsmash to dsmash to bair or another kill move. I tried inhale a few times, and she just hit me w/ the stun gun, then grabbed me, dthrow, to uair which is shield dodgeable, but that got predictable, and none of his moves comes out fast enough, nair might, but her uair has more priority and range. Once she got me in the air i would pretty much try airdodging the whole time since it was either that or take the hit.

Anyways, any helpful insight on this matchup since i suck


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2008
long island, NY
) :

Doesnt need its own topic dood, you shouldve asked in the matchup thread, that you created.
Not purposely being a d!ck, but you have to admit its ironic asking about matchups when you run the thread dedicated to them.
I see there is no ZSS section..maybe that part could be updated.
(referring to guide: Since when was samus a "he" anyway??)
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