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MarioDk´s HAcks on Smashboards


Smash Ace
Dec 26, 2010
Mushroom Kingdom :D
hey this is my Thread for my hacks i do mainly Movesets hacks but i can do vertexs too(like my SSj3 mario)
Credit to one who made me to a PSA hacker by dont port his Shadow over DK. and removed Goku moveset idea from his thread: Sdo0m :af2:

uploaded Movesets/Hacks(Click on the Images for Link):

Rest of my BrawlVault

SMBZ Mario moveset Video:

Goku moveset Video:

Vegeta moveset Video:

Shadow over Dk. Video:

Fire Mario (the moveset) video:

Raccon Luigi moveset Video:

Sonic with mario hat Video:

Super saiyan 3 Mario Video:

Kid buu moveset Video::

my youtube Channal/rest of my Videos


Smash Ace
Dec 26, 2010
Mushroom Kingdom :D
Movesets in Work/Previews:
Gotenks moveset:
Moveset list:

(30% done to First beta wanted to atleast have all "B" attacks+FS done before First beta maybe with some "A" attacks):

AAAAA combo(0% done) - A super long combo that requires 5 button presses. The first three hits are simple hooks, then the four button press follows with a 4 kick cossack dance and the final hit is a sort of downward one handed punch. It's quite hard to land fully. 15% (2+2+3+1+1+1+1+4)

F Tilt(0% done) - Gotenks does a gut punch to the foe which has a set knockback then with another press of A he will do a backfist (Heavy Finish). Good knockback on the backfist. 10% (4+6)

U Tilt (0% done)- Gotenks lets off a burst of Ki energy around him (Kiai Cannon). This can be followed up with the "Tri Attack" combo by pressing A three times. Gotenks will teleport back and forth, knocking the opponent forward, up then back down to finish. The three attacks require good timing to execute. 15% (6+3+3+3)

D Tilt(0% done) - Gotenks does a sweep kick to knock the foe off of their feet then shoulder barges them (Ground Slash). Faster than the F Tilt and has more potential to combo after the sweep (if you decided to do a different action that isn't pressing A) however, does less damage. 8% (3+5)

Dash Attack(0% done) - A simple flying kick. It has fairly early IASA frames, allowing for an easy follow up. 4%

F Smash(0% done) - Gotenks releases a burst of pure Ki energy from his hand (Rush Ki Wave). Amazing range, poor damage and ok knockback. His main killing move 10-14%

U Smash(0% done) - A set knockback uppercut that can knock foes into the air and then follow up with either a forward headbutt or an upward headbutt. 15-23% (7-11+8-12)

D Smash(0% done) - A spinning on the spot pirouette with low horizontal range but decent vertical reach and slight suction abilities. Deals multiple hits then throws the foe out (somewhat like Mario Tornade, but a pirouette). 12-16%

N Air(0% done) - A fast triple kick (Flying Kicks). Fast speed and good combo potential, but overall low damage. 7%

F Air (0% done)- A downward head smash that deals a decently strong spike at a 45 degree angle. It's pretty fast too, but again does fairly low damage. 8%

B Air(0% done) - A triple back kick (think like my Shadow's B Air). Again, good speed and combo potential. 7%

U Air(0% done) - A flip kick. Pretty standard affair. Actually one of his slower aerials. But also one of his more damaging. 10%

D Air(0% done) - Gotenks dives head first downwards, dragging any foe that happens to hit him down with him. His strongest aerial, but has long landing lag if it lands on the ground, and will most likely SD in the air. 12%

F Throw(0% done) - Gotenks' signature "Vice Shot" move. This throw is interesting in the fact that it doesn't have much knockback but gives a brief stun, allowing for chain grabs at low percentages. 4%

B Throw (0% done)- Gotenks simply kicks the foe backwards. A pretty standard throw. Does it's job. 8%

U Throw(0% done) - Gotenks does a double handed upward fist (a lot like Ike's upward throw). Quite a bit of knockback and is more used for killing at high % rather than comboing. 9%

D Throw(0% done) - Gotenks throws the foe to the ground a lets loose his famed "DIE DIE Missile Barrage" onto the grounded foe. His most damaging throw. 12%

Neutral B(0% done): Big Tree Cannon - An extremely slow move with massive damage but surprisingly mediocre kill potential and bad follow up ability. Gotenks gathers energy in his hands, the points his fingers like a gun towards the foe and fires a powerful beam of energy. The move can be interrupted by a shield, but you'll have to start the charging again if you do this. 40%

Side B(80% done in PSA/100% done in Animations): Galactic Donuts - Gotenks creates an energy ring with his finger, holds it above his head and throws it straight. If it connects with a foe, then it stuns them and explodes. The projectile move pretty fast, but comes out pretty slowly. 8% (80% done in PSA and 100% done in Animations but still needs a revamp)

Up B(50% done only fly upwards and stilll needs psa fixes): Flight Burst - A burst of flight in one direction. Somewhat like Fox's Up B, except with a faster start-up and a bit less distance. 0%(will maybe be so you can only fly upwards but float in mid air after up-B for afew sec. like Peach)

Down B(0% done): WildSense - Counter attack Like as Lucario´s

Final Smash(0% done): Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack - Gotenks summons four of his cheeky ghosts that reflect his appearance and personality. These ghosts then rush forward simultaneously. The ghosts can be controlled in the same way as PK Thunder, however if they hit the ground, an enemy or go around for a certain amount of time, they will explode. 20% each ghost

Down-Taunt(0% done): Finish Sign - Gotenks does a "you're going down!" gesture and increases the power of his next Smash Attack or Special. The animation for this is pretty dang slow, so it's quite hard to get out. But if you can, the reward is pretty nice. 0%

Extra Tidbits

- If you hold X after your double jump, you can enter a suspended flight. It lasts for just under 2 seconds, so it is very helpful for that extra bit of recovery
this idea will maybe be edited while i making the moveset

wait Animation:

fall animations: (100% done maybe will be edited since it is just mario´s ported over Lucas)
runing Animations(100% done again mario´s ported to lucas)
walking(0% done): floating on the ground

Model/texture: V1 of gotenks vertex (KTH´s one) 100% done with all transforms+Recolours
v2 of Gotenks (smashclash´s one) not sure yet

entry(0% done): fusion dance(if we can get Goten+Trunks over the entry model and animate fusion dance in one model)

Future movesets:
-Geno(this psa will be based on SMRPG unlike figher/Cosmic Geno PSAs but with afew brawl touches :D) waiting for V2 of the vertex+recolours before i can really start

-Kid goku (both Gt and DB moveset based):
Gt will be like a adult goku psa over Lucas this mainly for ppl who wanted adult goku psa over a other but not a port and the moveset as a kid and will maybe add Gt moves like dragonFist
DB kid Goku will be over Ness since i use lucas for Gotenks

-Knuckles (ported over someone that is not sonic)(maybe will make him not sure)needing all that help i can get since i losing mood in making sonic char. becuz i got 100 other things to make

-Rock Lee(from naruto) (also not sure i will make him)not sure i am skilled in Animtions making for him so thats why i am not sure about him

-Baby mario bros. over Ice Climbers(mario&Luigi RPG 2 moveset based but hes to be a vertex of baby mario bros. over IC not import so they got hammers): just a side-project since many attacks is really like hammer attacks from Mario&Luigi rpg 2 so just "B"/FS attacks changed and afew "A" attacks

-finishing/revamping already made movesets betas and maybe make some of them for some Codesets like project: M
Maybe a revamped SMBZ mario moveset ;D as soon i getting better at Animations

-the Requests from this Thread: http://forums.kc-mm.com/index.php?topic=29046.0
too bad 3ds max 8 wont work for me or any other vertex method so i have to do this i was really getting into vertexing before 3ds max stopping to working so close to make good vertexs :'(


Smash Ace
Dec 26, 2010
Mushroom Kingdom :D
no one cares? about the movesets i made
(after all i am the only one who made DBZ movesets yet and they are good and balanced)


Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2010
Most of those who care about custom movesets moved to KCMM, Spider-man got almost no responses here too.


Smash Ace
Dec 26, 2010
Mushroom Kingdom :D
Most of those who care about custom movesets moved to KCMM, Spider-man got almost no responses here too.
i guess you is right but some is only here but not on KC-MM so much
anyway i will bump this thread if needed until i stop brawl hacking (as i will then SSB4 hacking is getting good like movsets/vertexs/imports for SSB4 :D at that time i sure have stopped brawl hacking but started SSB4)
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