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match up stages for kirby... (under constructuion)

retro gamer 6

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
in o-town, florida
note: as of now, i will stop updating. i will continue to update this. when i'm done updating on all is brawl, then i will continue. thanx. kirby rules!!!

ok i know theres some kind of thread about this, but i want to go into more detail and have it more organized. if any believe that this thread should be closed, then by all means do so. thanx.

ok then, since there is already a character match up forum for kirby, i decided to talk about the stages and how kirby can play effeciently on each one (including the ones that are tournament banned). its gonna take some time to discuss all the stages so please bear with me. i have many responsibilities to take care of and since my graduation is only a few weeks away, that will be my number one priority. but i'll do my best to keep up with the stages. if any of you have any other tactics for each stage, please share and i'll post it here and give you credit. we'll make Kirby a pro on each stage. this will probably be one of the longest threads i've ever made, so lets make it a good one. so lets begin, shall we?

the 1st one for now is battlefield:

obviously one of the most common stages to fight on and one of the most balanced, kirby has no trouble here. The platforms offer kirby to uair opponents and also protect him from spikes. my advice is to try to stay on the ground as much as possible and try to stay in the center. when you have you opponent at a high damage percentage, try to knock him/her off. the kirbycide also works well here, seeing that you can go under the stage with your opponent and spit them out. most characters won't make it back, but watch out for those with multiple jumps and those who can wall cling. that's all i have to say. any more ideas guys?

player's advice:

1. it's a good ideal against players that have alot of recovery. knock them off and stand on a platform and most the time the will try to counter attack when they fall so just drop down a level and attack 99% you will succesfully attack them back.

Another thing is this is one of kirby's better stages i believe because the the platforms acts as sheilds and can be used for mindgames... like i said earlier. the stage is easy for kirby to come back too and even go around if for some reasson the needs to be done. (PIMPSLAP, from all is brawl)

we'll discuss the next one after a few suggestions have been given out.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
Isn't the exact same thread in allisbrawl? o.o
Well since im here anyways ill just post here.

Upairs through the platforms are great if spaced well as the opponent cant really counterattack you if just your feet are sticking up through the platform.

Also the platforms can help with approaching characters with projectiles obviously. When playing against wolf though you have to be careful to be out of sweetspot range for his sideb as well i just think its obnoxious more then anything =/

Another thing is the platforms help protect against attacks from above obviously.
Final cutter spam is much weaker here however, as there are about 4 positions which you can land on the main platform to use the projectile part of the attack, and 3 at most will be effective at anytime, in all likelihood just 2 though. This makes your land position rather predictable and landing on the platforms makes you easily punishable from below.

Also know that you can sort of final cutter up through the corner of the stage and you will pop up on the main platform. Occasionally this can catch people off guard.

Sometimes if an opponent lands on one of the two side platforms, you can punish them by doing a running upsmash or final cutter onto the platform as even if they block the cutter they will still get pushed off below and have enough stun that you cant be punished. Stone can work as well but i personally think its too slow and is easier to avoid and punish =/ still it eats up their shields if they block and if you chase after them on the ground they may try to block you with their little shield and get their shield broken or just get hurt. That is kinda a noob thing for them to do though but hey everyone makes mistakes sometimes :)

Again aerials work great with the platforms just be careful to avoid getting hit from underneath it. Popping up just barely through the platform to hit a bair is great but really hard to space every time.
All in all its a pretty good stage for kirby especially against projectile users. But always be careful if your opponent has a strong upsmash or uptilt as the platforms make it easy to hit you with those with being punished as much. And another thing is that sometimes uptilt juggles or the forward throw + uptilt combo get broken by the platform :( very annoying.

Haha i probably wrote a bit much =P dunno if that stuff is of any help but anyways yay advice from a noob XD

retro gamer 6

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
in o-town, florida
yea it is. glad you noticed. as of now though, i will temporarily stop updating here. i will continue to update on all is brawl. once its done on all is brawl, then i will continue to update on smashboards.
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