Thanks a lot guys ! Works perfectly now.
Any other advice for a beginner like me? I don't really know how to improve. Well I mean how to make practice efficient. All I know so far is that mario combo and don't really know anything else about mario
(1) Learn and practice your advanced techniques and movement. For Mario, a few important things are rising tornado, extended upB, FF uair without jumping, getting 2 uairs from 1 short hop, jab grab, and all the movement options that all characters have
(2) Watch good Mario players play mid level players. I think that watching Isai vs Kikoushi grand finals at Apex 2013 isn't going to teach you much if you're a newer player. At a very high level, smash is all about spacing but mid level smash is much more about combo consistency, speed, and game knowledge. In my opinion, you learn much more about the characters watching mid level smash. As long as the Mario player is strong, the most important thing is that they are playing someone who isn't significantly better than them.
Check out some pools or early bracket games from any tournament. Some Mario players to check out: Isai, Nintendude, Czar, Fireblaster. Also Ballin4life has some Mario friendlies on his channel where he trashes his friends. Look out for: how they recover, what they do during spacing, what attacks they frequently use (and also which they avoid), and if they are using any techniques that you are unfamiliar/unpracticed with
(3) Learn your combos.
@SSBPete has a great tutorial to get you started: (
(4) Get online and get wrecked by strong players. Learn from every loss, think about the fact that you got upsmashed after teching in place 3 times that game and your opponent obviously had no trouble reading your habits, for example.